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Climatic deviations in Poly Hive Prices

Prices up to 15.4.

- Langstroth box £ 11.0

- Medium box £ 9.8

- Roof £ 9.2

- Floor £10.1

- Feeding box 12.0

- frames £ 0.4

- foundations pressed from own wax £ 2.3/kg = 10 Lang foundations

Finman;523463 said:
Climatic deviations in Poly Hive Prices

Prices up to 15.4.

- Langstroth box £ 11.0

- Medium box £ 9.8

- Roof £ 9.2

- Floor £10.1

- Feeding box 12.0

- frames £ 0.4

- foundations pressed from own wax £ 2.3/kg = 10 Lang foundations


Quite expensive then....

Apart from medium boxes which we never use, I get all of these for less than those figures, although we buy the frames fully assembled and wired these days for rather more than that figure.

Even getting our wax milled in the UK for about 70% of that figure, and we go to 12 or 16 per kg rather than 10...though have had the 10 from NZ and it was great stuff.

We also ditch the mesh supplied with the floors and have our own cut for us at the wire mill in Edinburgh....more expensive but super quality.
icanhopit;523473 said:
ROOM 101



It's moved from the original sickening sychophantic brown nosing to a bit of mild quibbling and has now reverted to the usual disjointed and pointless drivel from the usual source - time this thread was wiped out as being totally irrelevant
Into the lions den;523477 said:
Even getting our wax milled in the UK for about 70% of that figure, and we go to 12 or 16 per kg rather than 10...though have had the 10 from NZ and it was great stuff.


From thick foundation bees get material to build cell walls.
Last summer I got very thin foundations, and they were difficult to wire.

I may join to foundation pieces together with hammer. When joint is double thick, bees work it so thin, than I cannot see the seam.
Finman;523488 said:
From thick foundation bees get material to build cell walls.
Last summer I got very thin foundations, and they were difficult to wire.

I may join to foundation pieces together with hammer. When joint is double thick, bees work it so thin, than I cannot see the seam.

Yes indeed...they are great engineers. More wax is not wasted.

The thinner stuff we use only on the heather. It gets filleted and used for cut comb.

The thickest stuff is still pretty tough if you try cutting it. Comb brings double the price of extracted Calluna. So its worth doing some, though the market is small and seasonal. We do about 20,000 pieces a year for one customer. Just have to use the thinner wax for that.
Into the lions den;523491 said:
Yes indeed...they are great engineers. More wax is not wasted.

The thinner stuff we use only on the heather. It gets filleted and used for cut comb.

The thickest stuff is still pretty tough if you try cutting it. Comb brings double the price of extracted Calluna. So its worth doing some, though the market is small and seasonal. We do about 20,000 pieces a year for one customer. Just have to use the thinner wax for that.

I have awful amount of heather, but it does not give honey. IT grows on clifs and on sand, but it dries up easily, when weather is good.

40 years ago I got heather honey from wet bogs, but now they are all energy peat work yards. Square miles that area.
jenkinsbrynmair;523486 said:

It's moved from the original sickening sychophantic brown nosing to a bit of mild quibbling and has now reverted to the usual disjointed and pointless drivel from the usual source - time this thread was wiped out as being totally irrelevant

Hush, leave it alone,:nono: He has his own thread.

He may leave the others alone.

pargyle;523449 said:
I'm not sure that I agree with you ... I don't think the UK is inundated with bad beekeepers .. indeed, I'm not convinced that there are anywhere near the numbers of beekeepers you are stating. BBKA membership is currently about 24000 and the Bee Farmers Association represents another 400 or so. I rather doubt that, at present, there are anywhere near double that total that are not affiliated to some sort of beekeeping association but, even if there is, it's still half of your suggested total.

So ... let's be a bit more charitable and give our nations beekeepers a little more credit than we sometimes get from Finnie ...

you are right! I stand corrected... I completely misinterpreted my thoughts that I had a few months ago! :willy_nilly:

Still... the UK has x15 times the number of Beekeepers (estimated!) than Finland. Therefore, if all beekeepers are created equal, there are x15 more bad beekeepers in UK than Finland.

As mentioned, I have no doubt other conditions are in play. I am not saying we are a nation of bad beekeepers... I know some (in my opinion) top class beekeepers, and know a large number of very good beekeepers.... and a few bad ones.. I also rate a large number of Beekeepers by what they say on this forum, including yourself, although I may not always agree with everything said...
jenkinsbrynmair;523486 said:

It's moved from the original sickening sychophantic brown nosing to a bit of mild quibbling and has now reverted to the usual disjointed and pointless drivel from the usual source - time this thread was wiped out as being totally irrelevant

then why add to it in this way?
Cussword;522855 said:
Shirley not the worst thing that could happen? :spy:

Didn't mean it Finnie :sorry:


Cussword;523218 said:

icanhopit;523246 said:

I just hate these L O N G farewells!!

not worthy

Yeghes da

Cussword;523380 said:
So, it's all back to normal now then?



pargyle;523393 said:

icanhopit;523473 said:
ROOM 101


jenkinsbrynmair;523486 said:

It's moved from the original sickening sychophantic brown nosing to a bit of mild quibbling and has now reverted to the usual disjointed and pointless drivel from the usual source - time this thread was wiped out as being totally irrelevant

Cussword;523500 said:
Leave it alone,:nono: He has his own thread.

He may leave the others alone.


peteinwilts;523504 said:
then why add to it in this way?

The posts are for no other reason than to stir Finman up as much as possible and try and get him banned again.
Hivemaker.;523505 said:

The posts are for no other reason than to stir Finman up as much as possible and try and get him banned again.

So, he can call most of the UK bee keepers useless with no comeback.
We have a bit of fun (some of us) at his expense, and your post is the result?
Cussword;523511 said:
So, he can call most of the UK bee keepers useless with no comeback.
We have a bit of fun (some of us) at his expense, and your post is the result?

If you'd backtrack a bit it is evident that it's the other way around - Finnie waded straight in with insults and windups to get a reaction and personally I think the responses have been very controlled. but as usual it's 'poor Finnie' once again
Cussword;523511 said:
So, he can call most of the UK bee keepers useless with no comeback.
We have a bit of fun (some of us) at his expense, and your post is the result?

This is his opinion. By definition, an opinion cannot be wrong.

We do not have to agree with it.

HM -should this post not be 'off topic' regardless? Even if the slanging match continues, it can continue in the backwater.

Not a very good advert for those lurkers that are thinking about joining!
jenkinsbrynmair;523486 said:

It's moved from the original sickening sychophantic brown nosing to a bit of mild quibbling and has now reverted to the usual disjointed and pointless drivel from the usual source - time this thread was wiped out as being totally irrelevant

To raise the tone somewhat and inject a bit of bizarre humour,:icon_204-2::icon_204-2::icon_204-2:
Bricktops comment to Gary could be considered relevant?

Finman said:
.But you just make some fun

Why don't you go ---- sheep like Jenkins. When he poke me he is so tired that I cannot undestand what he says.

Change medication.
Finman said:
Another private message from Finman.

I understand that it really isn't "done" to post private messages, but as he get's away with insult by pm, then shirley I have the right to post it.

No point in reporting it, I'll just get told to ignore it.

Agree with HM and Swarm on this. perhaps they'll 'get him at playtime' as well!:)

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