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    • Newbeeneil
      Newbeeneil replied to the thread Hagens Bees.
      The prices have always been good. Their (BE) problem was always service!
    • Newbeeneil
      Newbeeneil replied to the thread Instantvap lite.
      I have the original one and find it a joy to use. The only down side is the fact we are probably all using it illegally. Either because...
    • Newbeeneil
      Newbeeneil replied to the thread Hagens Bees.
      I put them on junk as soon as I started getting mail. I see they have an ad in BBKA mag this month.
    • Newbeeneil
      Newbeeneil replied to the thread What’s your labour rate?.
      I certainly would work for that but being retired it’s a lovely way to get a bit of pin money 😊
    • Newbeeneil
      Newbeeneil replied to the thread What’s your labour rate?.
      As I said, I have the advantage of being paid to look after hives for clients. I should think my rate would be close to £3-4 if I just...
    • Newbeeneil
      I spent yesterday sorting my 23-24 tax return and thought I would try to work out what my labour rate was based on my income versus...
    • Newbeeneil
      Making plans for next year. We are putting the smallholding up for sale. What with me having to go to hospital two hours away every day...
    • Newbeeneil
      Nice area, I tried to get the wife to move there about 15 years ago but then our first grandchild was born - no chance of getting her to...
    • Newbeeneil
      Newbeeneil reacted to Swarm's post in the thread Product & liability insurance with Like Like.
      Same applies to most things, no reward for loyalty.
    • Newbeeneil
      Newbeeneil replied to the thread Air source heat pumps.
      I’m sure by doing so you will avoid any nasty shocks should it fail but as I’ve already said I’ve not had my Dimplex serviced in the...
    • Newbeeneil
      Newbeeneil replied to the thread Product & liability insurance.
      My new policy (including the clause about customers visiting the property) was actually cheaper than my former company. As far as...
    • Newbeeneil
      Newbeeneil replied to the thread Air source heat pumps.
      When we were installing these systems we had to do the calculations to assess the whole house and make recommendations to the homeowner...
    • Newbeeneil
      TBH it’s a pain to get it all out and then clean it down for a run of 150-200 jars but the actual jarring is quick, accurate and mess...
    • Newbeeneil
      Not anymore, my granddaughter got fed up. 🤣 Automatic on hex is difficult with my 3 labels/jar but the 600 go to the client unlabelled.
    • Newbeeneil
      Newbeeneil replied to the thread Honey weighing machines.
      I agree, my jarring machine is Chinese via Thornes but it’s a great bit of kit and does the job well. I’m tempted to buy the pumped one...
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