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      MrMouse reacted to jenkinsbrynmair's post in the thread Weather with Like Like.
      just an expensive pacamac, no better or worse than a Barbour, trouble is with all these is, they may stop the rain getting in but you...
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      I was down near the bees today so thought I’d pop in. Too cold to do any inspecting of the brood, but I couldn’t resist lifting the lid...
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      MrMouse reacted to jenkinsbrynmair's post in the thread Demaree by shaking with Like Like.
      in that case, just keep the emptiest frame or two from the brood box to leave with the queen. Many people just leaves the queen on a box...
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      MrMouse replied to the thread Demaree by shaking.
      Thanks all, this is reassuring as my queen finding skills need some work. Sadly I don’t have any drawn comb to spare. We’ll see how we...
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      MrMouse reacted to jenkinsbrynmair's post in the thread Demaree by shaking with Like Like.
      no reason at all not to. You don't need a frame of brood down there, I never do when shaking them down, but a few frames of drawn comb...
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      MrMouse reacted to Sutty's post in the thread Demaree by shaking with Like Like.
      What's the betting you spot the queen in the process! Have a COT and a marking pen handy 🙂
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      MrMouse reacted to Erichalfbee's post in the thread Demaree by shaking with Like Like.
      Put as much drawn comb in the bottom box as you can spare.
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      MrMouse reacted to JamezF's post in the thread Demaree by shaking with Like Like.
      That's pretty much the way I did it last year. Young bees were back up to the brood like rats up a drainpipe. James
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      Hi folks, I’ve got a thriving double brood colony that I’d like to demaree over the next few weeks. I can’t, however, find the...
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      MrMouse reacted to Swarm's post in the thread Advice on next steps with Like Like.
      Definitely not, your queen could do with space and as your super sounds like it's mainly foundation, any incoming nectar is going to end...
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      MrMouse replied to the thread Advice on next steps.
      Reconfigured to double brood, I’ve split the brood over the two boxes as suggested. Thanks all!
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      MrMouse reacted to jenkinsbrynmair's post in the thread Advice on next steps with Like Like.
      just remember that just dumping a deep of foundation (either under or over) probably won't work in your case so heed Hemo's advice in...
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      MrMouse replied to the thread Advice on next steps.
      Double brood it is then! Thanks all - I’ll go back to them after lunch.
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      MrMouse reacted to hemo's post in the thread Advice on next steps with Like Like.
      They clearly need space as does the queen , laying is only going to increase so double brood is the obvious option for now, weather...
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      MrMouse replied to the thread Advice on next steps.
      Thanks for your replies so far. I’ve got 4 brood frames of stores that I could extract but some of it will be crystallised I expect...
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