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    • steve1958
      Called to two swarms today, one on the Aston Martin plant, they offered us a tour of the plant as a thank you. The second just as...
    • steve1958
      steve1958 replied to the thread Restarting my hive.
      Also see if there are any registered pest control companies in your area and contact them. Sometimes they are paid to remove colonies of...
    • steve1958
      steve1958 reacted to Beedogg's post in the thread Abandoned QC? with Like Like.
      Went in yesterday and found a frame of eggs and a very small new Queen. Yay. Patience, dear boy, patience...
    • steve1958
      steve1958 reacted to Moobee's post in the thread I have a new job! with Like Like.
      I took early retirement at 55 having worked out that I didn't need shed loads of money to live as long as I had health and happiness. It...
    • steve1958
      steve1958 reacted to JamezF's post in the thread I have a new job! with Like Like.
      I cheated though: I bought half the company :D I really couldn't face going back to IT and I can't deny that I've been kind of ignoring...
    • steve1958
      steve1958 replied to the thread Abandoned QC?.
      A few ideas spring to mind. The first queen may have hatched and killed the larvae in the other two queen cells. If they are still...
    • steve1958
      I've tried different Queens over the years but always return to Buckfast bees.
    • steve1958
      steve1958 reacted to fian's post in the thread Lifetime egg supply with Like Like.
      The values it provides are not new, Farrar (one of the first entomologists to apply scientific analysis on beekeeping) spoke about all...
    • steve1958
      steve1958 reacted to jarmo henttu's post in the thread Lifetime egg supply with Like Like.
      I have given to queens so much space as they can use. I use 3 Langstroth boxes for brood and no excluder. The lowest box will be...
    • steve1958
      steve1958 reacted to fian's post in the thread Lifetime egg supply with Like Like.
      A quick fix would be Move the queen excluder upwards so that the two supers with the fullest squares are at the top and in August move...
    • steve1958
      steve1958 reacted to fian's post in the thread Lifetime egg supply with Like Like.
      There is some debate in the scientific community about whether the queen is plenipotentiary (there is no laying limit) or she is...
    • steve1958
      steve1958 reacted to simonwig's post in the thread Lifetime egg supply with Like Like.
      As a point of interest, the Queen goes on more than one mating flight, from one of David Evans many great blogs, the typical Queen will...
    • steve1958
      steve1958 reacted to jarmo henttu's post in the thread Lifetime egg supply with Like Like.
      A gueen makes several mating flights. It needs 1-3 good days to visit to drone swarm. Let the queen lay so much as it can. Then for...
    • steve1958
      steve1958 reacted to fian's post in the thread Lifetime egg supply with Like Like.
      Have you placed any super on top of the breeding nest? Do you use queen excluder?
    • steve1958
      steve1958 replied to the thread Lifetime egg supply.
      Yes, currently queen excluder then 3 supers of drawn foundation which does contain some stores.
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