Beliefs of Forum Members...

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What do you believe in?

  • Christianity

    Votes: 35 29.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 14 12.0%
  • Non-believer

    Votes: 68 58.1%

  • Total voters
Rev. Langstroth
Rev. WB ****
Bro. Adam
Abbot Warre

and plenty more no doubt. There is a strong traditional link between beekeeping and the church.

Because there were no sugar plantations to exploit then, Chris, so the church monopolised beekeeping for honey, but mainly the purity of the wax. You need to light your stage and worship is not as dramatic by tallow candle.
What a clever bit of well thought out rhetoric !
Congratulations , I wish I had your incisive mind !

As much as I dislike said 'good book', it really isn't as bad as that woman's prose.
you can have a dig at me all you want but i simply don't believe in a god if there were a god they wouldn't have said the massacre of the crusades was in their name neither would they say the massacre of the english pagans was in their name and the many other atrocities carried out by the christians and i'm pretty sure if we had to live by the bible takin a **** would probably be a sin

I wish to god/no god you believed in punctuation...
I have found that working with, and studying the lives of Honey Bees my own faith in God has been strengthened.
Bees prove Mr Darwin to be wrong.

I would argue quite the reverse, but this could be good if there's any thought behind such a statement.
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When Charles Darwin first proposed his theory of evolution by natural selection he himself questioned whether honeybees might be the unravelling of his ideas.
You can read about this in the Collins Beekeepers Bible (page 104).

I must admit that the first time I read this section of the book I had to re-read it several times. Not to question it, but to understand what was writen.
Here was proof for me that Darwin had a theory, a pretty good one as well, but thats all it was, a theory.
He himself admitted that there were flaws in it as well.
My own belief in a God was taught to me as a theory when I was a child.
However as I have gone through life witnessing miracles and receiving answers to my prayers this Theory has become a powerful reality.
For me Beekeeping is both an enjoyable and spiritual experience. It is as close to nature as I can get. Much closer than hugging trees.

I think many people take up Beekeeping later in life when their beliefs and ideas have already been chosen by them.
However if they were to stop and ponder a little I think most would admit that maybe there is more to life.

Happy Christmas time

Spirituality doesn't necessarily have anything to do with religion.
Which ,part from Christmas ?
All peoples of the book have their observances according to phases of the moon .
, be they Jewish, Christian or Muslim!

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Exactly; moon, tides and crops.

Happy Mithras everyone!
hijacked is a bit harsh, what they did is simply intergrate christianity into their pagan beliefs so not to upset the apple cart too much

They adopted popular dates to allow integration, but hijacked is a fair description. Or do you prefer misappropriated?
Admin I think it's time you closed this thread and buried it with a stake through it's heart - It's getting increasingly tiresome and in my view offensive, especially at this time of the year. Or do only some people's feelings count for nothing on this forum now?
I had locked this thread, thinking that it was for the best, obviously i was wrong, sorry JB, peoples feeling count for nothing, so it is now open again, carry on.....
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Do bees have souls?

What are the thoughts of a Buddhist when stung by a honeybee?

Why do they fit lightening conductors to churches

Why are bees attracted to the ? leylines? that run through my back garden.

Are any of these explained in any religion?

Just curious in what others think... however wacky or off the wall!
Probably as imponderable as your sense of the bizarre ?

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Do bees have souls?

What are the thoughts of a Buddhist when stung by a honeybee?

Why do they fit lightening conductors to churches

Why are bees attracted to the ? leylines? that run through my back garden.

Are any of these explained in any religion?

Just curious in what others think... however wacky or off the wall!

I am sure a Bhuddist would just smile..

Some preachers promise hellfire and brimstone so lightning conductors are needed as a safety precaution.

Bees like leylines as drones need to get leyed occasionally.

Religions often explain things as "God's will" when there is no logical explanation Or the work of the devil. Or angels. Or evil spirits..

As for bees having souls... you can choose between the "bees have no higher thoughts so no souls" attitude or the "all living creatures have souls" approach. Personally I have learned through life experience to treat all living creatures as sentient (in some form or another) and to treat them with dignity and respect.. so I guess as if they have souls - even if they may not - but I have no idea or view on that.

(The above does not preclude me eating animals/fish at all)
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Religions often explain things as "God's will" when there is no logical explanation Or the work of the devil. Or angels. Or evil spirits..

This... God, Mary, Joseph, Jesus, business is a bit strange, Mary is married to Joseph, she has a bit on the side with God (commits adultery) and gets pregnant, so Joseph is really the stepfather, then God writes a law on a piece of stone, thou shall not commit adultery...strange.
Do bees have souls?

What are the thoughts of a Buddhist when stung by a honeybee?

Why do they fit lightening conductors to churches

Why are bees attracted to the ? leylines? that run through my back garden.

Are any of these explained in any religion?

Just curious in what others think... however wacky or off the wall!

1. Theologians say no. They point out that man was created superior to animals and that animals can’t be equal with him.

2. That hurts but my mind and body can control it

3. because they were the tallest buildings

4. leylines no idea
Do bees have souls?


No, because soul means "human".

Meaning "spirit of a deceased person" is attested in Old English from 971. As a synonym for "person, individual, human being" (e.g. every living soul) it dates from early 14c. Soul-searching (n.) is attested from 1871, from the phrase used as a past participle adjective (1610s). Distinguishing soul from spirit is a matter best left to theologians.
Not much of the bible would stand up to scrutiny !
Right from Genesis !
The whole point is faith, not analytical dissection
The sons of Eve went to the land of Nodd and took wives . How come when they were the only people on earth?
One explanation being women's status wasn't worth a mention ? Eve was !
The act of faith is personal and should be respected !

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