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I am a little confuzzled. Finny is still banned according to his profile - but Shirley is able to log on as the stats show he was here this morning.
Assume he is unable to post - and we are unable to send him a PM.

I hope he is back posting soon - the place is not the same without him. Like him or loathe him (I lurvve finny!) he knows lots about beekeeping.

Bring back finny!
In the past when he has been banned he has often stayed away after his lifting of the ban for a short while before rejoining the forum. For all though keen to see him back sap I suggest sending him a pm.
Obee1;522982 said:
I am a little confuzzled. Finny is still banned according to his profile - but Shirley is able to log on as the stats show he was here this morning.
Assume he is unable to post - and we are unable to send him a PM.

I hope he is back posting soon - the place is not the same without him. Like him or loathe him (I lurvve finny!) he knows lots about beekeeping.

Bring back finny!

I regard his beekeeping knowledge as good for the environment he lives in but his manner leaves a lot to be desired. From previous enforced rests and discussions about them I have the distinct impression he has been permanently excluded from a number of other forums. If true this may be his last port of refuge?
It would be a loss to see him go but no one is indispensable.
Well .. whether he's unbanned or not .. the last week on the forum has been much calmer and less confrontational .. coincidence ?
TryingToLetThemBee;523059 said:

No ... I don't think so ... there's been some interesting threads, quite a few newcomers posting and I've picked up a couple of good tips from the return of Polyhive .. there have been a couple of nonsense threads but there always is .. and I don't do Facebook so whatever Millet was on about was invisible ..

I can't say it's been dull ...
pargyle;523061 said:
No ... I don't think so ... there's been some interesting threads, quite a few newcomers posting and I've picked up a couple of good tips from the return of Polyhive .. there have been a couple of nonsense threads but there always is .. and I don't do Facebook so whatever Millet was on about was invisible ..

I can't say it's been dull ...
pargyle;523061 said:
No ... I don't think so ... there's been some interesting threads, quite a few newcomers posting and I've picked up a couple of good tips from the return of Polyhive .. there have been a couple of nonsense threads but there always is .. and I don't do Facebook so whatever Millet was on about was invisible ..

I can't say it's been dull ...
Just ignore me, my lady friend often does and so does most of my family, i even ignore myself at times, :D .
We have one shot at this life live it to the maximum who ever we accidentally upset on our journey.
Millet;523074 said:
Just ignore me, my lady friend often does and so does most of my family, i even ignore myself at times, :D .
We have one shot at this life live it to the maximum who ever we accidentally upset on our journey.

It wasn't a dig at you ... just a comment that not everyone is on Farceboot so anything that gets reposted from there those of us who can't/don't want to add in there .. can't see what you have posted.
pargyle;523093 said:
It wasn't a dig at you ... just a comment that not everyone is on Farceboot so anything that gets reposted from there those of us who can't/don't want to add in there .. can't see what you have posted.
I know you where not having a dig, i value your knowledge and comments, i respect several folk on here and if i have a misunderstanding i will PM them, you are on my PM list so if you misunderstand me in anyway i will message you, :) .not now though as this is resolved.
Say what you will, Finman is good at chasing out arcane research articles that are interesting reading. Each time a voice is silenced, the music is lessened.

Finman, just for you, here is an update. I picked up the first load of 30 square supers with top covers and bottom boards on Saturday past. I'm cutting out frames on my tablesaw for about 2 hours per day. My square 11 5/8 deep brood boxes will be ready March 12th. Sadly, they will not be insulated boxes, they are just ordinary cypress wood. I swapped some of my old equipment for 3 more colonies of bees and now have 15 colonies that will be moved into the new equipment sometime in March. You should see all the sawdust and commotion going on in the greenhouse as I assemble and paint and prepare equipment. Too bad you can't critique the process.
Not like you to give up...Hang on in there Finman, just keep the blood pressure down!;):)
Finman was sometimes aggressive in his posts, confrontational, outspoken, but he was also knowledgeable, did not take any crap and fought for what he believes. I also often wondered how much vodka he had drunk before writing posts.

His knowledge, language and humour did not always transfer cleanly to the UK,... but then we are not all in the UK and gives an interesting perspective on how it works in other country's (as do others). For me, he was a massive source of information, and although I did not agree with everything that he said, I fully respected his point of view and the passion he gave about the subject.

WE are not all experts and WE do not know everything. The point of a forum is to exchange views, and where views differ, debate. In many subjects there is no RIGHT answer and sometimes both sides of the debate are correct, outdated, or wrong.

There are a number of aggressive and outspoken members on this forum, some of which may 'believe' they know everything. However, it is also these people that challenge thinking and allows you to consider what we believe is correct, and decide whether it really is correct.... an opportunity to learn something new, change views or reinforce your own view.

I am happy to read both sides of the story and make up my own mind (although to be fair, when the insults start being thrown, I tend to stop reading the topic... this is my choice).
'If' I wanted to learn a single way to keep bees, I would be on 'another' forum whilst clenching a handbook. I am not, I have a brain and can make semi-educated decisions based on logic.

Over the years, Finman has taught me a lot (as has others), and without the advice I have been given, I probably would never have had the courage to start beekeeping in the first place, and get as far as I have.

I have had my share of run ins with Finman. I also know when it is time to cease the debate before the slanging match occurs, and I do not care whether I have the last post.
Others seem unable to do this and sometimes it appears as if some are attempting to promote a slanging match, or at least poke Finny with a sharp stick and wait for him to bite. For every slanging match, by its nature, there must always be more than one party. Where hoards are involved, individuals can be singled out.

If Finman goes away forever, for me, and I believe for the forum, he will be a great loss. I know others may not share my view, but as previously mentioned, the forum is for an exchange of views, and I am very happy to agree to disagree...

Just my two cents
Don't worry as I mentioned earlier Finman is often absent for a while following a ban but eventually returns.

Often when he returns you get the best information from him as he seems to be a man with a point to prove but in time things build up and reach a breaking point and the cycle starts once more.

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