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      fian replied to the thread Syrup “honey”.
      The solubility of glucose, fructose and sucrose in water at 25°C is 910, 4000 and 540 gr/L. It is also useful to remember that the...
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      fian replied to the thread Syrup “honey”.
      I have read the article and only at the end does it offer a key that we beekeepers should take into account. "When a bee arrives at the...
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      fian replied to the thread Syrup “honey”.
      The honey bee has 3 variants of alpha-glucosidase (invertase) in 3 locations (ventricle, hemolymph, and hypopharyngeal glands). It is...
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      One of my friends told me that a lot of that supposedly Ukraine honey is in fact chinese honey ( mainly from Gdansk port - where it gets...
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      If that is what it seems based on DNA analysis, but only the bonobo evolved with that bias, the rest of the chimpanzees or hominids are...
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      The bonobo and the chimpanzee share a common ancestor, when the Congo River was formed, the populations were separated and specified...
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      The problem is that we descended from the chimpanzee and not the bonobo.
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      fian replied to the thread Syrup “honey”.
      From nectar and pollen, bees obtain various products depending on the needs of the colony, but it is easy to understand that honey, bee...
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      fian replied to the thread Syrup “honey”.
      If that were true, the Chinese would have discovered how to turn lead into gold.
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      fian replied to the thread God I love growing our own.
      My mother bakes the apples at 150°C until they turn a toasted color. If they are acidic, remove the stem and make a conical cut in the...
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      fian replied to the thread God I love growing our own.
      I have never doubted that our compatriots were capable of producing extraordinary products thanks to the land and climate that we enjoy...
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      fian replied to the thread Latest from Defra on YLH.
      By allusion. In the comment, explain the reason why you could use that word with a pejorative meaning, which exists in YOUR language for...
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      fian replied to the thread Latest from Defra on YLH.
      If the vespula germanica is called "Yellowjacket", the VV could well receive the adjective "Blackorangejacket Hornet"
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      fian replied to the thread Latest from Defra on YLH.
      It lacks practical sense to highlight a characteristic that is difficult to appreciate. I think it would be much more useful to look at...
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      fian replied to the thread God I love growing our own.
      Try one, but have a good glass of milk nearby since casein surrounds capsaicin and mitigates its effects.
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