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Lack of understanding according to a faceless name on a forum who obviously thinks he is superior judging by the tone. If you have a different view that's fine, it's just your view, I won't sink to your level and accuse you of a lack of understanding.
Greece is in the sh!t again with the threat of one of its biggest supermarket chains about to collapse, it could take its unemployment over the million since joining the EU. I suppose the EU will bail them out again

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Russia warned Finland today not to join NATO

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Lack of understanding according to a faceless name on a forum who obviously thinks he is superior judging by the tone. If you have a different view that's fine, it's just your view, I won't sink to your level and accuse you of a lack of understanding.

Not in the least, you're reading me wrong ... if I've caused offence it wasn't my intention and I apologise - I only intended to point out that there is a different view of history available to the one you put forward. There's more to the history of the world's colonial exploits than the populist view portrays but you do have to look a little deeper to find it. I was not suggesting any lack of intellect, merely that you read a little wider.
I don't particularly care for right wing ideals but it wouldn't surprise me if there were more. Are you implying that non white people can't hold prejudiced principles?
When I did my CPSC and basic sea survival, the answer each time to 'what is the best survival craft' was 'your ship' do not abandon unless there is no other hope, and then still stick by it until it sinks out of sight

The training been like that for small craft since the 79 Fastnet disaster when abandoned craft were found still afloat days later

However, i dont think i'd like to overstay my welcome on a listing Ro-Ro or the blocks of flats that are called "cruise liners". Then some other ship types such as bulk or LNG carriers have particular escape issues.

But what "type" is the EU?
Commonwealth ? We are still key members of that club

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That's where TEMPSCs come into their own - you just have to get used to the smell and mess of projectile vomiting.

but is the EU a Contessa 32 or a Ro-Ro?

I'd rather be in the Contessa 32, proven survivor of the fastnet 79, if its all the same to you. I 've only been in a Contessa 34 in a force 10, so i can't vouch personally for the choice
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do you want to be inside the tank or outside it when it rolls over...

We are inside,
just about to spill out in the first wave.

The bigger spill will be as it tips away to the other side spilling out the Dutch, French, Swedes etc leaving behind what was the Warsaw pact countries, Greece & West Germany!
The new PM is about to be someone from remain so there is still a real possibility that they are looking at ways to keep us in.

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