Commercial members usernames

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Should sellers change their username to something non-advertising ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 35 21.0%
  • No

    Votes: 128 76.6%
  • I love spam

    Votes: 4 2.4%

  • Total voters
I think a distinction needs to be made between disliking overt advertising and accusing people of ripping others off.

On the contrary, that is where shades of grey (rather than black or white) really come into their own.

The forum seems to be quite relaxed about advertising endeavours in aid of charity.
And equally rightly avoids indignation at not-for-profit (Association, etc) and not-as-a-business (genuine hobbyist) trading.

However when considering allowing free advertising to a commercially-minded and energetic self-publicist, the question of exactly what is being advertised need not be excluded from the judgement.
On the contrary, that is where shades of grey (rather than black or white) really come into their own.

The forum seems to be quite relaxed about advertising endeavours in aid of charity.
And equally rightly avoids indignation at not-for-profit (Association, etc) and not-as-a-business (genuine hobbyist) trading.

However when considering allowing free advertising to a commercially-minded and energetic self-publicist, the question of exactly what is being advertised need not be excluded from the judgement.

Advertising is fairly easy to police...but who is to decide what is good value / not for profit / ripping people off?
Why exactly is charging £45 for a beefarming session ripping people off? I would imagine a fair few people might think that's fairly good value for a hands-on session.
You characterise Bees4U as an "energetic self publicist" - I think that's a bit unfair as I doubt you really know much about him/her.
Just saying that we should try to be fair and consistent when creatingand applying any rules.
Surely it's better to know of a person for this, that or the other, just in case things go wrong and you need help fast?
I can't say I see much shameless advertising here but maybe that's me
Perhaps everyone should have a username that fully and accurately reflects their occupation? In which case, I may have to change one part of mine (I'll let you guess which part).
Surely it's better to know of a person for this, that or the other, just in case things go wrong and you need help fast?
I can't say I see much shameless advertising here but maybe that's me

Maybe you're right, but what is to stop the 'one-time wonders' who turn up, grab some free advertising, and never make any darn contribution at all to the forum either in cash, expertise or useful and friendly questions and comments? It's very telling to see who supports the forum (in either way, both of which are valid), and who is 'helping themselves'.
Advertising is fairly easy to police...but who is to decide what is good value / not for profit / ripping people off?
Why exactly is charging £45 for a beefarming session ripping people off? I would imagine a fair few people might think that's fairly good value for a hands-on session.
You characterise Bees4U as an "energetic self publicist" - I think that's a bit unfair as I doubt you really know much about him/her.
Just saying that we should try to be fair and consistent when creatingand applying any rules.

It is you that has brought up the matter of "ripping off".
I merely observed that while she charges non-beekeepers £55 for an introduction to the bees and a look inside a hive, others would willingly offer that free to genuinely interested individuals.
Regarding "self-publicising" - she's localish to me, and I can only presume that you have not seen the signwritten vehicle! She is very keen on getting her domain/business name known. Do Google her forum username, and see the publicity that she has achieved without paying for advertising. Using it for Amazon reviews is quite cunning!
Perhaps everyone should have a username that fully and accurately reflects their occupation? In which case, I may have to change one part of mine (I'll let you guess which part).

Don't tell us you really are dead and you're sending this from the other side?

Can you keep bees there then?
Andy Coleman must have been reading my mind, exactly what I would have said but probably put better.
I think that user names should not be same as business name / website. just my 2p worth
Yes I am more than happy for you to do that..
I will go with whatever the majority want,It's the members forum,I just admin it.

If the no vote wins can I change my username to the name of the product I sell?
I think that the likes of bees4u should go and advertise their wares in the chat room at designated times only. Abut 01:00h on a Sunday morning for half an hour would fit nicely. See how many join in for the friendly advertising session.

This (the beefarming advert) is blatant advertising by a commercial enterprise, repeated verbatim elsewhere, no doubt. Those courses adverts should, at best be deleted or, at worst, allowed in a read only section, should be dealt with on a harsh basis if brought to the discussion forum, other than perhaps a 'PM me' reply, on occasions.

While I voted to retain user names, I do I think when it is seen to be connected to an outside website or similar, that name should be withdrawn. Difficult, yes (Mr Th*rne, purely as a well known example, might be a way for some to circumvent it, for instance).

Notice that the username will be terminated if not changed could be given (just like 'peak' was blanked out might suffice). It may concentrate minds if it is seen to be applied a couple of times (as appropriate, of course).

A resounding majority would vote for no advertising, I am sure. This type of posting is undermining that principle. If the username had any scruples in this context, they would already have asked the post to be withdrawn. I take it they have not.

I think that the likes of bees4u should go and advertise their wares in the chat room at designated times only. Abut 01:00h on a Sunday morning for half an hour would fit nicely. See how many join in for the friendly advertising session.

This (the beefarming advert) is blatant advertising by a commercial enterprise, repeated verbatim elsewhere, no doubt. Those courses adverts should, at best be deleted or, at worst, allowed in a read only section, should be dealt with on a harsh basis if brought to the discussion forum, other than perhaps a 'PM me' reply, on occasions.

While I voted to retain user names, I do I think when it is seen to be connected to an outside website or similar, that name should be withdrawn. Difficult, yes (Mr Th*rne, purely as a well known example, might be a way for some to circumvent it, for instance).

Notice that the username will be terminated if not changed could be given (just like 'peak' was blanked out might suffice). It may concentrate minds if it is seen to be applied a couple of times (as appropriate, of course).

A resounding majority would vote for no advertising, I am sure. This type of posting is undermining that principle. If the username had any scruples in this context, they would already have asked the post to be withdrawn. I take it they have not.



:biggrinjester:The Moon has a strange halo round it .... with a blueish tinge!:biggrinjester:
If the no vote wins can I change my username to the name of the product I sell?

I thought you didnt like being called foreign queen salesman ? ;)
Ring around the moon, rain or snow soon. The further the ring from the moon the further away the bad weather due.

Norton Motorcycles - My nan was engaged to one of the Norton brothers until he was killed.

Is this still ongoing. Has become bitter and attacking yet lol. Admin it may be a people's forum and you Administrator but it is due to your singular approach that it has endured. Hivemaker is one of the most pleasant people I have ever spoken to. Always ready to chat and in my experience was rather reluctant to discuss orders of hives. More interested in discussing beekeeping in great detail. With people like this at the helm do we need to involve ourselves with this drivel. I'm sorry but I have better things to worry about. If someone steps out of line it self regulates anyhow and they soon get shot down in a shower of rebuke. If it ain't broke leave the f alone.

This forum is like an old landrover. A beautiful sight, a friend at times and a pain in the backside at other times. But you wouldn't change it. Sometimes it breaks down and causes no end of nause. But when it's running smoothly, it's a treasure, it's full of nostalgia and it will rarely let you down when it's needed.
I think what the problem is, all us users have a nice evening on this forum.But
Admin has a lovely evening sorting out all the spam and complants about adds .
I think what the problem is, all us users have a nice evening on this forum.But
Admin has a lovely evening sorting out all the spam and complants about adds .

Oh sure but it's a blessing. He loves it. If he doesnt have that to do he cross dresses. He is literally one wax strip away from the menopause. We are in fact saving him from herself.
Oh sure but it's a blessing. He loves it. If he doesnt have that to do he cross dresses. He is literally one wax strip away from the menopause. We are in fact saving him from herself.


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