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    • pargyle
      pargyle replied to the thread Weak Queenless Hive.
      I agree ... indeed, I agreed at Post#4 !! I can't see any point in just letting them dwindle away.
    • pargyle
      pargyle reacted to jenkinsbrynmair's post in the thread Weak Queenless Hive with Like Like.
      back to the OP so one would feel pretty confident in assuming there was no brood. Personally, I wouldn't waste time faffing around with...
    • pargyle
      pargyle reacted to jenkinsbrynmair's post in the thread Pallet Wrap with Like Like.
      more unneccesary plastic waste, if you are storing supers over winter, store them wet, stacked up with a top and bottom board cinched up...
    • pargyle
      Nice bike ....what sort of range do you get from the battery with a trailer attached ?
    • pargyle
      pargyle replied to the thread Weak Queenless Hive.
      We don't know ... all we have is the original post - but it makes no difference if there is or isn't any brood in there .. if the doom...
    • pargyle
      pargyle replied to the thread Weak Queenless Hive.
      No ... it was 18 degrees here in the sun today, I was adding empty brood frames to hives today to get them drawn whilst I am feeding...
    • pargyle
      pargyle replied to the thread Pallet Wrap.
      It's not necessary to pallet wrap ... what you need to do is treat them for wax moth (sulphur burn/Dipel) before you store them then...
    • pargyle
      pargyle reacted to Goran's post in the thread God I love growing our own with Like Like.
      Washing quinces, then put them dry on cooking paper in backing plate - in the oven. Temperature first at 200C then later reduce to 180C...
    • pargyle
      pargyle replied to the thread Weak Queenless Hive.
      Goodness ... you are all so pessimistic ... bees can dwindle without any disease being involved - yes, be aware of it but it's not every...
    • pargyle
      pargyle replied to the thread Weak Queenless Hive.
      If they were sick I would agree with you but it sounds from the OP that they have been queenless and not treated for varroa early enough...
    • pargyle
      pargyle replied to the thread Weak Queenless Hive.
      So ... you leave them to dwindle ? The odds are that, if they are truly queenless, they will drift to the other strong hive or worse...
    • pargyle
      Amazing what they can put up with ! Good job Steve..
    • pargyle
      pargyle replied to the thread Weak Queenless Hive.
      But ... with no brood in the box a blast with OA will be 97% effective, perhaps 2 blasts and check the forced drop on the board - why...
    • pargyle
      pargyle reacted to Sutty's post in the thread Recycling brood wax? with Like Like.
      Those tins look like the ones I get air rifle pellets in - also useful to keep a crown-of-thorns/Baldock cage in.
    • pargyle
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