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Swarm;523223 said:
Very well said, there is no RIGHT way. I enjoy reading how beekeeping is done in other countries.

So do I ... but, along with many members .. not just on this forum but across the world .. I find that Finnie's continual disparaging of anyone or anyone's ideas that does not agree with his style of beekeeping a little wearying. His rudeness and arrogance have left him with only this place to play in the beekeeping universe - he needs to learn a little tolerance and accept that even people with one or two hives may have something to contribute and that there is more than one right way to keep bees.

I don't think he's an immense benefit to the forum .. indeed, he was removed from the beginners section because the torrent of posts and his dominating attitude was having an adverse effect on the whole section.

Knowledgeable .. perhaps ... know-all ... definitely. If he returns ...and I'm pretty ambivalent about it ..perhaps he can be encouraged to embrace (or at least accept) a few ideas outside of his comfort zone ? There's some of his posts that are helpful and informative and sometimes witty .. but they are masked by a lot of dross that we could do without.

I don't hold out a lot of hope for a changed Finman ... he's been banned on here (3 times ?) in the past for longer periods and it doesn't take him long to return to his less amenable self.
pargyle;523238 said:

There's some of his posts that are helpful and informative and sometimes witty .. but they are masked by a lot of dross that we could do without.

I think there are others this could be aimed at as well not just finnie
Seems to me, reading this thread, those giving the impression that they are 'above' the 'back biting' are putting the boot in as often as they can. Hypocritical? He's been banned...he's been given the opportunity to return...he's done his 'time', let's move on. I welcome his posts...but there again, I'm fairly tolerant and a big fan of Mary Poppins! (and nearly as perfect!):)
Gilberdyke John;523020 said:
I regard his beekeeping knowledge as good for the environment he lives in but his manner leaves a lot to be desired. From previous enforced rests and discussions about them I have the distinct impression he has been permanently excluded from a number of other forums. If true this may be his last port of refuge?
It would be a loss to see him go but no one is indispensable.

Finally found the poem I was looking for

The Indispensable Man

(by Saxon White Kessinger)

Sometime when you're feeling important;
Sometime when your ego 's in bloom;
Sometime when you take it for granted,
You're the best qualified in the room:
Sometime when you feel that your going,
Would leave an unfillable hole,
Just follow these simple instructions,
And see how they humble your soul.--

Take a bucket and fill it with water,
Put your hand in it up to the wrist,
Pull it out and the hole that's remaining,
Is a measure of how much you'll be missed.
You can splash all you wish when you enter,
You may stir up the water galore,
But stop, and you'll find that in no time,
It looks quite the same as before.--

The moral of this quaint example,
Is to do just the best that you can,
Be proud of yourself but remember,
There's no indispensable man.
.Greetings to all "Do Nothing Beeks": There is no free meal in beekeeping. Extract your yields, feed sugar and donate your yields to poor families.

My goals in beekeepeing is that
yields tell how I succeed in beekeeping in every year.

I do not need any acceptions from forums.

My ballance hive 2013 is an example

May .... 2 boxes brood .. (on autumn rape field)
June..... 50 kg rasberry and rape honey before balance hive site
July .... 110 kg mixed honey, mostly fireweed.... (in picture)
August .... end of season

plus ... drew 3 boxes foundations to AS
Total hive size 5 langstroth boxes + 2 mediums

Best week 50 kg = 7 kg/day .... ( No larvae in the hive)

TOTAL 160 kg extracted honey + 20 kg used in foundation building


That brown stick under longer curve is an AS. I gove to it 3 boxes foundations.
The AS drew foundations and stored 20 kg honey in 4 days. Then I joined it to main hive.

The hive beside the balance hive got the same yield and it was same size. It did not try to swarm.

I moved boath hives twice to different pastures during summer.

My goals in beekeepeing. My yield tell how good I am in beekeeping. I do not need any acception from forums.

My ballance hive 2013

May .... 2 boxes brood .. (on autumn rape field)
June..... 50 kg rasberry honey
July .... 120 kg mixed honey, mostly fireweed
August .... end of season

plus ... drew 3 boxes foundations
Size 5 langstroth boxes + 2 mediums

Best week 50 kg = 7 kg/day

TOTAL 170 kg extracted honey + 20 kg used in foundation building


That brown stick under longer curve is an AS. It gove to it 3 boxes foundations.
The AS drew foundations and stored 20 kg honey in 4 days. Then I joined it to main hive.
Gilberdyke John;523288 said:
Take a bucket and fill it with water,
Put your hand in it up to the wrist,
Pull it out and the hole that's remaining,
Is a measure of how much you'll be missed.

That bit is apparently an almost exact quote from Confucius. I have used it many many times over the years in talks.

The Chinese lady I live with saw this post and, being an excitable little soul, was rather animated that someone had 'stolen' it from Confucius.....somehow I don't think he would have minded.

And...on the subject of the thread......Finman is a well informed and at times poorly respected poster on the Forum.
He has much valuable input to make, BUT...and there's always a BUT....

He fails to see that there are real actual and insurmountable differences, primarily in flora and climate, between Finland and the UK. His methods are great for his area, and he has much useful advice to give that is of a general nature, but he would not get any better a harvest with his bees and methods here than we do, and possibly worse. Have experimented with several Scandinavian systems and found that, in their own right, they don't really work well here, as our climate is less stable than they have, probably Norway excepted. Now their advocation of poly hives.....that's a different matter altogether......and revolutionises winter survival rates and LATE season productivity. here.
No surprise if I endorse your comments Murrray.

As for the first para, well I have never seen spot changing except in Chicken Pox.

Finman;523290 said:
May .... 2 boxes brood .. (on autumn rape field)
June..... 50 kg rasberry honey
July .... 120 kg mixed honey, mostly fireweed
August .... end of season

Perfect illustration of the climate differences.

June? Needing to feed.....no (or very little) flora to give nectar.
July? Rained almost every day, max temp in the month was 18C, zero nectar due to bad weather and very late flowering of the Erica (normally start of July....last year just opening at end of month)
August? Rain almost every day. Cold. A reasonable bit of nectar late in the month.
September? Wow...the heather opened, a month late, almost viable harvest taken between 1st and 25th of the month from Calluna. OK, so only about 15Kg/colony average.......but at £7.50/Kg in drums semi filtered it helped.

Only moral of this is that Finnish statistics....you were under the blocking High that kept the Atlantic Low pressure systems constantly over us......are of practically zero relevance to our situation.
Into the lions den;523303 said:
Perfect illustration of the climate differences.

June? Needing to feed.....no (or very little) flora to give nectar.
July? Rained almost every day, max temp in the month was 18C, zero nectar due to bad weather and very late flowering of the Erica (normally start of July....last year just opening at end of month)
August? Rain almost every day. Cold. A reasonable bit of nectar late in the month.
September? Wow...the heather opened, a month late, almost viable harvest taken between 1st and 25th of the month from Calluna. OK, so only about 15Kg/colony average.......but at £7.50/Kg in drums semi filtered it helped.

Only moral of this is that Finnish statistics....you were under the blocking High that kept the Atlantic Low pressure systems constantly over us......are of practically zero relevance to our situation.

What you explain now is called NIH phenomenom. = Not Invented Here


Yes, agree with ITLD and PH.

Anyone who was around while PH was a regular would possibly remember how often he referred to the UK climate as 'maritime' (not continental).

I can't remember how many times I have made the same comment, in replies to Finny's posts - even if not actually using the word 'maritime'.
oliver90owner;523320 said:
I can't remember how many times I have made the same comment, in replies to Finny's posts - even if not actually using the word 'maritime'.

In have studied geography and climatology in Helsinki University.

I have followed UK weather 10 years when I have been on British beekeeping forum. Just write forecast Milton Keynes and I see it.

I have visited 6 times in England. I have seen yours pastures.

I have never needed you advise in weather issues.

I learn from Australian, US, Canadian, Egyptian, Etiophian beekeepers, but nothing else from British beekeepers, than schildish poking. Perhaps syrup mixing, do I pour first water or sugar.

Different weather. That is all what you have to teach.

It is beekeeping skills which makes honey yields. So simple.

In every work you need skills.

Free advice.
Finman;523340 said:
In have studied geography and climatology in Helsinki University.

Different weather. That is all what you have to teach.


Your point is? Other than to annoy people?

Before you make another inflammatory remark.....you may just like to know I am trained in meteorology, climatology, and oceanography from an earlier life........and I dont care how many times you look up Milton Keynes.

You live in a totally different climate, different airstreams, different floral region.

Milton Keynes gets a lot better than most of northern and western UK, but also suffers from 'cereal desert' syndrome as do large sections of Britain. You know what you are talking about for Finland for sure........but for my area in Scotland you plainly don't have a clue.

I also consider it very silly indeed to sit trying to score points against amateur beekeepers. Their aims and rewards come in many forms, and to judge them by your standards...or mines....is futile and just damn wrong. Their main harvest is pleasure. In that I somewhat envy them.....its a delight to be able to take enough time to watch the bees and all the coloured pollens, all their varied behaviour, and just enjoy the situation.

Also....who told you I was trying to teach you ANYTHING? That seems to me to be task that would be both unwanted and ill advised. I have never attempted....nor would I....to pass comment on how you do things in the environment you know best and I don't. The same respect back might be nice?

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