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    • Jules59
      Jules59 replied to the thread Frame runners in nucs?.
      Quite a few of runners on my Maisemore nucs are looking rather worse for wear so I think Im going to cut them off and replace with...
    • Jules59
      Jules59 replied to the thread oz armour suit.
      my triple layer Oz suit has removable foam pads inside the knee pockets. Do they all have that ? I do like the plastic insert in the...
    • Jules59
      Jules59 replied to the thread rounded edges.
      Thats what I do - the woodworking taught in school still comes in handy.
    • Jules59
      Jules59 replied to the thread Solar Panel Storage Batteries.
      Thanks - Im still getting to grips with the abbreviations.
    • Jules59
      Jules59 replied to the thread Solar Panel Storage Batteries.
      We are having an solar panel / battery system installed. The FIT is currently 40p/kwh for the 1st year.
    • Jules59
      I buy for the club membership and Rawlings offer a BKA discount and free delivery for 32 boxes or more. I ordered around 4500 jars(56...
    • Jules59
      Set up a sub forum on here or ask for one , one will get those who disagree but one simply has to take it on the chin. I for one can't...
    • Jules59
      Jules59 replied to the thread 2 stroke fuel.
      It is possible to remove the alcohol from the petrol/alcohol mix. Just add water and shake the fuel, the alcohol will mix with the...
    • Jules59
      Jules59 replied to the thread 2 stroke fuel.
      I think it depends on how old your engine is, how much use it has and for how long you leave fuel in the machines tank. Ive got a 30yr...
    • Jules59
      Jules59 replied to the thread OSR Spring Honey.
      I turn all my OSR into soft set and wait until the end of the season for the runny honey.
    • Jules59
      Jules59 replied to the thread Asbestos Hives.
      The wives of boilermakers got asbestos-related lung disease from shaking out the dusty work clothes when they washed them.
    • Jules59
      Jules59 replied to the thread Beetight is closing down.
      I use a basic spreadsheet (LibreOffice) on my PC and have a copy on dropbox which allows me to use it in the field on my android phone.
    • Jules59
      Jules59 replied to the thread Supers from hive with CBPV ?.
      Ok thanks for the replies. I feel happier about re-using the extracted frames/comb now. FWIW I had a bumper OSR honey harvest but now...
    • Jules59
      I had 4 supers on a double brood colony that decided to swarm and did a nuc AS. Shortly after that they developed CBPV whilst going...
    • Jules59
      When Ive moved my WBC hives, Ive removed the roof and lifts to reduce the weight and then strapped the boxes down to the base using a...
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