Trickle treatment recipe

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What have you done this for when you bought a vaporiser.....last thing bees need is you opening them and giving them a shower
Good question, just that I did trickle last year and it seemed easy and effective. Had purchased the OA already made up . Not used the vapouriser yet, gathering dust!
Good question, just that I did trickle last year and it seemed easy and effective. Had purchased the OA already made up . Not used the vapouriser yet, gathering dust!
Vaping is Just as easy, words fail me why you have not tried the vaporizer yet, unless you are telling fibs.. ?
That was from quite a few years ago - Wally has changed his tune quite a bit since then and is gravitating more towards the insulation and no ventilation camp now - and mite tray in going by some of his writing this year.

Good to know, thanks.
i'll go an put some handcuffs on and arrest my self, no one is enforcing it, you can buy 25kg buckets of it off ebay, no id, no questions asked, why do they make these laws and then not enforce them?

How can they arrest you if your buying it for wood bleaching. Thats what i use mine for, dont you? I bleach the frames in my hive, coincidentally it has a habit of killing the odd Varroa, bees dont seem to mind!:rolleyes:
A bit like you in many many many many respects, however i am messing about to hopefully liven thing's up, you on the other hand are Trolling and trying to aggravate folk.

Aggravate? Gimme one example, if you find.
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A bit like you in many many many many respects, however i am messing about to hopefully liven thing's up, you on the other hand are Trolling and trying to aggravate folk.

Pot & Kettle..... they have the same saying in Finland too

Would it not be nice if we could all rub along together in the coming season of goodwill towards all?

Yeghes da
To get back on topic.
I posted this on another OA thread on the forum but realised it was probably more relevant on this one.
There is some evidence that trickling and spraying detrimentally affect the amount of brood present in hives 3-4 months after treatment.
Something that people might wish to consider. Vaping doesn't give these side effects.
But worth noting these weren't single trickles as you might do at Xmas time
To get back on topic.
I posted this on another OA thread on the forum but realised it was probably more relevant on this one.
There is some evidence that trickling and spraying detrimentally affect the amount of brood present in hives 3-4 months after treatment.
Something that people might wish to consider. Vaping doesn't give these side effects.
But worth noting these weren't single trickles as you might do at Xmas time

Those evidencies has been published 1999. Almost 20 y ago.

Trickling was invented 1997.
After that trickling was developed 6 years in European varroa group and carefully tested.

It is splended method then when the colony is broodless.

Trickling makes no practical harms to colonies.
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Oops my paste function must have got stuck, this was a 2015 paper thta was intended to be the second reference that showed a similar effect.

Very odd results. Makes no sense.

Results were collected after 10 days from treatment. The honorable researchers should know that mite dead out is half way after 2 weeks and mite drop continues 4 weeks after treatment.

In Finland hives do well after OA trickling, and queens live several years. No draw backs have seen in practical beekeeping . And so do bees well in other countries.

.but you use what ever you like. Practice has shown how good is trickling. Spraying is very laborous.

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