Importation of bees

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To be fair, I have to respect how up-front they are being. They are laying out in black and white the loophole they are intending to exploit. Most people would just quietly exploit it and hope to not get spotted.

If the government wants to shut the loophole, that's their business.

I won't be ordering any myself, but that's irrelevant.
Nothing much to say really......nobody else seemed to note the careful way the refunds issue was 152 in this thread.

Live Bees Information 2021
Deposits are non refundable unless legislation changes.
Murray, If this goes ahead would you consider importing via NI?
Not under the kind of structure currently in place. It is plainly a subterfuge to circumvent the current legislation.

There is no serious bee health issue in is a legislative artifact of Brexit and it is highly likely normal simple trade in bees will resume in 2022 once the relevant section of the legislation has been rewritten. Once it has we will come off our hiatus and resume our with full engagement with the NBU.

For now it is just not in the spirit of things and we would damage our relationship with the authorities for the future if we were plainly 'at it' this year.

It will not happen in 2021. However we have our fall back position all in hand and although a bit later, client will get their bees..they will not be let down other than on dates and a tenner on the price. Offering UK shaken packages of the same size three weeks later for only a tenner more...a one year project (for now).

For now Bee Equipment have won..they took the chance and have obtained commercial advantage..that is business I'm point in going all high and mighty about it. *Well done to him*...but his combination of both emotional and hard nosed tactics would not sit lightly on me had I done it.
Nothing much to say really......nobody else seemed to note the careful way the refunds issue was 152 in this thread.

Live Bees Information 2021
Deposits are non refundable unless legislation changes.

That was why I raised the question on this wording. My reading of this was is the legislation stays the same, but bees are not permitted into the UK, then no refunds. if HMG clarify laws to specifically block bee import through NI, then refunds will be given. general consensus was that I was incorrect. time will tell
That was why I raised the question on this wording. My reading of this was is the legislation stays the same, but bees are not permitted into the UK, then no refunds. if HMG clarify laws to specifically block bee import through NI, then refunds will be given. general consensus was that I was incorrect. time will tell

I read it as you loose either way but it is as you say, nothing to get excited about before it happens.

One thing I do know about the Govt, Murray is correct, sometimes its best to let the beast sleep than deliberately slip in the cage and try and kick it in the tatties. He may well pay a heavy price indeed. So will his customers if he refuses to refund their money. A classic case of "caveat emptor" if ever I saw one.
Have you read that vegan site? They complain about the carbon footprint of importing honey from China & Turkey where they claim the majority on sale in the UK comes from and then suggest their acolytes should instead use date syrup, maple syrup, molasses, butterscotch syrup, golden syrup and agave nectar.

Now I'm not sure where the butterscotch or golden syrups are manufactured but the last time I looked there wasn't a huge number of date or agave plants growing in this country and it's mainly the Canadians who harvest maple syrup. Then there's the other question of where some of their staple foods (Almonds and Avocados) would be if there were no commercial bee pollination operations. Still it would be good exercise for all the vegans to hand pollinate all the almond trees themselves.
Wholesale planting of agave is causing deforestation in some parts of the world.....
We had an avocado tree in the garden years ago. You can get sick of them once you’ve eaten them in every possible form.
Green inside and out - just like grass, tastes like grass too. A faddish anachronism from the seventies - and should have stayed there.
The best I can say of the avocado is, it's just about edible - but why?
Of course it's all the rage with the millenial fashionista now - mashed! on toast!!!!
Green inside and out - just like grass, tastes like grass too. A faddish anachronism from the seventies - and should have stayed there.
The best I can say of the avocado is, it's just about edible - but why?
Of course it's all the rage with the millenial fashionista now - mashed! on toast!!!!

Well, I have to say that I disagree with you there @jenkinsbrynmair . I do enjoy an occasional avocado. I wouldn't call myself a millennial or a fashionista though. I think it's just a matter of taste. We all have our personal preferences (I can't stand tea but my wife can't stand coffee). What would life be like if we were all the same? Pretty boring I suppose!
So how did we get from queen importation to Elvis and avocado
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