BBKA - A Manifesto for Change

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Yorkshire has over 20 branches and nearly 1500 members but only one delegate yet all associations including very small associations like Thanet Wye valley, Rutland etc with less than 100 members) have one delegate. The block vote is there to compensate for this. Would you rather have 23 Yorkshire delegates instead ? It would certainly be a lively meeting if that happened! The block vote is not used all the time only when Yorkshire BKA memebers feel strongly about some issue.

It's a really difficult thing to get right ... perhaps the problem is the fact that voting rights are consolidated in so few hands - regardless of whether it is a delegate or card block vote. Perhaps what the BBKA should be doing is publishing a detailed agenda of the motions well in the advance of the meeting and give the membership the opportunity to have an individual input into the decisions taken at the ADM (via their local associations and onwards to the County Delegate) - so the votes cast by the ADM Delgates truly reflect the feelings and desires of the membership - not those of the committees and the deals brokered at County level.

There would always be members who could not be bothered to be vote and their votes could be counted and cast as the Delegates see fit - but for those members who have an opinion on a motion - their voices SHOULD be heard.
Yorkshire has over 20 branches and nearly 1500 members but only one delegate yet all associations including very small associations like Thanet Wye valley, Rutland etc with less than 100 members) have one delegate. The block vote is there to compensate for this. Would you rather have 23 Yorkshire delegates instead ? It would certainly be a lively meeting if that happened! The block vote is not used all the time only when Yorkshire BKA memebers feel strongly about some issue.

That is precisely what I mean master BK. If all 23 Yorkshire Votes were used in the same way it would be more representative of the grass roots membership. If however two or three of the associations/delegates found themselves swayed by an argument and in agreement with other associations then the built in lack of democracy in large block votes would not come into play.
I agree with other people who feel that the County Association in is present form is an anachronism. It is a level in the hierarchy that is not needed and blocks communication with the members of the BKKA. Proposals from individuals could be submitted to local associations and the BBKA could facilitate their distribution to all local associations for distribution to members. Dare I go so far as to suggest that propositions were published in BBKA news to allow individual members to consider them?
Currently if a local association has a proposal in can be thwarted at county level by not being adopted. As we have seen from this thread it appears that county associations are not forwarding proposals to local associations and grassroots members.
If a proposal then makes it to a BBKA meeting, many of the delegates are un-briefed, others have not consulted the membership, and if it is not liked by delegates from a large County Association, not necessarily the association's members, it can be subject to a block vote. This current system provides a number of ways of denying the members democracy. It is putting the decision making in the hands of the county associations. I wonder how many of the Yorkshire members turn up to the county AGM and vote for their County. I am not trying to disparage Yorkshire but merely use it as an example of the issues involved with County Associations.
Good luck with whatever the outcome is, just hope it's for real beekeepers and not someone's bank balance.
That the BBKA ... should be able to cut out the county for purposes of organisation. Groups of districts can come together to do events, but for communication and finance purposes, the counties are essentially redundant in a world of facebook and email.
I agree with other people who feel that the County Association in is present form is an anachronism. It is a level in the hierarchy that is not needed and blocks communication with the members of the BKKA.
In my experience the county association doesn't do anything much except have meetings nobody locally wants to go to; make decisions local groups disagree with; send a chosen person off on a jaunt to sit in an important BBKA meeting to vote on policies nobody knows are being discussed. And all because the county distances itself from the local associations.

How much do the county associations cost to run, and what do they do with the money?
At our County meetings I would like to think best practice is shared. Our County is made up of 6 branches and we meet approx 4 times a year. Bulk purchasing of liquid feed, an annual County event plus involvement at the Suffolk Show are an example of what our County are involved in, this is addition to attendance at the ADM etc etc. A £1 contribution per registered member in my view is a good return. If funds become excessive money is put back to branch. Branch County reps should act as a conduit between the local branch members & County.
The BBKA was described to me as a bottom up organisation and I am happy with this principle, local association feeding into County and then onwards to the BBKA.
I have to agree BBKA seems to be very focused on making money via schemes and increasing capitation all for 'members benefits'. Unfortunately the schemes never seem to amount to anything (apologies if I am incorrect on this) and I fear with continual capitation increases membership will suffer. What the BBKA offer at present is good value but this seems to be their justification for increases, maximising return from growth in membership - trouble is for all the new members in, some of the olden's bugger off and it's this section of the membership that can be the most valuable in experience and spare time.
We must all remember that the majority of people involved do so for no financial reward - quite why they give their time sometimes is beyond me especially when things don't go to plan and they are then subjected to moans & groans from membership.
If things are not as you wish then put yourselves forward to assist with your local associations, I'm sure there will be a place for you on the committee.
At our County meetings I would like to think best practice is shared. Our County is made up of 6 branches and we meet approx 4 times a year. Bulk purchasing of liquid feed, an annual County event plus involvement at the Suffolk Show are an example of what our County are involved in, this is addition to attendance at the ADM etc etc. A £1 contribution per registered member in my view is a good return. If funds become excessive money is put back to branch. Branch County reps should act as a conduit between the local branch members & County.
The BBKA was described to me as a bottom up organisation and I am happy with this principle, local association feeding into County and then onwards to the BBKA.
I have to agree BBKA seems to be very focused on making money via schemes and increasing capitation all for 'members benefits'. Unfortunately the schemes never seem to amount to anything (apologies if I am incorrect on this) and I fear with continual capitation increases membership will suffer. What the BBKA offer at present is good value but this seems to be their justification for increases, maximising return from growth in membership - trouble is for all the new members in, some of the olden's bugger off and it's this section of the membership that can be the most valuable in experience and spare time.
We must all remember that the majority of people involved do so for no financial reward - quite why they give their time sometimes is beyond me especially when things don't go to plan and they are then subjected to moans & groans from membership.
If things are not as you wish then put yourselves forward to assist with your local associations, I'm sure there will be a place for you on the committee.

I wouldn't bet on it! :D:)
In response to WoodenBeam's post 18.1.2016
Policy change at your association it seems!!
A committee post was advertised as vacant on committee at my association so I volunteered and put my name forward, and was then told to 'stand down' as someone else(more preferred obviously) had offered.
And I thought members chose their committee by vote at the AGM-silly me; certainly wont be offering again.
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Do committee members at local and county level have to fill out a form showing any financial interest or sponsorship/expense money they have received from companies ?

I know local and county council members have to now.
I think it is all part of councils being accountable and to stop any conflicts of interest.
In response to WoodenBeam's post 18.1.2016
Policy change at your association it seems!!
A committee post was advertised as vacant on committee at my association so I volunteered and put my name forward, and was then told to 'stand down' as someone else(more preferred obviously) had offered.
And I thought members chose their committee by vote at the AGM-silly me; certainly wont be offering again.

In my experience...some associations seem to be run by the committee, for the committee. They do like their little cliques don't they?:)
Do committee members at local and county level have to fill out a form showing any financial interest or sponsorship/expense money they have received from companies ?

I know local and county council members have to now.
I think it is all part of councils being accountable and to stop any conflicts of interest.

Ours tends to keep that sort of thing to themselves it appears. My questioning of a committee member on the source of 'revenue' was removed from a facebook account.....all kept under wraps down our way. The sad thing is that I seem to be the only one that sees this sort of thing slightly 'dishonorable'. Sign of the times or does money talk?:)