e-petition to have convicted rioters lose their benefits..

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The problem with opening the window and looking out towards the engine to see where one is going, is that a smut will surely hit you in the eye and blind you to the fact that a tunnel is coming that is going to knock your head off!

Better then to alight at the next station and catch another train and make sure it is going to take you to the correct and chosen destination?

I think many of us great unwashed electorate have realised by now we have got on the wrong train, and must wait until we reach a station to alight, and hope the driver does not completely loose control on the next bend and we end up in the inevitable train wreck!

I forget the politician who I am trying to quote, could have been Bevan or Foot, a very long time since I studied politics at Uni!!!

History repeats itself..............

Make my words as sweet as honey for tomorrow I may need to eat them !

just a thought!.............
just a thought!.............

You may be right icanhopit.
People tend to say the same whichever govt is in power though.

It's quite interesting how general election results often return unpopular governments though isn't it? Thatcher and Blair both survived much longer than your average political commentator would have predicted.
I read at the weekend that the Conservatives' approval rating is up 2% since the riots (according to a ComRes survey for the Independent on Sunday).
Ed Milliband's personal approval rating is down 3%.

Interesting eh?
I read at the weekend that the Conservatives' approval rating is up 2% since the riots (according to a ComRes survey for the Independent on Sunday).
Ed Milliband's personal approval rating is down 3%.

Interesting eh?

Having been a statistics student I know that this statistic is skewed as the cohort that was sampled would have .............
1. been able to read
2. only read and believe in the stuff that they want to read and believe in
3 . no near a big enough sampling group from a wide and varied pool

as the TV commercial for cosmetics says .... 4 out of 9 ladies asked said that XXX anti ageing cream made them look younger............

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Having been a statistics student I know that this statistic is skewed as the cohort that was sampled would have .............
1. been able to read
2. only read and believe in the stuff that they want to read and believe in
3 . no near a big enough sampling group from a wide and varied pool

as the TV commercial for cosmetics says .... 4 out of 9 ladies asked said that XXX anti ageing cream made them look younger............


I agree. These sorts of polls are always to be taken with a pinch of salt at best.
Nonetheless, it is interesting that any kind of poll at the current time would show such an increase (even taking into account the margin for error). I would have, at best, expected to see a slight fall in their approval rating due to the relentless media coverage and all the other stuff going on at the moment (Newscorp, Libya etc).

Edit: Re your second point - why would this skew the statistic? Surely it is just human nature to have certain "set" beliefs. The point of the poll is to find out what those beliefs are, no?
The sample was 2028 GB adults, polled online.
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2028 selfoppinionating adults.... that would be 0.003% of the population !

last count was 61,113,205 in 2011 but some are too young to vote, some are not allowed to vote, some never vote, and I know of 5 who emigrated to Canada as they could not find a family home they could afford or a job to go with it!
2028 selfoppinionating adults.... that would be 0.003% of the population !

I understand your point, but this kind of sampling is common practice and has it's uses.
And, let's not forget that it's the "self-oppionionating" people who tend to vote in general elections, and there are just as many "self-oppinionating" anti-conservatives as there are pro-conservatives.

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