Badger cull.

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isn't it? - the way that lot rant on with their evangelic and offensive dismissal of other people's beliefs, chanting the same old mantra it has become a religion in itself. That's pretty obvious by some of the offensive tripe you yourself have posted on the subject over the years.

Oh dear. My atheist beliefs are now offensive tripe. To you, to me.
QED - a new religion

Religions require faith. IE making stories up to fill gaps of knowledge. Atheism is the complete opposite. Atheists have no faith and believe in the power of reasoned logic and evidence. Do you believe religious beliefs should be ammune to criticism?
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Do you believe religious beliefs should be ammune to criticism?
no, nor immune either - what is unacceptable is puerile muck slinging and points scoring. By what I've seen of most atheist argumnets they rely very little on reasoned argument and the logic is usually also full of gaps which they fill with insults.

My faith is strong enough that I don't need to get into some clever points scoring argument which leads nowhere.
It's obvious though that you constantly need to find an excuse for your 'non belief'

I sincerely do pity those with no faith, whatever their beliefs
no, nor immune either - what is unacceptable is puerile muck slinging and points scoring. By what I've seen of most atheist argumnets they rely very little on reasoned argument and the logic is usually also full of gaps which they fill with insults.

My faith is strong enough that I don't need to get into some clever points scoring argument which leads nowhere.
It's obvious though that you constantly need to find an excuse for your 'non belief'

I sincerely do pity those with no faith, whatever their beliefs

Keep your pity. Science, nature and the universe are fascinating and inspiring. There are more books than I could ever hope to read on such amazing topics that I need no faith and made up nonsense.

The irony is it seems you are that used to arguing that you can't tell when someone actually isn't arguing, mud slinging or being puerile as you put it. If there is an argument on the forum you can guarantee Jenkins is involved
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badger culling to anti-atheism that what call off-topic :)

As a working hypothesis, the non-existence of conventional deities is good enough for me, but i wouldnt call that a belief unless one believes in working hypotheses :)

Keep your pity. Science, nature and the universe are fascinating and inspiring. There are more books than I could ever hope to read on such amazing topics that I need no faith and made up nonsense.

The irony is it seems you are that used to arguing that you can't tell when someone actually isn't arguing, mud slinging or being puerile as you put it. If there is an argument on the forum you can guarantee Jenkins is involved

even aethists have faith /i,e- faith that a doctor is treating correctly , faith that your food isnt poisoned , you won’t die in a car crash on the way to work. etc,etc
Basically we all have faith in somthing ,what ever that maybe , Differant strokes for differant folks :)
Talking of culling things.........
Lovely husband has given me
A Time There Was - a story of rock art, bees and bushmen
as well as taking me out tonight for my birthday :)
It's a lovely book and starts,
"My Grandpa shot the last three Bushmen in our district."
Disturbingly one postscript says,
"The last permit to shoot Bushmen was issued by the South African Government in Namibia in 1936."


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Basically we all have faith in somthing ,what ever that maybe , Differant strokes for differant folks :)

The major difference is that religions practise their Faith and encourage their members to tell others /convert them.. and hold meeting to encourage others to "Keep the Faith".

I have faith in the building blocks of physics but don't attend weekly meetings to confirm that quarks exist...Nor do I encourage other physicists to war upon unbelievers. (see Sunnis and Shia Muslims - Saudi vs Iraq as I write)
Talking of culling things.........
Lovely husband has given me
A Time There Was - a story of rock art, bees and bushmen
as well as taking me out tonight for my birthday :)
It's a lovely book and starts,
"My Grandpa shot the last three Bushmen in our district."
Disturbingly one postscript says,
"The last permit to shoot Bushmen was issued by the South African Government in Namibia in 1936."

Shocking what they did to the San people out there - same as the Aborigines in Australia really (although why they picked on the Aborigines I don't know - they'd stocked the countryside with enough convicts they could have used for sport) saw some wonderful San cave paintings when I was out in Lesotho - half a morning's trek to get there to see them though!
The major difference is that religions practise their Faith and encourage their members to tell others /convert them.. and hold meeting to encourage others to "Keep the Faith".

I have faith in the building blocks of physics but don't attend weekly meetings to confirm that quarks exist...Nor do I encourage other physicists to war upon unbelievers. (see Sunnis and Shia Muslims - Saudi vs Iraq as I write)

religions attract seekers of power...
The major difference is that religions practise their Faith and encourage their members to tell others /convert them.. and hold meeting to encourage others to "Keep the Faith".

So, it's a bit like the BBKA then - or even this Forum!


(That's 'Canon Dusty' to you lot!)

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