Name and email IS data, but with the email comes the IP address (which gives location) and if you use anything except your own mail server, data is collected from the companies that provide the mailing list service. They SAY they do this for free, but read the small print and you are agreeing to them gathering whatever data they can and selling it, inc. users address book, compuer type, OS, your monitor size (basically a digital fingerprint), your browser history etc etc. It costs quite a bit of money to set those systems up and they want that money back by selling data.
So yes, most mailing lists require close GDPR scrutiny.
Unfortunately most 'voluntary' organizations don't understand this, don't have a GDPR advisor, don't have the legal policies in place and are ripe for getting sued.
Unless you know exactly what you are doing, don't set up a mailing list. I have heard of Beek orgs that use mailchimp - wow, one of the biggest data sellers after FB. And I bet they sign members up without ANY warning of T&Cs and no data protection policy in place. ONE member could end the org with one complaint. It just isn't worth it.