What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Created this scene of chaos in the rain. On the right was a hive with a failing/failed queen. I decided to unite them with a very strong nuc on the left. In the middle is a stack of supers with a nuc on top, entrance facing the other way. I had to find a deep box for the nuc plus an empty super because the nuc was 12x14. So piles of frames everywhere. I used newspaper and also air freshener for belt and braces. I didn't realise the state of the place till I looked at the photo.

But at least my notes were dry. I used a portable tall tent (I think they are for a loo usually) which my wife got me a while past. I was worried about being able to fold the springy thing up again. I did succeed by force of unrestrained determination.chaotic apiary.jpg
Created this scene of chaos in the rain. On the right was a hive with a failing/failed queen. I decided to unite them with a very strong nuc on the left. In the middle is a stack of supers with a nuc on top, entrance facing the other way. I had to find a deep box for the nuc plus an empty super because the nuc was 12x14. So piles of frames everywhere. I used newspaper and also air freshener for belt and braces. I didn't realise the state of the place till I looked at the photo.

But at least my notes were dry. I used a portable tall tent (I think they are for a loo usually) which my wife got me a while past. I was worried about being able to fold the springy thing up again. I did succeed by force of unrestrained determination.View attachment 40778
Glad it’s not just me that gets into an organised pickle 😉
Put some clearer boards on 3 colonies in my main apiary and they went apeshit! They were all over me as soon as I cracked the crownboard.
Hopefully it was just the weather…………
Probably getting defensive because of the honey your taking- I’ve had a few that have been like this, not all over me but I took a few stings to the hands( no gloves )
Maybe both weather as well?
Spent the day at the Royal Welsh - on the WBKA stand in the honey show for most of the morning, Met up with John and Wendy from @Hedgerow Honey, was nice to see them both away from the hustle and bustle of BFA meetings, so spent a lot of my time chewing the fat with John , and with Dan our RBI arranging my upcoming DASH audit.
Didn't do too badly at the honey show either, half a dozen first, including first in both commercial classes I entered - won the Crawshay's challenge cup and a handful of various seconds and thirds.
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Guessing that's your good self holding the trophy? I'd previously formed a mental image somewhat more weather-beaten from seagoing.🤔
Spent the day at the Royal Welsh - on the WBKA stand in the honey show for most of the morning, Met up with John and Wendy from @Hedgerow Honey, was nice to see them both away from the hustle and bustle of BFA meetings, so spent a lot of my time chewing the fat with John , and with Dan our RBI arranging my upcoming DASH audit.
Didn't do too badly at the honey show either, half a dozen first, including first in both commercial classes I entered - won the Crawshay's challenge cup and a handful of various seconds and thirds.
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Both queens were clipped - is it possible she/they flopped out into the grass and never made it back but the bees returned to the hive?
I lost a queen today when she left the brood frame she was on, after I briefly put it to one side, but out of the hive. I spent what time I had, crawling around pathetically on all fours, peering under pallets and on the ground for her, but to no avail.
Spent the day at the Royal Welsh - on the WBKA stand in the honey show for most of the morning, Met up with John and Wendy from @Hedgerow Honey, was nice to see them both away from the hustle and bustle of BFA meetings, so spent a lot of my time chewing the fat with John , and with Dan our RBI arranging my upcoming DASH audit.
Didn't do too badly at the honey show either, half a dozen first, including first in both commercial classes I entered - won the Crawshay's challenge cup and a handful of various seconds and thirds.
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Well done, but I was disappointed you weren’t wearing your medal……
Swarm where I caught a queen which then died in a clip must have had another queen. BIAS.
Swarms, bait boxes, splits and nucs all seem to have got mated so I've jumped from 2 to 8 colonies. Rags to riches.
Well, 'riches', maybe. Only one of them has collected any significant honey. Potential.
Any chance the bees objected to one or more of the following?
New genetics.
A damaged queen via clipping and/or marking.
I marked a queen earlier this year once I found a decent pattern of worker brood. She waltzed off and made straight for a hole in the comb and then proceeded to back out of it, this annoyingly succeeded in spreading some paint onto her antennae.
The next time I looked into that colony there was no sign of her and no brood. Last week I checked again and caught a glimpse of a tiny unmarked queen.
Not new genetics as they were from splits. Nice and cleanly marked (unusually for me!) and don’t believe I damaged them when clipped. Others seem to have experienced the same issue this year 🤔
Not new genetics as they were from splits. Nice and cleanly marked (unusually for me!) and don’t believe I damaged them when clipped. Others seem to have experienced the same issue this year 🤔
A clipped wing is a damaged wing. A blob of paint is also sometimes enough reason for the colony to reject the queen, especially a new, not yet established queen. Over the years I've had a few disappear without trace after marking. As I posted, I lost that queen a couple of weeks ago, the paint smeared her antennae but nothing that terrible, sometimes the bees just object.
I checked on her little replacement today to see if she had started laying and yes I found open brood. I also spotted her again so I took some photos for a 'find the queen' challenge. Her red legs gave her away bless her.

little queen a.jpg
A clipped wing is a damaged wing. A blob of paint is also sometimes enough reason for the colony to reject the queen, especially a new, not yet established queen. Over the years I've had a few disappear without trace after marking. As I posted, I lost that queen a couple of weeks ago, the paint smeared her antennae but nothing that terrible, sometimes the bees just object.
I checked on her little replacement today to see if she had started laying and yes I found open brood. I also spotted her again so I took some photos for a 'find the queen' challenge. Her red legs gave her away bless her.

View attachment 40783
She’s a lovely little thing
A clipped wing is a damaged wing. A blob of paint is also sometimes enough reason for the colony to reject the queen, especially a new, not yet established queen. Over the years I've had a few disappear without trace after marking. As I posted, I lost that queen a couple of weeks ago, the paint smeared her antennae but nothing that terrible, sometimes the bees just object.
I checked on her little replacement today to see if she had started laying and yes I found open brood. I also spotted her again so I took some photos for a 'find the queen' challenge. Her red legs gave her away bless her.

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Interesting as I’ve never lost a queen like this and I always mark and clip my queens. I’ve heard from other beekeepers having the exact same issues. Just seems odd.
Interesting as I’ve never lost a queen like this and I always mark and clip my queens. I’ve heard from other beekeepers having the exact same issues. Just seems odd.
I’ve had the same happen, 3 green marked Queen’s have gone AWOL over the last 2 weeks. Like you I'm unsure why this has happened, plenty of laying space, stores and no sign of Queen cells being built prior to their disappearance!
It’s very disappointing ☹️
I’ve had the same happen, 3 green marked Queen’s have gone AWOL over the last 2 weeks. Like you I'm unsure why this has happened, plenty of laying space, stores and no sign of Queen cells being built prior to their disappearance!
It’s very disappointing ☹️
Are you saying the queens disappeared leaving the colonies queen less or did you find queen cells after you discovered them missing?

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