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    • Andy
      N|o - you open up and remove the QCs before introducing the queen - otherwise they will either just kill her or swarm with her
    • Andy
      My hive referred to in the 'Queen cells torn down' thread has now fulfilled its role. I have now raised 6 queens and want to convert it...
    • Andy
      Andy replied to the thread Queen cells torn down.
      Brilliant, I had all the remaining 6 queens emerge. The expected date was yesterday. I had one Tuesday ( I'd put into a colony before...
    • Andy
      Andy replied to the thread Queen cells torn down.
      So the mystery is over. I must have missed a queen cell the other week. I found a virgin wondering around, so she is no more. I didn't...
    • Andy
      Andy replied to the thread first grafting attempt failed.
      Maybe that is why. Not sure. The supers and top had a lot of bees but not the bottom brood box. I was doing it as a preemptive strike...
    • Andy
      Andy replied to the thread first grafting attempt failed.
      Weirdly from all my Demarees I didn’t have a single cell raised from the frames. That was with two supers below and the top was packed...
    • Andy
      Andy replied to the thread first grafting attempt failed.
      So am I right that starting from the bottom, you have brood box. super, brood box. Then in the top box you are splitting with a dummy...
    • Andy
      Andy reacted to hemo's post in the thread Queen cells torn down with Like Like.
      One usually raises QC's in an established laying QR colony, making them QL destabalises a colony . A newly mated Q or VQ to a colony...
    • Andy
      Andy reacted to hemo's post in the thread Queen cells torn down with Like Like.
      Bees should be a joy and a peasure to work not a chore or one that is a 'on my god ' colony.
    • Andy
      Andy replied to the thread Queen cells torn down.
      I don't disagree with that. Just to be clear, the grafts are not from the nasty colony.🤣 And I can't wait for the time I don't have to...
    • Andy
      Andy replied to the thread Queen cells torn down.
      You are probably right but I’m also stubbornly focused on my end goal, angry colony or not😂 In the future I have no desire to have any...
    • Andy
      Andy replied to the thread Queen cells torn down.
      I didn’t have a lot of choice on the colony as I’m just starting out :) They were meant to be requeened at the start of the season but...
    • Andy
      Andy replied to the thread Queen cells torn down.
      I had a peek this afternoon. Eggs still there. Brood still there. No QCs. I spent ages looking for a virgin and sieved them though I am...
    • Andy
      Andy replied to the thread Queen cells torn down.
      I’ve since put in a frame of larvae to try and establish if there is a virgin running about. I did also recheck the frames for queen...
    • Andy
      Today was a bit frustrating. I had a colony that was really not very nice. So I set it up in the ben harden configuration and killed the...
      • IMG_5253.jpeg
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