this might sound silly part 2

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2 over wintered nucs part1

Canna-bees 'trained to produce honey from marijuana' - but will it give humans a buzz?
08:58, 4 MAR 2016 UPDATED 11:39, 4 MAR 2016
Frenchman claims to have mastered the art of producing highly intoxicating honey from the flowers of weed plants



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A beekeeper has trained a hive of "canna-bees" to produce honey from weed, it has been claimed.

A Frenchman using the pseudonym Nicolas Trainerbees has become a viral sensation after posting a video which allegedly shows his bees feasting on marijuana flowers.

Nicolas has reportedly spent several years trying to combine his love of weed and beekeeping, eventually happening on the idea of letting an insect army loose on his cannabis plants.

The beekeeper has almost 10,000 followers on Facebook, while a video of his stoner bees has been viewed more than 9 million times.

Although some people have cast doubt on the claims, experts told us it was plausible that bees could create "intoxicating" honey.

Read more : Doctors say cannabis DOESN'T make you stupid and claim potheads are smarter than they appear

While any humans who ate the honey would end up buzzing, the bees are unable to enjoy the effects of the drug, the Frenchman has been quoted as saying.

"The bees that produce the canna-honey are not affected by cannabinoids because they do not have an endocannabinoid system," the beekeeper told a cannabis news site.

Nicolas has worked very hard to teach his bees to make sweet stuff which most working people would NOT want to spread on their toast in the morning.

“I have trained bees to do several things, such as collect sugar from fruits, instead of using flowers," he added.

"The aim arose for me to get the bees to obtain this resin."

Badly bee-hived: The canna-bees in action
Read more : Digital druggies turn electronic cigarettes into 'psychedelic crack' pipes

To produce the "canna-honey", he claimed the bees harvest the weed resin and then bring it back to the hive, where it's processed as it it were normal nectar.

Nicolas claimed the, ahem, "medicinal" effect of the plant is very much intact in the spreadable sinsemilla.

He has smoked cannabis since he was a teenager to counteract the effects of being "hyperactive".

GettyBuzzing: The honeybee is actually immune to the effects of cannabisBuzzing: The honeybee is actually immune to the effects of cannabis
Read more : Smoking weed could help tackle obesity by steering people away from alcohol, study claims

"Everything that passes through the body of a bee is improved," he told a website called Now This Weed.

Some online commentators have thrown doubt on the canna-beekeeper's claims.

"Bees suck up nectar, not pollen," one person wrote on Facebook. "They suck up nectar because of its high sugar content.

"Resin glands on mature female cannabis plants have no sugar and cannot be sucked up or digested by bees."

High times: The canna-honey (not pictured) is not to be trifled withHigh times: The canna-honey (not pictured) is not to be trifled with
We asked the Bumblebee Conservation Trust whether the canna-honey claims were true.

Darryl Cox, information officer, said: "Bees could collect cannabis pollen, which would potentially be intoxicating.

"You do find pollen in honey.

"Having seen the video – the bees are foraging for nectar which contains lots of secondary metabolites, not just sugar, and could potentially be intoxicating.

"Honey produced from bees foraging on rhododendrons in the far east is known locally as 'mad honey’ as it is toxic to humans."

He said cannabis plants use pollen to reproduce in a similar way to plants such as a nettle.

This pollen is often removed from commercial forms of honey.

Gettybeekeeper inspecting movable frame hives
Tim Lovett, director of public affairs at the British Beekeepers Association, told us it was possible to train bees to look for certain compounds.

He has visited a science lab where bees were trained to stick their tongues out if they detected explosives.

"It was deadly serious," he told

"There was a lot of interest from the US military and talk of placing bee hives at airports."

Training a bee involves putting chemicals in sugar syrup, so the insects get a taste for them.

However, this would take "a lot of effort and dedication" - which are not traits potheads possess in abundance.

"I can believe that if, for instance, cannabis extract is put in syrup and and fed to bees, they might just be fooled into going looking for it," he continued.

He said spreading the resulting honey on toast could lead to "a pleasant experience".
This is what happens when people smoke to much of what is growing in their wardrobe.
This is what happens when people smoke to much of what is growing in their wardrobe.

wardrobes, are you off your head. Thats old skool, these bhoys are filling attics an houses full of it nowadays! As for the honey, would love to try it just to see what effects it had and thats from a man who doesnt even smoke it.
90% of the weed smoked in the uk is now grown in the uk. unlike 15years ago where maybe only 5% was.

that what all the grow shops are about.
wardrobes, are you off your head. Thats old skool, these bhoys are filling attics an houses full of it nowadays! As for the honey, would love to try it just to see what effects it had and thats from a man who doesnt even smoke it.

Lol it reminds me of some other good marketing from the southern hemisphere.
"I can believe that if, for instance, cannabis extract is put in syrup and and fed to bees, they might just be fooled into going looking for it,"

No, they'd be looking for pizza.
obviously the bloke was wacked out of his tiny little mind before even propounding the idea.
Anyway, I reckon a few on here need less of the weed not more.

And again, it goes predictably downhill....... modus operandi evident in so many cases............
obviously the bloke was wacked out of his tiny little mind before even propounding the idea.
Anyway, I reckon a few on here need less of the weed not more.

Why is the idea so crazy? Bees forage plants. Cannabis is a plant. Seems like a pretty obvious idea. If you don't get that, well...
I was honestly surprised something like this wasn't publicized years ago, especially considering how big the cannabis edibles market is in the US.
Fair play to the guy for having a go at it.
obviously the bloke was wacked out of his tiny little mind before even propounding the idea.
Anyway, I reckon a few on here need less of the weed not more.

Maybe if they did there would be less carp like this posted...:rofl:

And again, it goes predictably downhill....... modus operandi evident in so many cases............

I may be wrong but surely cannabis plants are wind pollinated and don't have nectaries to attract insects
This idea has been explored before and is a non starter, keeping a colony in a polytunnel of weed plants and strategically harvesting propolis at the right time on the other hand....
Why is the idea so crazy? Bees forage plants. Cannabis is a plant. Seems like a pretty obvious idea. If you don't get that, well...
I was honestly surprised something like this wasn't publicized years ago, especially considering how big the cannabis edibles market is in the US.
Fair play to the guy for having a go at it.

I agree, fair play to him. Another thing to take into consideration, he's got 9mill views on YouTube and climbing and with that, that brings him a few quid.
This is quite old news as peter sellers and spike milligan were eating this type of honey from mexic back in the seventies.Spike and peter would ask the maid to bring up some of the special honey,and a little while later you would hear the pair of them crying uncontrollable with laughter.
Why is the idea so crazy? Bees forage plants. Cannabis is a plant. Seems like a pretty obvious idea. If you don't get that, well...

Not all plants have nectaries, not all plants are insect pollinated if, as a 'beekeeper' you don't get that and haven't thought a bit before posting well..........

Loads of references to cannabis being of no interest to pollinators online, in fact no effort at all in finding it, here's just an answer to a question on whether hemp attracts pollinators from 2013:

I spent some time on it and looked at a number of resources (not just a blog article on a random site, but real botanical resources) and as far as I can tell, cannabis plants are indeed anemophilous (wind pollinated) and they do not have nectaries (so can not produce nectar).

I would have thought this would be something a supposed "expert" would have been able to find in a flash...

And here are MY sources: sativa_En.htm

A serious study by the US Department of Agriculture on the attractiveness of crops to pollinators gives cannabis plants a resounding zero

I was honestly surprised something like this wasn't publicized years ago,

Possibly because it's just a scam? it's not a published article, it's some blog by someone who makes 'honey' by spraying sugar syrup on plants and flowers and is tryng to sell his product to the gullible.
There's a difference betweeen something being true and wishful thinking for those who are naiive enough to think that cannabis is a wonderful thing that does nothing to harm the average human and are desperate to feel its effects as they crave their mind being altered and not just live like normal human beings.
Here's a comment from a forum where they would have not minded it being true.

It almost definitely does not have THC in it.
Everything about this article screams "scam" to a horticulturalist. Maybe "marketing ploy" at best. Cannabis is anemophilous (wind-pollinated) and does not have nectaries. No nectaries means no nectar. Honey is made by bees from nectar of flowering plants. No nectar means no honey.
Also, growers go to incredible lengths to prevent the pollination of their plants. Pollination flips a little trigger in female plants that redirects their energy from production of THC containing buds to production of seeds. This is why growers only have female plants and why most quality strains are propagated from an existing female plant, rather than grown from seed.
Just take a look at this quote of his from the page:
"I have trained bees to do several things, such as collect sugar from fruits, instead of using flowers"
-Nicolas Trainerbees
I mean... every single fruit was a flower at one point. Once a flower is pollinated, then it has the potential to develop into a fruit.
I'm mainly commenting because I don't like people ripping other people off. Definitely look into it all for yourself, but here are my sources:

And this from the Michigan medical Marijuhana association

this dude sprayed honey on his buds and tossed in a bucket of bees.

everything in the article is ********.


yeah... bees eat nectar from nectaries. cannabis plants have no nectaries.

And he reckons that feeding his bees cannabis infused syrup is going to 'train' his bees to forage on cannabis plants!!!
What he's marketing is in fact is cannabis infused syrup stores extracted after the bees have assimilated it.
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obviously the bloke was wacked out of his tiny little mind before even propounding the idea.
Anyway, I reckon a few on here need less of the weed not more.

To the two posters who object to this statement, would you like to explain why this OPINION is
a....going downhill

You obviously disagree so why not give the reasons you disagree rather than try to provoke the very response that you claim is so unacceptable?
Then you would actually be contributing to the debate.

To mbc,
I can see your thinking, the only trouble is you'd need huge polytunnels of the stuff to get any kind of harvest and with that amount of dope, would the honey venture even be worth the effort (even if you could kick yer little stoned bod into action)
Plus, it's illegal so hiding those polytunnels would be difficult unless this was a government run medical venture, in which case you'd probably expect to get a pollination fee.