So does this suggest early re queening is effective in maintaining desirable traits?
for some strange reason, more of the eggs she lays will be fertilized by the africanized drone's semen than would be expected. This indicates that something is favoring the sperm of one drone over sperm from another.
This gives them a distinct advantage in a colony containing both africanized and non-africanized queen cells.
If you want miracles, read about Cape honeybee..
The worker can lay diploid eggs. From these diploid eggs they can rear cape queen. .
The way I read these two articles is that they come to the same conclusion: Sperm are thoroughly mixed inside the queens spermatheca.
"We conclude that the sperm is mixed completely inside the queen's spermatheca."
"No significant changes in patriline distribution occurred within each of two foraging seasons, with samples taken one and five months apart, respectively."
Yes Finman. I am already aware of this thank you
'Patriline distributions differed significantly between each pair of years.'
Ok. Thats interesting. Two quotations from the same paper drawing opposite conclusions. Very strange!
What carniolan breeders have gentle productive vsh queens