Andy Chas
New Bee
Hi all
Just joined the forum, very much looking forward to learning loads from you all. I’m a new keeper, first overwintering of bees in 3 hives (hopefully!, signs are positive so far). Did the introductory course last year with the amazing people at North Somerset BKA, now on the improvers course with the aim of taking my Basic this summer.
Hope you’re all enjoying this mild patch and best wishes for the upcoming season!
Just joined the forum, very much looking forward to learning loads from you all. I’m a new keeper, first overwintering of bees in 3 hives (hopefully!, signs are positive so far). Did the introductory course last year with the amazing people at North Somerset BKA, now on the improvers course with the aim of taking my Basic this summer.
Hope you’re all enjoying this mild patch and best wishes for the upcoming season!