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What do you believe in?

  • Christianity

    Votes: 35 29.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 14 12.0%
  • Non-believer

    Votes: 68 58.1%

  • Total voters
I have given up thinking as it hurts too much.. Gin soothes the pain...But I agree about beekeeping being restful.. out of season I rest all the time:serenade:...
Right guys, I don't normally get involved in posts like this because some of you kind fellows have opinions about beekeeping and non beekeeping issues that do not allow for others' opinions to be expressed without a row developing (and I find this forum not to be as friendly as it used to be), but on with the hard hat and ear protectors .....

I'm not really into "religion" but I am in a personal relationship with Christ. He is involved in every aspect of my life and while circumstances can be bad, things go wrong, situations can be difficult, I find his peace just flows over me sometimes, and I know He loves me. It is coming up to Christmas, and I am always amazed at the Incarnation - how a holy God would become a man like me and live a life like we do, with emotions, fears, troubles, joys, hunger, pain, fun, creativity: bottom line, because of Christmas God knows first hand what we go through and He understands. I love making things out of recycled wood, and often imagine how Jesus (the Son of God incarnate) would have enjoyed his time as a carpenter - I wonder did he jump about like me when he banged his finger? Fishing, and sleeping on a boat are things I also do with a smile!

For me it started when I learned that God loved me and sent his only son to die for mankind to bring men and women back into relationship with Him. And when I read that God commanded all men to repent. So I did. I repented of my sins and asked God to repair my broken relationship with Him. Like my relationships with my wife and my children, my relationship with God needs to be regular, constant, maintained. If I only spoke to the wife at Christmas, Easter and funerals I wouldn't have much of a relationship. So with Jesus, I keep it regular, daily, and I have found great peace in every aspect of my life, even when circumstances are terrible, his peace remains constant.

An old beekeeper in our Association speaks about "telling the bees" and how his granny would recount the happenings of the day to the bees. In fact, an old tradition here in Northern Ireland is to go and tell the bees when the beekeeper dies. I find myself telling the bees about OUR heavenly Father and his provision for them and me. I feel blessed.

A few years ago I took my eldest son to help build some houses in a Leper colony in Africa. We lived among them and witnessing their joy despite circumstances - a joy that came from a relationship with God and not from material possessions - we now live a very different life. I'm very thankful this Christmas to have wood for the fire, to have a roof above me, a dry place to sleep, shoes without holes, something to eat, and above all else the love and peace of God in my life everyday. Christmas is not about presents and parties, gifts and drink. It is about celebrating the event when God sent his son into this world to repair a broken relationship and bring His peace into lives who will accept Him.

Happy Christmas to all
Precisely that ,holiday being a contraction of Holy Day .
Use vacation if acceptance of holy days isn't for you :)

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I like Christmas Pudding... especially cold with a slice of crispy fatty fried bacon on Boxing Day morning !
I am not changing its name to vacation pudding for anyone!
At my rural CofE primary school the infants teacher was very insistent on it being
Father Christmas in Brown and Green,
NOT Santa Claus in red.
And this infant teacher was determined to get the young children interested in nature, identifying plants, birds, insects etc.

So come the school xmas party the infants party piece was all about birds and wood spirits and stuff, while the juniors did nativity play...

The strange thing is athough now an adult atheist , I'm very uneasy cutting down holly, hawthorn and oak, and will try to find excuses not to. Not rational. I must have been brainwashed or possessed by the Man in the Green as a young child :)
Most of these Christian holy days conveniently coincided with ancient pagan rituals and beliefs. I don't feel a hypocrite for enjoying them. ;)
Most of these Christian holy days conveniently coincided with ancient pagan rituals and beliefs. I don't feel a hypocrite for enjoying them. ;)

Which ,part from Christmas ?
All peoples of the book have their observances according to phases of the moon .
, be they Jewish, Christian or Muslim!

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Yeah, I thought it was common knowledge that christianity hijacked already existing pagan festivals with some convenient celebration of their own. It's how they spread the word.
I don't see much wrong with most religious philosophy's, its the humans that spoil it with their arrogance and greed.
Yeah, I thought it was common knowledge that christianity hijacked already existing pagan festivals with some convenient celebration of their own. It's how they spread the word.

Not only is it common knowledge it's true.

There is a Papal Edict thing about it.
If I can find it again I will post it.
hijacked is a bit harsh, what they did is simply intergrate christianity into their pagan beliefs so not to upset the apple cart too much
Organised religion is about power

How true.

Just look at all "religious" conflicts..The base is religious but it is ALL about power,,, either physical or political or both.

And usually the dominant side ensures the inferior side " sucks on the hind tit" thus ensuring strife for centuries to come..

See Henry 8th, Northern Ireland, the European religious wars and the current ones in the Middle East . And to think we wanted to fight in Syria (I wrote in protest to my MP- the second letter I have written to one in 50 years -First was about the proposed Iraq war)
hijacked is a bit harsh, what they did is simply intergrate christianity into their pagan beliefs so not to upset the apple cart too much
Hijacked, utilised, integrated, call it what you will, it was contrived trickery used to convert and spread their preachings. Of course, they could always rely on genocide for the ones who didn't buy in. Charlamagne's slaughter of pagan Saxons is just one example.
Hijacked, utilised, integrated, call it what you will, it was contrived trickery used to convert and spread their preachings. Of course, they could always rely on genocide for the ones who didn't buy in. Charlamagne's slaughter of pagan Saxons is just one example.

If you read the new testament (letters to Rome) it comments on how the first early churches had become corrupted and not at all what Jesus intended

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