Recent content by JamezF

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  1. JamezF

    Colony Losses

    Looks like a ginger cake to me :D James
  2. JamezF

    God I love growing our own

    I was mostly doing other things today, but got in an hour or so of weeding in the veg plot just to keep things moving in the right direction. As well as the usual types of weed, one area had a carpet of what looked like moss, but not any type I'm familiar with. It was low-growing (more...
  3. JamezF

    God I love growing our own

    I use them as much as possible too. Still not got into the hang of saving seeds for all the plants I grow (where it's practical), but I'm going to try for more this year. Tomatoes and peas are the main ones I've kept so far, but (sweet and chile) peppers which I've not had a great deal of...
  4. JamezF

    God I love growing our own

    Real Seeds still appear to have them available if you want them. I've sown all of mine. James
  5. JamezF

    God I love growing our own

    I'm hoping so. We eat huge amounts of tomatoes and I hate it when we have to buy them from shops. Just need to understand what sort of storage conditions they need now. James
  6. JamezF

    God I love growing our own

    I hate it when I can't decide what to eat. Should I have some dinner with my carrot? More weeding today (along with finding one or two "lost" carrots :). Another two beds done. Before that I spent some of the morning sowing tomato seeds. Quite a few varieties this year: Amish Paste...
  7. JamezF

    Foundation from china

    I feel sure that someone also posted some information here about an analysis of wax from foundation showing that it also contained residues from pesticides and medical treatments. Not that it's likely to be possible to avoid such things given the international trade in beeswax however. I'll...
  8. JamezF

    Charity Horse Race - Names Needed

    Mite Finish
  9. JamezF

    God I love growing our own

    That's positive to hear. I discovered them by accident a few years back and it seems quite a neat way to get a large greenhouse-like environment for way less money than a greenhouse, especially if you're bodging it yourself. James
  10. JamezF

    God I love growing our own

    The dry weather over the last week or so meant the ground was finally firm enough underfoot that I could get a bit of weeding in on the veggie plot today. It's shocking how many have survived the Winter thus far. Worst is probably the galloping buttercup and bittercress of the hairy kind. The...
  11. JamezF

    Just for some fun.... an excuse to smile.

    This is similar to a line that is attributed to Winston Churchill. The lady in question was (I think) the MP Bessie Braddock. It allegedly went something along the lines of: Bessie Braddock: Winston, you are drunk, and what’s more you are disgustingly drunk. Winston Churchill: Bessie, my...
  12. JamezF

    God I love growing our own

    I was absolutely wiped out last night. I cut (and sanded the finished parts from) thirty-three sheets of ply at work yesterday and my body really knew it :D So, when my wife answered the door to a delivery driver at 9am today (I don't generally go into work on Tuesdays -- it's an admin day), I...
  13. JamezF

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I'm reminded of the expression (though who said it first I can't presently recall) that "Britain doesn't have a climate; it just has weather" :D James
  14. JamezF

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Certainly here it has. Here it has been exceptionally mild for Winter in general. Prior to this week (when it has dipped ever so slightly below freezing every night) we've had only two frosts. Some insects that we'd not normally see through the Winter have been flying all the way through and...
  15. JamezF

    Not just any honey...

    I think there was a link posted a month or so back for a youtube video about a beek who runs a few thousand of colonies across the south and sells to M&S? One of Laurence/BMH's, perhaps? James