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I'm beginning to think the Big Bang wasn't such a good idea either.

I think Universal Suffrage was a grave mistake.

Bring back feudalism :spy:

In all seriousness, that's the way we are going. A few mega - rich. Their offspring who don't have to work Ditto the very well off. So they go into politics: see Benn, Rothschild, Cameron, Osborne, Farage, Clegg,, etc.

Vote for anything Exploit the dumb plebs, they don't know how to find the truth. And when they realise it, too late.

And meanwhile the activists decide to raise Dracula from the grave of Militant - but he's pseudo as he is half dead and useless.

All obvious as was Iraq WMD - but no-one said anything when a person with an IQ of 95 could see it was all lies..
I think Universal Suffrage was a grave mistake.

Bring back feudalism :spy:

In all seriousness, that's the way we are going. A few mega - rich. Their offspring who don't have to work Ditto the very well off. So they go into politics: see Benn, Rothschild, Cameron, Osborne, Farage, Clegg,, etc.

Vote for anything Exploit the dumb plebs, they don't know how to find the truth. And when they realise it, too late.

And meanwhile the activists decide to raise Dracula from the grave of Militant - but he's pseudo as he is half dead and useless.

All obvious as was Iraq WMD - but no-one said anything when a person with an IQ of 95 could see it was all lies..

I listen to various groups bang on about wanting reassurance that whatever aid they got via the EU would continue....
What the hell!!!!
Where were the demands before we voted?
I think Universal Suffrage was a grave mistake.
It gave us that diabolical harridan Thatcher for a start.

I listen to various groups bang on about wanting reassurance that whatever aid they got via the EU would continue....
And they were the ones who all voted out!!
do you want to be inside the tank or outside it when it rolls over...
You can use the free surface effect as a metaphor if you like - I'd rather use the one of making a hole in a sinking boat to let the water out
I keep hearing how great we can be, from people who are barely old enough to remember pre common market. They've known nothing else and they have no idea how to achieve their dream, they are backward thinking idealists, little englanders trying to reinvent the empire. They keep trying to deny that immigration was not the number one issue while we all know it was. We can't say that 17 million people are racist bigots but we can guarantee that all the racist bigots voted to leave.
It's sad to think that future generations will suffer thanks to our country regressing quite a few decades but shame on all those youngsters who didn't vote,they've allowed people who will probably be dead before we are finally out to dictate their future.

Quotes from some leave voters ...
"Because we remember the old days"
"We don't like being bossed about"
"They've (Germans) been trying to rule Europe since they started, all the way back to the Kaiser"
"Justice for all those who died just for us to be ruled by Germany"

It sounds like Europe will be a damned side better off without us.
This is an interesting comment

Members of Parliament should say: "Parliament is sovereign... They should have some guts and less cowardice."

That's the view of Scottish Labour Party politician Tam Dalyell. He told BBC Newsnight he was "furious" at the Brexit vote. MPs should defy the EU referendum result and vote against invoking Article 50 and withdrawal from the EU, he argues.

"People did not understand that they were voting for the end of the single market on which many of their jobs will depend. They didn’t understand about immigration and how little could be done about immigration.

"Is this mantra of ‘the will of the people’ taking into account the tumbling pound?" he asked.

"The imagination boggles," he said, at the prospect of a border between Scotland and England.

it's been hacked, and robots are signing it!

so you don't have to do anything!

Not strictly true .. about 100,000 suspisicous signatures have been removed and a watch is being kept on it, they are checking postcodes against IP addresses and any IP addresses outside of the UK are resulting in names being removed even if there is a UK Postcode .. the current total of in excess of 4 million is believed to be correct at present. It's pretty incredible even if 10% of the signatures were false ...
I listen to various groups bang on about wanting reassurance that whatever aid they got via the EU would continue....
What the hell!!!!
Where were the demands before we voted?

Let's see: it was mainly Liverpool, Wales and the N E who received most EC money. And farmers. And fishermen.

They want it to continue. Meanwhile the Mayor of Liverpool slags off the Government. And then expects them to give him loadsofmoney.

There are words to describe people like that: ungrateful barstewards.. It's like Farage slagging off EC officials and then expecting to get a good deal when we leave..There are times when biting your tongue is the best policy..
.. the current total of in excess of 4 million is believed to be correct at present. It's pretty incredible even if 10% of the signatures were false ...

Was thinking the numbers were rather low, considering the numbers who voted to stay in on the day of the referendum.
Not strictly true .. about 100,000 suspisicous signatures have been removed and a watch is being kept on it, they are checking postcodes against IP addresses and any IP addresses outside of the UK are resulting in names being removed even if there is a UK Postcode .. the current total of in excess of 4 million is believed to be correct at present. It's pretty incredible even if 10% of the signatures were false ...

not working very well then is it.

UK IP Address... and that's very easy to obtain via tor!

keeps the knobs busy in GOV anyway!
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It is an absolute waste of time signing that petition. My wife has signed some before eg giving the new meningitis vaccine to all children, and keeping the bursary to train nurses and midwives, and you get told when it will be debated and a transcript of the debate; in each case the government refused to budge from the original plan. The parliamentary petition site exists to let the public THINK that they have a say in how the country is run.
Not strictly true .. about 100,000 suspisicous signatures have been removed and a watch is being kept on it, they are checking postcodes against IP addresses and any IP addresses outside of the UK are resulting in names being removed even if there is a UK Postcode .. the current total of in excess of 4 million is believed to be correct at present. It's pretty incredible even if 10% of the signatures were false ...

I'm just wondering when those signatures were put on - considering the petition was started by a brexiter in case the vote was close (but in favour of remain) they could have been dumped there before the referendum 'just in case'
I think that these petitions are a 'Blair' / 'Brownism'.

They don't get debated in the H.O.C. just an annexe and have NO meaning whatsoever. Just a way of letting Joe public have a say and then ignore them.
Remember the bent banana s and cucumbers, stock piles of butter. Farmers being told to turn over their crops and if you catch a tuna fish in the UK waters you will be fined heavily unless you are Spanish. I'm not saying it's wrong or right but anyone with common sense can smell something fishy.
What we need is a good leader now, someone who can take the bull by the horns and lead change and uphold democracy. We don't want wingers we need results and a leader to demonstrate how Great Briton can be. Unfortunately I can't think of anyone

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What we need is a good leader now, someone who can take the bull by the horns and lead change and uphold democracy.

And one that will do something about the excessive amount of costly, unnecessary and wasteful packaging used for most products.
What we need is a good leader now,


Someone like, Nigel "Yer not larfin now" Farage.
Or Boris "The Incredible Shrinking Violet" Johnson.
Or "Brutus" Gove.

Ye gods! Did 17million people really go over the top for those idiot generals?

What a tragedy.


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