Trickle treatment recipe

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Sep 7, 2015
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East Yorkshire
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Have bought 1kg of Oxalic acid from C & G chemicals (says 99.6%) to make up for trickle treatment in December or January, can any one advise the correct mix for trickle treatment as seem to be different views in archives. Probably same question asked each year! Am aware of health hazards/protection needed.
Have bought 1kg of Oxalic acid from C & G chemicals (says 99.6%) to make up for trickle treatment in December or January, can any one advise the correct mix for trickle treatment as seem to be different views in archives. Probably same question asked each year! Am aware of health hazards/protection needed.

did they ask you for your licence?

cos an individual possessing oxalic dihydrate crystals without one is an offence
This recipe is for 5 one box hive or 3 two box hive. You seems to have 4 hives.

100 g Sugar + 100 g warm water + 7.5 g oxalic acid.

I wonder why recipe is always 1 kg sugar, and so on.

Do not take headace about exact amount of acid. If balance shows 7 or 8 g, it is ok

Percents are 3.5%.....(7.5/207=0.036)
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cos an individual possessing oxalic dihydrate crystals without one is an offence

Yes every individual possessing oxalic has to have a licence, also an offence for anyone or company selling oxalic to any individual without a home office licence.
about £35 .00 been told for a licence ill look thru the link above to check but glad iv done my fogging today with my new machine so don't use oxalic
Yes every individual possessing oxalic has to have a licence, also an offence for anyone or company selling oxalic to any individual without a home office licence.

i'll go an put some handcuffs on and arrest my self, no one is enforcing it, you can buy 25kg buckets of it off ebay, no id, no questions asked, why do they make these laws and then not enforce them?
i'll go an put some handcuffs on and arrest my self, no one is enforcing it, you can buy 25kg buckets of it off ebay, no id, no questions asked, why do they make these laws and then not enforce them?

Think it only applies if your buying from a pharmacist.

You are not required to have an EPP licence if you import, acquire, use or possess the substances listed in a business or professional capacity.
You are not required to have an EPP licence if you import, acquire, use or possess the substances listed in a business or professional capacity.

I can see an opportunity here for the professional beekeepers to charge for administering OA to non professional beekeepers colonies....
Reading the GOV.doc. it would seem the non professional beekeeper should apply for a licence to obtain even the "approved" OA substances
One GOV dept saying one thing... another giving conflicting advice
What a can of worms!

Think it only applies if your buying from a pharmacist.

Or a pharmacuitical / chemicals supply company !

Purchasing another "poisons list" chemical used for "machine blacking" I was asked for my licence to obtain the chemical.... then told ...was easier to obtain on fleabuy ( from same company) in the small quantities I required, as I was not a Professional motorcycle restorer!

Worrying thing is neighbors house is called " Old Lace" !!!

What have you done this for when you bought a vaporiser.....last thing bees need is you opening them and giving them a shower
Here's the link to info attributed to Wally Shaw, which I've taken from the Dave Cushman website.

The link includes formula and application. And Health and Safety of course.

Interesting in relation to the ongoing discussion here, are his thoughts on ventilation/insulation in preparation for trickling with Oxalic...

After the 'Apiguard' treatment (in August-September), it is recommended that the catch tray should be removed, the insulation taken out of the cover board and some top ventilation re-instated. This will make me hive much cooler (I know this will horrify some people) and ensure the cessation of brood-rearing as the weather gets colder. Discretion should be exercised with weak colonies.

- my emphasis added.

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i'll go an put some handcuffs on and arrest my self, no one is enforcing it, you can buy 25kg buckets of it off ebay, no id, no questions asked, why do they make these laws and then not enforce them?

Try to get a policeman to enforce something simple like not riding a bicycle on a footpath these days. The torrent of new laws just makes enforcement of even the simplest thing a nonsense. (unless it involves sitting in a van with a telephoto lens aimed at just inside a speed limit)
why do they make these laws and then not enforce them?

It's the usual case of the civil servant needing to tweak one part of an act but being lazy and applying the patch to the whole.

First mistake was having poisons and precursors listed in the same act. OA has been on the poisons list for years.
Then a decision was made to have a tighter grip on the movement of explosives precursors. Slapping a licence on that means there is a better chance of establishing trends and tracing bomb factories, but pretty pointless because a lot of the more 'popular' bomb ingredients used the last few years are not even on the list!! (most I can buy in Tescos!!)
A licence was slapped on everything, but the poers that be aren't really interested in most of the poisons and things on the market.

Here's the link to info attributed to Wally Shaw, which I've taken from the Dave Cushman website.

The link includes formula and application. And Health and Safety of course.

Interesting in relation to the ongoing discussion here, are his thoughts on ventilation/insulation in preparation for trickling with Oxalic...

- my emphasis added.


That was from quite a few years ago - Wally has changed his tune quite a bit since then and is gravitating more towards the insulation and no ventilation camp now - and mite tray in going by some of his writing this year.
Try to get a policeman to enforce something simple like not riding a bicycle on a footpath these days. The torrent of new laws just makes enforcement of even the simplest thing a nonsense. (unless it involves sitting in a van with a telephoto lens aimed at just inside a speed limit)
That will never happen on a regular basis as there is no money in that offense maybe a 50 quid fine.
Motorists like me and you are there main Tax cow.
The Police make it there Business which is a BUSINESS which makes them thrive from Motorists.