Does anyone grow mushrooms?

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Queen Bee
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Jan 12, 2009
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As I scrape the bottom of the barrel of gift ideas for SHMBO, mushroom growing kits come to mind. I am not normally in favour of kits for anything, but they can be a way to get started...

Has anyone used them, does anyone grow mushrooms? Are there better ways of getting a foothold in the mushroom world?
I purchased a few plugs off Fleabay a couple of years back.

Got an old log drilled holes in and put the plugs in,left it in the garden in view of the window,It makes a nice gift.

Like in the link below:
Fleabay Mushrooms
If you want a different christmas there are magic mushrooms in my area (allegedly).:cheers2:
I bought the OH a B&Q mushroom kit last year (I do spoiler her!)

Did not think it was working/she never watered it/followed instructions, so like most plants in the house/garden I ended up looking after it.

We did get a few mushroms off it, the best I have ever had, barley enough for an omlet (and that is not the beehaus omlet):svengo:
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Last summer I found very big Acaricus muscrooms (=button mushroom) on the road verge. The biggest's diameter was as long as A4 paper's longer side. When they sired up from lawn, their size were like tennis ball.

It tasted very good. In my home lawn was acarinus too but it tasted bitter.

I wonder where they get food to produce so much musrooms. Probably rotten roots of the verge grass.

So I started to try how to grow mycelium. I found out that Acaricus is second stage rottener and it eate bacteria.

Now I have mycelium but I am not sure is it that Acanicus.

I have found out too that mycelium grows in the sea algae bladder wrack.

I have put bladder wrack in my garden and some small mushrooms emerged on site.

Nex summer I am going to do mush room compost some hundred liters from wheat straws, hen **** and so on. You may put there fermented honey too.


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Finman we had some cracking mushrooms in our lawn this year, but I would never take the chance of eating them.
I got a book from the library last year on mushrooms and went out picking in the local wood.
They sat in the larder for 5 days and then my wife dumped them,I never had the nerve to cook and eat them even though I was 99% sure of what I had picked..
I have common field and horse mushrooms growing in my field when the conditions are right. I usually eat them. You have to get them quickly though before curious beaks come and see what it's all about, or failing that maggots from the fly :puke:

I was told this year not to eat mushrooms from a field that had had sheep grazing because of liver fluke:ack2:
A very good year for woodland edibles, all the chemist shops over here have a resident expert who will check your finds for you thus avoiding nasty surprises.
I thought Liver Fluke were attracted to grass stems?

The dissection class we had on fluke ended and we toddled off for supper.... and guess what was left untouched.............. the liver on the menu..LOL

Tried a mushroom kit last year and was very disappointed with it.

So did I PH but having read up the medical effect of liver fluke on the human liver I decided discretion etc., so did ALL the locals and a whole field was left untouched, now that is unusual because you have to be out and about before dawn with a torch to have any chance of beating the locals to it:):)
I was told this year not to eat mushrooms from a field that had had sheep grazing because of liver fluke:ack2:
A very good year for woodland edibles, all the chemist shops over here have a resident expert who will check your finds for you thus avoiding nasty surprises.

you should be okay eating mushrooms from a sheep pasture as long as there are no ponds or rivers in it, as the liver fluke needs the small water snail for it's life cycle. Here in france they sell wild mushrooms at the markets and even in the supermarkets so you can get a good look (and smell) at the edible sorts at various stages of maturity.
One of the delights of living in Sweden is the availability of a fantastic array of mushrooms all around. When we go foraging, our favorite are the chanterells

Usually there are too many and end up in the dehydrator.

Chanterells are unmistakeable and cannot be confused with anything poisonous.

They are delicious!
I had a load of mushroom compost for my clay garden - next thing I knew mushrooms everywhere. Pick them quickly and no eebijeebies get into them- they were great

Oh and the BBKA Committee grow lots -cos they keep us in the dark and feed us s**t :banghead:
A very good year for woodland edibles, all the chemist shops over here have a resident expert who will check your finds for you thus avoiding nasty surprises.[/QUOTE]

you are so lucky to have that facility , i spend hours sat in fields trying to work out which one is which i can do a few by sight but the others i have to realy look at them to be sure, never had a bad one but then again i never pick an iffy one, i love doing it great fun.

the over half brought me a mushroom kit inside a poly box which was very naff, we have looked into the idea of a sterilised compressed staw bales the once but never realy went any where with it , might try to start one this year to see what happens
If you have an interest in picking Mushrooms I recommend Collins "How to Identify edible mushrooms",£9.99 from
I have several mushroom books because the same plant looks completley differant in each one . I think thats where the confusion sets in, the one book is full of pristene examples rather then the field found one at my foot!!, I find it easier to find them than to choose them for picking. I once walked past hundreds of fungy thinging they were toxic for my mate to blow a fuse because i had just walked over 200 beloved mushrooms he wanted to eat, just shows how easy it is to not know what you are looking at.

The internet idea i saw was basicly a boiled straw bale wraped in chicken wire and cling flim and just before you wrap it up you stuff a load of fungy spores into it and black cling film it and hang it up in a shed after a week punture a load of holes in it for the mushrooms to grow out of it,

I thought the log idea you had to use a poplar log or can you use any thing?
The best edible mushroom what I know in our forests is false morel Gyromitra esculenta. We say it ear mushroom.

It is very poisonous and need special handling.

I we put alot of newspapers in poor dry wood soil, these mushrooms rise in spring nearby paper store.

One method is to dig a 5 litre holes in the forest soil and next spring there are perhaps mushrooms. It likes broken soil. It likes sandy conifer forests and exist up to Polar Circle area. I think that some search them with dog.


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