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    • JamezF
      JamezF replied to the thread Wintering bees in the U.K..
      When they emerge they are neither "Summer" nor "Winter" bees. Just bees. What happens to them after that depends in part on how much...
    • JamezF
      JamezF replied to the thread Your streamlining tips?.
      Ah, I rarely read YT comments because they're so often full of utter drivel. Perhaps I should go back and do so in this case. James
    • JamezF
      JamezF replied to the thread Cheap 25 kg Sugar.
      Or not, as the case may be :D James
    • JamezF
      JamezF replied to the thread Cheap 25 kg Sugar.
      Though I don't have much knowledge of the topic I'm probably in the same camp. Neonics aren't a good thing to be putting into the...
    • JamezF
      JamezF replied to the thread Instantvap.
      Perhaps they've just changed it for fructose... James
    • JamezF
      JamezF replied to the thread God I love growing our own.
      Fried green tomatoes are one of the things we have discussed giving a try :D James
    • JamezF
      JamezF replied to the thread God I love growing our own.
      Looks like I'm going to need quite a few recipes for green tomatoes... That's not even all of them. I reckon I have at least another...
    • JamezF
      JamezF replied to the thread Syrup “honey”.
      There is possibly a precedent for this and if you're studying organic chemistry you may be aware of it. For example, to the best of my...
    • JamezF
      I'm not going to be there, but if I were, I'd be the youthful, slim, dark-haired, delusional one :D James
    • JamezF
      JamezF replied to the thread Your streamlining tips?.
      Yes, it's not cheap unfortunately :( On the positive side however, I also use the batteries in a chainsaw, strimmer and hedge trimmer...
    • JamezF
      JamezF replied to the thread Your streamlining tips?.
      I'm amazed that there's sufficient forage around each site for all of those new nucs. I guess feeding them helps. Not sure how I feel...
    • JamezF
      JamezF replied to the thread Fondant.
      A lot of stuff you don't want, looking at the list of ingredients on the back of the packet. James
    • JamezF
      I've been assembling some UFEs for my nucs. Sensibly this time I went through my scrap wood pile and pulled out as many pieces as I...
    • JamezF
      Last but one round of vaping today, and the easiest so far despite the bees being quite active. Final round to be done on Saturday. James
    • JamezF
      You could all dress as Spiderman? James
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