First beekeeping lesson!

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House Bee
Feb 1, 2024
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Number of Hives
So I had my first class today. So enjoyable and fascinating! Two hours flew by.

I’ve been dying to get my hands on some bees. Wow they’re amazing aren’t they? Totally different seeing them in the flesh than in books and videos! Slightly disconcerting being surrounded for the first time but within a minute or so I found myself too engrossed to notice.

It’s so warm in there!

Propolis is INCREDIBLY sticky isn’t it?

Note to any beginner ladies - tie your hair back VERY securely. I never realised how often I brush it away from my face without even thinking about it, until today. I’m tempted to wear a swimming hat under my suit next time.

I also went to my first local bee meeting on Thursday. Lots of lovely friendly people. A lady did a talk on showing your honey. If you’d asked me on Wednesday if I would ever want to enter shows with my honey I’d have said no. However she was so enthusiastic and made it so interesting that I can scarcely think of anything else.

Also I tried mead. Blackberry mead to be more specific. It was DELICIOUS. Like sweet Sherry, to which I’m partial.

Hoping everyone’s bees are finding lots of forage in this delightful weather.
Best thing to do with long hair is to plait or tie it back. Use an Alice band as well if needed. A swimming hat will make you too hot, especially if we ever get any warm weather. Some people use a baseball cap to keep the veil off their faces.
Best thing to do with long hair is to plait or tie it back. Use an Alice band as well if needed. A swimming hat will make you too hot, especially if we ever get any warm weather. Some people use a baseball cap to keep the veil off their faces.
I find a clothes peg at the back of the veil to shorten it a little stops the veil falling forward over my face
Liked your description of your reaction to bees..Some people find the contrast between description in videos and reality too much!
Hope you continue to enjoy beekeeping:
May I have some of your hair please as I am nearly bald? :eek:
Liked your description of your reaction to bees..Some people find the contrast between description in videos and reality too much!
Hope you continue to enjoy beekeeping:
May I have some of your hair please as I am nearly bald? :eek:
I’ll lend you some but I’m afraid I’ll need it back as I look like a potato without it.
Best thing to do with long hair is to plait or tie it back. Use an Alice band as well if needed. A swimming hat will make you too hot, especially if we ever get any warm weather. Some people use a baseball cap to keep the veil off their faces.
I was joking about the swimming hat ☺️ I did tie it back but I’m definitely adding an alice band next time, or else one of those wide band/scarfy type things.