"faux naif"?
- ho hum - just because an association runs courses that some people find useful is no reason to afford it "teflon" status. It's quite reasonable for people to make the choice to use the courses facility, but I hope that they are able to make an informed choice (with regards to the other things you have to "sign up to" as part of membership) - thanks to the openness with which matters are discussed here, they will at least stand a chance of actually knowing all that goes on, and are better equipped to make that informed decision.
This forum's strength is that it allows genuine free speech, and all shades of opinion.
As history shows us, one can look a bit of a plonker just noting that they have some jolly smart uniforms, and they made the trains run on time........
I was waiting for you to show up. Who said anything about giving them teflon status? Making an informed decision? from the man who's happy to post distorted stories, half truths and downright lies if means you get to take a pop at the BBKA over something, anything? Seriously I took you off ignore in the first place once I realised just how much entertainment I was missing.
It's actually no skin off my nose when I read the crap written about either the BBKA or Local Associations for that matter because they're frequently tarred with the same brush.
You're right you can discuss anything here, as long as you only want to take a pop at the BBKA. There's enough legitimate cause for complaint and criticism over aspects of the BBKA that it's not necessary to descend to this level of pantomime every time someone asks an honest question.
Position yourself as a critic of the BBKA by all means, I'm certainly not going to stop you, they're big enough and ugly enough to defend themselves but at least have the intellectual honesty to criticise them over aspects that need critique rather than just because you've decided to get a bee in your bonnet over them and therefore everything they do must have some nefarious intent.
You've become a parody and you drag this forum down to your level and beat it with your stupidity. I'm sure under the rhetoric there's probably a legimate point or two but the second you call them British Bee Killers or any of the other stupid names you've come up with you and whatever point you're trying to make immediately lose any credibility.
Adam nails it again, the level of spite over any discussion related, no matter how trivially, to the BBKA does the forum as a whole no favours and it's a shame. Obviously you don't give a fig roll what I think, but it's one of the main reasons that I don't have much time any more for this forum.
As might be obvious I quite like a robust discussion on a forum, but this isn't the first thread about education, the bit I'm actually interested in, that rapidly descended into a bash the BBKA discussion and it's just silly.