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To get a true picture of what has happened, and is still happening in the EU, one must search outside UK media.
What we need is a good leader now, someone who can take the bull by the horns and lead change and uphold democracy. We don't want wingers we need results and a leader to demonstrate how Great Briton can be. Unfortunately I can't think of anyone


I have to say I don't understand the 'game 'of politics, BUT one person springs to mind who did what she said she'd do, not every ones cup of tea, but someone like old Maggie T

Still have that feeling they are going to back turn..... we shall see..........

Someone like, Nigel "Yer not larfin now" Farage.
Or Boris "The Incredible Shrinking Violet" Johnson.
Or "Brutus" Gove.

Ye gods! Did 17million people really go over the top for those idiot generals?

What a tragedy.



Seems the country are hellbent on going to hell in a handcart, but never mind, they're all happy as long as there's no foreigners hitching a lift on our sinking ship.

I have to say I don't understand the 'game 'of politics, BUT one person springs to mind who did what she said she'd do, not every ones cup of tea, but someone like old Maggie T

My great uncle Delfryn, miner and engineer, born during the first world war and a dedicated swimmer all his life was interviewed about his hobby not long before he died.
'What's your favourite stroke?' the interviewer asked.
'Margaret Thatcher's' was his quick reply :D
Over the last 20 years 4.7 million British born citizens have emigrated, 89% of them are working people, between 4000 and 8000 retired people emigrated mostly in Europe.

There appears to be an inverse association between British emigration and unemployment in the UK. In general, as UK unemployment falls, more British people emigrate and when unemployment in the UK is high, fewer British people emigrate.
Among non-British citizens who emigrated from the UK between 1991 and 2010, around 78 per cent were leaving after a stay of between one and four years.

There has been continuous net emigration of British citizens since at least 1991. In 2014, about 56,000 more British citizens moved abroad than came to live in the UK.
So what does this tell us?
Remember the bent banana s and cucumbers, stock piles of butter. Farmers being told to turn over their crops and if you catch a tuna fish in the UK waters you will be fined heavily unless you are Spanish. I'm not saying it's wrong or right but anyone with common sense can smell something fishy.
What we need is a good leader now, someone who can take the bull by the horns and lead change and uphold democracy. We don't want wingers we need results and a leader to demonstrate how Great Briton can be. Unfortunately I can't think of anyone

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A leader? Show me one politician in this 'wonderful' country who is anywhere near capable of leading anything, they are all puppets.
Please, nobody mention thatcher again, she and her family were as corrupt as the next and her petty little wars cost much more than people seem to want to remember, in both lives and communities.
Heard one lady saying last night that she is sick of being labelled a thick racist. She claimed to be educated .... maybe she is just a racist then. People are saying Corbyn and Labour should have done more and that might have had an influence on the result. I don't believe it. I've done nearly 40 years and if people honestly think there are no working class, Labour voting racists, we really don't have a chance. Plenty of brexiteers in work with me and guess what the major issue of this referendum has been?

So here we are, with no clue what we are going to do and no idea how to start and still spouting 'Great Britain', harking back to the days of empire and our 'Proud History'. Our 'proud' history should be hidden in shame for the disgusting way we conducted ourselves throughout the World. Back in the day, when the Chinese dared to disrupt our Drug trade (their whole economy was in crisis thanks to British Opium and the addicts we'd created) we sent in the fleet to bomb them into submission and then we took Hong Kong so we could keep tighter control. Is this the Great Britain they were on about? Or is it the Great Britain that relies on allies to save its skin, only to dump on those allies afterwards? Incidentally, we should also remember that it was exploitation that drove the industrial revolution that made us such an example, sweat shops and child labour, very much like China and India today.

Since this country obviously has no social conscience, all I can envisage is dominant right wing politics that will do more ruinous damage to pay and conditions than any migrant workers.
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You've summed it up very nicely Swarm. I've nothing further to say!
Since this country obviously has no social conscience, all I can envisage is dominant right wing politics that will do more ruinous damage to pay and conditions than any migrant workers.

Well done Swarm! I think you just summarised why the whole concept of a united Europe came into existence i.e. those that trade with each other are less likely to go to war with each other.
With Russian bombers probing for weak spots on the western border, how secure are we now?
You can use the free surface effect as a metaphor if you like - I'd rather use the one of making a hole in a sinking boat to let the water out
if a boat is sinking when do you abandon ship?
not a simple question to answer...
metaphorically or in real life
The answer for a small yacht has been for some, "you wait until you step up into the liferaft" ..
A bigger ship can kill you as it sinks so getting clear in "good time" is better..
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Is it true that a captain never abandons a sinking ship or at leased the last to leave

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You've summed it up very nicely Swarm. I've nothing further to say!

Well ... it's one view - but actually when you really - I mean REALLY look at the history of British colonisation you will find that, whilst the British Empire did benefit from developing colonies you should also ask yourself where people livng a hunter gatherer/subsistence level existence in the jungles and plains of Africa or the Indian subcontinent would be now if they had been left in peace ? The British (and let's not forget the French, the German, the Spanish, the Portuguese and the Dutch to name only some of them) brought evolution early to many of these tribal people. Yes the Civilised world exploited the wealth of raw materials and agricultural opportunities that were there but it wasn't all slavery and oppression. Many of the former British colonies were far better off when they were aided by the Colonial infrastructure than they were after we were encouraged to leave ... and certainly the degeneration in Government and social infrastructure in some countries has raped the populace more than anything that was 'inflicted' in colonial times.

Obviously slavery could never be condoned but slavery was rife amongst tribes in Africa long before the slave triangle came into existence - indeed, the vast majority of slaves were provided to the slavers by dominant tribes who considered some of their fellow tribes to be less than cattle - indeed, there is STILL tribal prejudice in parts of Africa.

As for China (which was a civilised society albeit ruled in a completely undemocratic Way) and the Opium wars - again, there is a bit more to it than you pocket sized version which suggests this was a one sided heavy handed bullying by the British. I'm not here to give you a history lesson - you need to read a bit more around the subjects upon which you offer a fairly jaded and popularist opinion.

You cannot look on history in the context of the world as it is now - or even in the context of recent history - you have to look at it in the context of the times. I'm certainly not suggesting that any of the colonial powers were squeaky clean benevolent philanthropists who had no interest in benefiting from the wealth that exploration and development of the world provided but the legacy that was available to some countries after we were ejected was not all bad - what has been perpertrated on that legacy subsequently is something that has to be seen to behold.
inward immigration is like ice cream

some is nice , alot sometimes is great , but too much gives you a headache
and much too much makes you sick
A leader? Show me one politician in this 'wonderful' country who is anywhere near capable of leading anything, they are all puppets.
Please, nobody mention thatcher again, she and her family were as corrupt as the next and her petty little wars cost much more than people seem to want to remember, in both lives and communities.
Heard one lady saying last night that she is sick of being labelled a thick racist. She claimed to be educated .... maybe she is just a racist then. People are saying Corbyn and Labour should have done more and that might have had an influence on the result. I don't believe it. I've done nearly 40 years and if people honestly think there are no working class, Labour voting racists, we really don't have a chance. Plenty of brexiteers in work with me and guess what the major issue of this referendum has been?

So here we are, with no clue what we are going to do and no idea how to start and still spouting 'Great Britain', harking back to the days of empire and our 'Proud History'. Our 'proud' history should be hidden in shame for the disgusting way we conducted ourselves throughout the World. Back in the day, when the Chinese dared to disrupt our Drug trade (their whole economy was in crisis thanks to British Opium and the addicts we'd created) we sent in the fleet to bomb them into submission and then we took Hong Kong so we could keep tighter control. Is this the Great Britain they were on about? Or is it the Great Britain that relies on allies to save its skin, only to dump on those allies afterwards? Incidentally, we should also remember that it was exploitation that drove the industrial revolution that made us such an example, sweat shops and child labour, very much like China and India today.

Since this country obviously has no social conscience, all I can envisage is dominant right wing politics that will do more ruinous damage to pay and conditions than any migrant workers.

if a boat is sinking when do you abandon ship?
not a simple question to answer...
metaphorically or in real life
The answer for a small yacht has been for some, "you wait until you step up into the liferaft" ..
A bigger ship can kill you as it sinks so getting clear in "good time" is better..

When I did my CPSC and basic sea survival, the answer each time to 'what is the best survival craft' was 'your ship' do not abandon unless there is no other hope, and then still stick by it until it sinks out of sight
you need to read a bit more around the subjects upon which you offer a fairly jaded and popularist opinion.

A bold statement from a complete stranger. You have no idea how much history I've read. Do you know me? No. I'll treat it with the contempt it deserves.
you need to read a bit more around the subjects upon which you offer a fairly jaded and popularist opinion.

A bold statement from a complete stranger. You have no idea how much history I've read. Do you know me? No. I'll treat it with the contempt it deserves.

Fine by me .. I can only comment on what you post - if you show a lack of understanding of history expect your view to be challenged - if you take offence so be it ...
I think its time this thread got put into the naughty step section or closed?

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