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    • J
      jeff33 replied to the thread Where are the wasps?.
      You need to drink it quicker!
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      jeff33 reacted to jenkinsbrynmair's post in the thread Am I too late to split a colony with Like Like.
      if you only have six frames, then it's not really strong enough - you also need to ignore the 'advice' of those obsessed with habving...
    • J
      jeff33 replied to the thread Using Queen Cells for Nucs.
      I wouldn't make 3 frames nucs with Qcs now, too late in my opinion. At this time of year you want to make 5-6 frames nuc with a mated queen.
    • J
      jeff33 replied to the thread Am I too late to split a colony.
      I would agree with others in your situation. I am still making nucs and now the main flow is almost over will be splitting my strongest...
    • J
      jeff33 replied to the thread running bb with runners and DN1.
      yes, I should have used the term guard bees rather than older grmupier....althought they equally fit the bill !
    • J
      jeff33 replied to the thread running bb with runners and DN1.
      You also tend to get the older grumpier bees on the first 2 frames towards the entrance which can set the rest off if they are twitchy.
    • J
      jeff33 replied to the thread oz armour suit.
      I just looked again from the ad I get on Facebook and it says £154 instead of 206 for the 3 layer super cool suit (medium) + free shipping
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      jeff33 replied to the thread Queen cells torn down.
      I did a round of grafting 2 weeks ago and had the same issue with bees drawing comb around cells. I always have a scalpel with me which...
    • J
      jeff33 replied to the thread oz armour suit.
      They are certainly cheaper than others with the same attributes. I have an ad cropping up at the moment with 25% off.
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      jeff33 reacted to Swarm's post in the thread oz armour suit with Like Like.
      Mine is the earlier type that doesn't have velcro, just elasticated cuffs. Anywhere that the material can potentially be pulled tight...
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      jeff33 reacted to Newbeeneil's post in the thread oz armour suit with Like Like.
      The long leg zips are the best bit. No fighting to get the wellies down the legs!!!! My Oz Armour has been well abused for the last 7...
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      jeff33 replied to the thread oz armour suit.
      can you just stay on your knees so they don't have access to this area? 🤣 7-8 years is good going though. I looked at them but I am not...
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      jeff33 reacted to Erichalfbee's post in the thread running bb with runners and DN1 with Like Like.
      You have to put in exactly as Pete created his forum name. This forum doesn’t have Google’s ability to guess what you mean and correct...
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      jeff33 reacted to Swarm's post in the thread running bb with runners and DN1 with Like Like.
      I posted about this before, a batch of duff hoffman seconds that allowed twelve frames in the box plus space enough for a dummy board.
    • J
      jeff33 reacted to NiallD's post in the thread first grafting attempt failed with Like Like.
      Those cells are probably not ''abandoned'' , just immersed in comb. It happens when there's a flow on . Cut them back with a sharp...
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