Bad Beekeepers Club book

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Poly Hive

Queen Bee
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
Scottish Borders
Hive Type
Number of Hives
12 and 18 Nucs
I have it and read it, and am happy to pass it on to who ever wants it.....

On the basis that when the first person who asks for it, sends me a PM with their address, and then they will flag up when they have finished with it and will send it on to the next person who wants it.

I await....

Thats very nice Poly :hurray:

not wanting it myself (I dont do books), but just out of intrest did you like/rate the book?

Or are you passing it on becuase it is rubbish?
LOL. Thanks for leaving me room for manoeuvre.

I was not very impressed but it's a gentle read and vaguely amusing in places.

If I had had it as a present I would have been a little disappointed. ;)

I would not have bought it. Mine was a present.

Apart from tat, as per P H.

'Band wagon' comes to mind, but that is perhaps a little harsh or just plain cynical.

I found it reasonably good as a light read. But, as others have said, it is nothing more. Mr Turnbull seems to be seriously flawed as a technical beekeeper so definitely not recommended by me as a beginner's guide.

Good to know that I am not the worst beek in the world though...

Ben P
I found it reasonably good as a light read. But, as others have said, it is nothing more. Mr Turnbull seems to be seriously flawed as a technical beekeeper so definitely not recommended by me as a beginner's guide.

Good to know that I am not the worst beek in the world though...

Ben P

I am sure there is a degree of poetic license accentuating the daft stuff to make it a better read.
Could whoever has it please put my name down on the list, please?
I enjoyed it as a very light read. It didn't teach me anything except that mistakes will happen to all of us but if it highlights beekeepers that must be ok.
I will get some heavier reading for the winter.
good book for anyone

i found it to be a good book for a general read not going to deep into beekeeping, but an outsider read who would like to start 8/10:grouphug:
I am sure there is a degree of poetic license accentuating the daft stuff to make it a better read.

Some of that may of come from a couple of threads on the forum as a certain person is a member who often reads threads..

I was contacted by the publisher's before the book went to print.

If you read a tale in the book and told members on the forum of your mistake then it could of been you he was talking about..
I have the book and have read about half of it so far.
I don't think it ever purports to be anything but a humerous view of what can go wrong for an inexperienced beek.

As a light read I do find it funny.
It would be nice then if a certain person had the courage to out themselves.

I think they certainly could do with some of the sage advice dispensed on here.

Where are you Bill? Oh and could I have my money back please? Ah.... that is why he is incognito....LOL

The book is in the post to weight bees, then to thenakedbeekeeper and then to pasafloyd. After that sort it out amongst yourselves. :)

the old Cycling Plus forum sent a shirt round the country on that basis... but I didn't sign the book before it left....LOL

I will send it back once i have read it, it's only fair and will only take a day or two more before the next person recieves it.

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