Badger cull.

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Nuthin to do wiv Badgers.....

I remember the Winkle man... with a hand cart standing at the top of our road and yelling Winkles... tuppence a pint!

50's East End clearance Rose Hill St Hellier Carshalton South London

Us kid would all sit around the pot of winkles with a winkle pin and eat them with pepper and vinegar... and brown bread!
Granddad would wash his down with a bottle of Brown Ale!

Little uns don't know there born.. with all their X boxes and Go- Pros!

Yeghes da

I'm not a pensioner like you owld farts but we used to go to Flamborough Head picking big bag fulls of winkles with my Dad several decades ago in his old Mk1 Cortina, he would put them in the bath to wash them out and by the next morning they would crawl up the wall and on the ceiling, when we opened the bathroom door to check they would drop off all over the floor, he also used to go to the local fish quay and buy carrier bags full of prawns which he washed in the bath again much to our amazement, watching them flick up and down the bath was funny, we used to go door knocking to sell them for him and we got commission, :xmas-smiley-016: .
we used to go to Flamborough Head picking big bag fulls of winkles with my Dad several decades ago in his old Mk1 Cortina, he would put them in the bath to wash them out and by the next morning they would crawl up the wall and on the ceiling floor................................................... and buy carrier bags full of prawns which he washed in the bath again
Ooh this is much more fun than shouting about badgers.
My dad was a keen coarse-fisherman. He was keen on Pike to eat :puke:being Polish. Pike was best eaten very fresh and cleaned "inside" according to him so he would let the caught fish live in the bath for a couple of days. "Live-bait" minnows (illegal now, I gather) used to be kept in peak condition similarly. He used to keep his coloured maggots in the fridge. My mum must have loved him a lot.
Live bait is supposed to be illegal, :rolleyes: , but i have never kept pike in the bath or even eaten one, i did used to keep my maggots in the fridge however, i can remember taking a batch out one night that where too damp and i put them on top of the fridge, the lid was left of to air them out.. BAD MOVE . they was a stain down the fridge door the next morning and there was maggots everywhere, we where tortured with Blue bottles for weeks after, i done similar with Crickets when i tried to breed them, next doors thought they had a cock roach infestation but that's another story.
My dad once caught a 14lb Pike (it had a head like a German Shepherd) and we ate it. Nice, white Pike steaks, it was too many years ago to remember but I think we enjoyed it.
Nothing like buying a pint of maggots and watching them level themselves off. No doubt there are others who have forgotten about their bait box only to open it later and release a cloud of bluebottles.
I'm not a pensioner like you owld farts but we used to go to Flamborough Head picking big bag fulls of winkles .

Ahh .... that brings back a few memories - many a summer holiday spent in Bridlington as a kid, from Swinton in Yorkshire, where I grew up, it was nearly a full days travel in my Dad's Ford pop - with a midday stop at Driffield for a cup of tea (and sometimes Fish and Chips). It takes about 40 minutes now ! We used to rent a caravan in Lime Kiln Lane Caravan site - it's still there believe it or not .. we used to go out to Flamborough when the sea frets came in and stand on the top of the head to be deafened by the fog horn. The fish and chips from the shop by the harbour in Bridlington were something that had to be tasted - after an hour losing a shilling in the penny arcade or fishing with handlines off the harbour wall !

There seem to have been a lot of fish and chips in my childhood ??
Ooh this is much more fun than shouting about badgers.
My dad was a keen coarse-fisherman. He was keen on Pike to eat :puke:being Polish. Pike was best eaten very fresh and cleaned "inside" according to him so he would let the caught fish live in the bath for a couple of days. "Live-bait" minnows (illegal now, I gather) used to be kept in peak condition similarly. He used to keep his coloured maggots in the fridge. My mum must have loved him a lot.

Yes ... I've eaten Pike once - one that my friend's dad caught at Elsecar Reservoir near Barnsley .. not a pleasant experience - it was a very muddy taste. I think your Dad got it right ... clean water and a diet that didn't include a load of rubbish off the bottom for a few days was probably the saving grace ...
We've eaten pike once, a good few years ago, but I can't recall which stretch of water it came from. We thought it was quite nice, it certainly didn't taste muddy. The odd thing I remember about it was the Y-shaped bones.

Chips, now, how to cook the best fried chips? Anybody?
Chips, now, how to cook the best fried chips? Anybody?

Cornish Tamar Valley potatoes make the best chips.... becoming a bit of rarity now as the old potato fields are being either covered in solar parks or planted up as "community" orchards.... seems to be a lot of EU grants available for all that sort of activity........ now apple chips.. or parsnip chips

Mytten da
Chips, now, how to cook the best fried chips? Anybody?

Cornish Tamar Valley potatoes make the best chips.... becoming a bit of rarity now as the old potato fields are being either covered in solar parks or planted up as "community" orchards.... seems to be a lot of EU grants available for all that sort of activity........ now apple chips.. or parsnip chips

Mytten da

I got 'Chipped carrots' with my fried egg in Dar es Salaam when the Kilimanjaro Hotel ran out of potatoes once ... very bizarre when your taste buds are not expecting it ! The lad serving my dinner thought it fairly normal ...
I got 'Chipped carrots' with my fried egg in Dar es Salaam when the Kilimanjaro Hotel ran out of potatoes once ... very bizarre when your taste buds are not expecting it ! The lad serving my dinner thought it fairly normal ...

But have you enjoyed BEEF BACON...... as served up everyday for breakfast when working in Safaga!

Dyfen da
Yes ... I've eaten Pike once - one that my friend's dad caught at Elsecar Reservoir near Barnsley .. not a pleasant experience - it was a very muddy taste.

We've eaten pike once, a good few years ago, but I can't recall which stretch of water it came from. We thought it was quite nice, it certainly didn't taste muddy.

Pike shouldn't taste muddy as, unlike carp it's not a bottom feeder but a carnivore. I know that the usual procedure with carp is to leave it swimming in clean running water for a few days to flush it out.
You regularly see pike on menus in the Netherlands (the proper restaurants not the ones who cater for British burger eating smack heads :D) I had meant to give it a go out of curiosity but never got around to it when I was working out there - to be honest, the only way fish should be served is in batter with a scoop of chips - hake being my favourite, old bob Rackley with his mobile fish stall would always keep a few tail cutlets for my grandparents - best bit in my opinion :drool5:
Nope ... sounds like an acquired taste - I don't think it will catch on over here - any more than chipped carrots would !

an excellent alternative for the vegematarians though - think of all them little cutesey pigs that they can save
My dad has an interesting recipe for cooking perch. First skin the bark off an ash twig, thread the fish on to the twig and cook over an open fire until the fish is black, throw the fish away and eat the twig.
Yes ... I've eaten Pike once - one that my friend's dad caught at Elsecar Reservoir near Barnsley .. not a pleasant experience - it was a very muddy taste. I think your Dad got it right ... clean water and a diet that didn't include a load of rubbish off the bottom for a few days was probably the saving grace ...

Pike from a river ( sand) is tastier than from a lake/pond ( mud). Like any other fish, at least for me.

I used to fish pikes and walleyes on Danube pretty long ago. I liked to eat them.

Nowadays.. nor time, nor money for such luxury.. I have somewhere in the attic one rod old as I am..

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