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we cant afford our country as it is now, let alone add the northern 6 counties, I firmly believe if the north was given a choice to join the south it would be a big fat get the ----, religious devides aside, anyone north of the border would be mad to vote to join the sinking ship that is ROI. I dont know enough about Scotland to comment.

I'm not sure what country you're living in, but the Irish economy is the fastest growing in Europe with unemployment dropping rapidly. While the 6 counties w0ould definitely be a costly addition, it's financially viable.

Apropos that demand for a retake of the referendum, here's a not unrelated article.
I dont know enough about Scotland to comment.

If you look up your Scottish history you will find scotland plotting with the French to invade England on more than one occasion .. my ancestors came down to the Midlands with Bonnie Prince Charlie in the '45 .. The plan was to link up with the French who were supposed to be landing an army at Maldon in Essex where they would then be supported by English Jacobite sympathisers ...whilst the main British army were involved in the European conflict and parliament were looking in the wrong direction ...

Not far off history repeating itself the way we are going at present !!
Scotland already had a referendum and voted to remain part of the United Kingdom. Surely, this means they are bound by the same democratic process the rest of us are.

With oil prices as they are, they cannot afford to leave.

If prices rise, that will change..
Scotland already had a referendum and voted to remain part of the United Kingdom. Surely, this means they are bound by the same democratic process the rest of us are.

Perhaps you've noticed - the circumstances have changed dramatically! They voted to remain in a UK that was part of the EU, but since that isn't so any more (or won't be soon), it doesn't seem too unreasonable to ask again.
If so, the same applies to this referendum.

See no problem with that, and if the results in the next one are 48% out and 52% for remain, we could then have a third referendum, maybe fit in one referendum per month on the subject.
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So (if I can play devils advocate for a moment)...its ok to keep asking the question until you get the correct answer (i.e. the one you wanted to get)? If so, the same applies to this referendum.

It seems to apply to this forum quite a bit as well. :D
I'm not sure what country you're living in, but the Irish economy is the fastest growing in Europe with unemployment dropping rapidly. While the 6 counties w0ould definitely be a costly addition, it's financially viable.

Apropos that demand for a retake of the referendum, here's a not unrelated article.

you are correct about the fastest growing economy, but who benifits from it, not the paye worker.

Unemployment is down due to departments playing with figures.

love your 'not unrelated article"
There was also a petition on the parliament website where someone was asking for a repeat of The Battle of Hastings because they didn't like the outcome, my wife signed it, but unfortunately it was removed.
There was also a petition on the parliament website where someone was asking for a repeat of The Battle of Hastings because they didn't like the outcome, my wife signed it, but unfortunately it was removed.

People who misuse legitimate outlets for criticism devalue it.
I think what is coming out post-referendum from the Leave campaigners is that the premises and promises upon which they fought the campaign were both devoid of truth. I am a fan of of democracy and the will of the people but, on this occasion, I am now hearing many of the people who voted to leave saying that they would have voted to remain if they knew that the outcome would result in the country becoming FUBAR.

The fact that they were warned ... and the warnings were dismissed as 'Project Fear' seems to have escaped their memories ...

So ... I think a re-run, at present, is unlikely but I, for one, would welcome it.
the EU assertion that freedom of population movement is absolute makes the EU unstable. If it was a single political entity that would mitigate the instability somewhat, but really that boat sailed in the 1950's. The EU is like a large broad tank of liquid where given a little push the liquid sloshes about. Given big pushes the tank will rock violently. The leaders have forbidden baffles in this tank under any circumstance...

do you want to be inside the tank or outside it when it rolls over...

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