Commercial members usernames

Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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Should sellers change their username to something non-advertising ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 35 21.0%
  • No

    Votes: 128 76.6%
  • I love spam

    Votes: 4 2.4%

  • Total voters
I've been a member of the forum for a wee wheen over a year and in that time I consider that Admin has effectively managed the issue of blatant advertising. I don't mind someone having their business name as a username - it is not as if forum users are being forced into going off and looking up a person's business web site and if someone does, it is their own choice. I dislike threads being hijacked/created solely for the purpose of business advertising. As others have said, I feel it goes against the ethos of this forum.
I know that there are a number of people on this forum who make their livelihoods (or a large part of them) from bees and beekeeping and they are some of the people whose advice I value most. There is a value to the advice of someone who has kept 30+ hives for ten years compared to a person who has kept one colony for two years.
If people are advertising their business/products etc, those posts should stay in the "For Sale" section. If people persist in blatantly plugging their wares by hijacking other threads then they should be blocked from posting for a time.

I have been a member for about the same. This forum is fantastic as it is - I would be much worse off without it. Leave well alone - it certainly aint broke - it is even fun to watch the strips being torn off anyone who is stupid enough to try to use it for advertising.
...............Remember, admin will have to enforce this rule, so it shouldn't be overly complicated.

I feel thats a bit harsh!

Admin/Mark isn't that simple - Surely? :sport-smiley-002:

Joke!! Just in case anyone is thinking of leaping in!!!!
Is that the way a forum works?
There was me thinking that everyone's opinion was as valid and as welcome as anyone else's and that they had the right to try to clarify what they had said if they felt someone had misunderstood.
Of course, sticking to your own rules you won't reply to this post because you've already said it.
Do try & be nice to each other, what did I do!!!!:cheers2:not worthy
LOL ... Internet forums, they're all the same. Anonymity, such a wonderful thing.

oh no they're not!!

this one is nothing like the 'other side' for a start!

and anonymity? I have met quite a few members on here, and regularly converse via the 'phone with some of them.
You missed my point Tony. I've never known an internet forum that does not have the trolls, primadonnas, etc, etc.
Anonymity? Sure you may have met some members and others you've chatted with (like me :)) but what about all the downright rude and sometimes abusive posts? That kind of behaviour is easy to get away with when the recipient is unable to punch your lights out. If in the same room, I'm sure the discussion would be far more civil.
but what about all the downright rude and sometimes abusive posts? That kind of behaviour that is easy to get away with when the recipient is unable to punch your lights out. If in the same room, I'm sure the discussion would be far more civil.

too true, mate.
but what about all the downright rude and sometimes abusive posts?

:iagree: We all make mistakes - the trick is to say sorry when one oversteps the mark. Otherwise it's just bullying - pure and simple.

Back to the original subject - why not completely get rid of the 'for sale/wanted' sections and insist that anything commercial is advertised on the auction site?
Back to the original subject - why not completely get rid of the 'for sale/wanted' sections and insist that anything commercial is advertised on the auction site?
I cannot see a classified ad option for the auction, which is what most of the 'for sales' are. If you check the big auction players they tend to expect exclusive rights to sell listed items and withdrawing if sold otherwise is disapproved of. Ads can be withdrawn or noted as sold as a courtesy if already gone locally but there is a tolerance of the time lag.

Nearest you get with an auction to 'wanted' is a tendering process but that needs a lot of specification if you go beyond an initial registration of interest.

I may have missed this, but is there a description anywhere of the relationship of the forum to the auction site? The auction banner 'List your beekeeping items for sale' promises free listing but the link is broken, are sale fees listed anywhere?
oh no they're not!!

this one is nothing like the 'other side' for a start!

and anonymity? I have met quite a few members on here, and regularly converse via the 'phone with some of them.

Hi Tony.
We must have a converse soon!

By "Other Side" do you refer to the one that is now dead? or do you have some dark secret you want to share with us?
The site is fine we all know who is who,
we all know where we need to go if we need some thing, there are people on here that do suggest their bussiness but i like that, you then get to know good advice but i will say that this is a good site and we must stop looking at other people all the time and just look after your girls.
And i have no problem with a for sale in the for sale collum even if they run a bussiness as long as its kept there so we can all go there if required.

And to finish off we all make this site work in our own little way.

P.S your all lovely people or you would not be giving your free advice. :cheers2:
The site is fine we all know who is who,
we all know where we need to go if we need some thing, there are people on here that do suggest their bussiness but i like that, you then get to know good advice but i will say that this is a good site and we must stop looking at other people all the time and just look after your girls.
And i have no problem with a for sale in the for sale collum even if they run a bussiness as long as its kept there so we can all go there if required.

And to finish off we all make this site work in our own little way.

P.S your all lovely people or you would not be giving your free advice. :cheers2:
about time we had a nice answer, I think your are nice
It doesn't matter what their name is every one knows who does what. I think that it is a fine balance and I like the way the forum is at the moment. Not too commercial but enough information around so that if people are looking to buy some thing they know where to get it.
well put, how nice to read something fair:iagree:
The point is, with your grinning blatant advertising accepted within the forum, what would follow would lead to a free for all. The rest of the commercial people, as they might be termed, are awaiting the decision as to whether they keep off or start blatantly advertising their services like you did. I say it should be removed with out any question of doubt.

So far nearly all have toed the line responsibly. This is more than one step too far, IMO, and the sooner it is removed, the better for all those that do trade, but do it without coming on here overtly with their advertising.

In my view you are just extracting the urine. I hope I make myself clear.

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