Pollen Sub

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I can tell, that Randy Oliver is not good in that issue. Not good idea to follow his opinions. Another area, where Randy is not good, is varroa treatment.

Randy critisize deGroot's results, what he published in year 1954.

He says:" deGroot never implied that a formula should be 1.00% trypotophan–rather, divide all other amino acid weights (or percentages) by the weight/percentage of tryptophan,".

Randy does not know that tryptofan is very difficult to measure from pollens, but it is there. And there is no lack of tryptofan in bees food.

Randy want to find "optimum" percentage to amino acis. But there is no such and that is why bees forage many flower pollen to get enough each amino acid.

USA made first comparative laboratory tests about different pollen recipes 1977. It is almost 40 years ago. Later Australia has made very good work in this issue.
Clearly USA has made much research about the issue but results are company and recipe secrets.

Pollen amino acid content is very expencive to measure. That is why results are difficult find.
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Most of beekeepers want to make simple formula. I have tried them all, what I can imagine, but the result is that the patty is not tasty to bees. I have tried all the time to make if simplier, but I have returned back.

IT is easy to pour all incredients into a dough machine. It does not take many seconds. I use to do 10 kg patty to 20 hives. I have broken 2 dough machines. Motor will burn if stuff is too rigid. Stuff must be warm, and final sopi structure is better to achieve outside the machine.

Do not store patty to metal bin. You do not get it off from it. I store them to 3 litre plastic candy boxes. They are easy to warm up in micro wave oven.

There are many difficulties in making the patty. Only work teaches. And guys want to make their own. Nothing will stop them.
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So, now were all beavering away inside, waiting for spring, can anyone tell me more about Pollen substitute. I fancy mixing a load for my hives to compare, or at least, try to compare if any difference in spring build up, or if we get a dreaded cold snap and brood rearing shuts down at the very wrong time!!
I Know it has a base of brewers years, Soya (or protein based flour) and Sugar and others put other things in, in their "secret formulas".
I have never fed pollen sub but it might be necessary, so, can anybody offer any sensible advice on their experiences, recipes and cheapest places to get ingredients from, at reasonable prices!!

Waste of time... just feed fondant
My Native Black bees get all the protein they need by hygienically eating any Varroa mites that survive the Winter!


Mytten da
Waste of time... just feed fondant
My Native Black bees get all the protein they need by hygienically eating any Varroa mites that survive the Winter!


Mytten da

Well in that case mine would be overwieght!! i would have to VAPE them to put them on a diet!!!
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Waste of time... just feed fondant
My Native Black bees get all the protein they need by hygienically eating any Varroa mites that survive the Winter!


Mytten da

Jep . Hygienic beekeeping. Do not make your hands dirty.
I bought two years ago two pollen traps, but our weathers have been so miserable, that there is no idea to try to steal pollen from hives. Traps are still in their package.

It is said that do not keep pollen trap then when the flow is good. During willow blooming bees have hardly enough pollen to brood. Then during main flow they fill the lower box with pollen. Difficult job.
This is my first season and my first hive as you may all know, i don't know if its good or bad for the bees but i started feeding Candipollen Gold several months back through them having very little stores, they have gone through 2kg of the stuff upto now and i'm due to check to see if the last one i put in there has also gone, i was still feeding the candipollen at the same time i was feeding sugar syrup and they where still readily taking the candipollen so they obviously like the stuff, the only down fall with you folk that have multiple hives is the price.
Bees should be now in winter rest. It makes no sense to feed them all the time.
This is my first season and my first hive as you may all know, i don't know if its good or bad for the bees but i started feeding Candipollen Gold several months back through them having very little stores, they have gone through 2kg of the stuff upto now and i'm due to check to see if the last one i put in there has also gone
Is this the hive that went into "winter" weighing 97lb ?
Bees should be now in winter rest. It makes no sense to feed them all the time.

I had to feed them Finman as they was very little forage coming in through a long spell of rain, they are not getting syrup anymore just the candipollen to keep them topped up.
I had to feed them Finman as they was very little forage coming in through a long spell of rain, they are not getting syrup anymore just the candipollen to keep them topped up.

Why don't you fed them full in October and then stop. That is the way bees shoud be fed.

Continuous feeding keeps brooding on, and it makes wintering bees short living.
Yes Erica.

That's a blooming good weight.
I wouldn't bother looking in.

I've only ever given neopoll one spring as I was given some. I don't think it made any difference, very little pollen in it, though the bees do like it.
Candipolline looks nicer, it's a lovely shade of yellow.
It reminds me of dandelions :)
Continuous feeding keeps brooding on, and it makes wintering bees short living.

Lots of us here in UK have brood still
I'm checking my inserts regularly to find a winter vape window and there are brood cappings aplenty on all of them