Confession time.

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Queen Bee
Jan 1, 2018
Reaction score
Fernhurst Sussex
Hive Type
Number of Hives
40 plus 23 that I maintain for clients.
Let me tell you a story.
Earlier this week I was phoned but a rather well to do lady asking if I could supply some bees, it turns out they used to have bees in a WBC at their old house but they had died out during the winter and since moving to their new house they wanted to repopulate the hive.
I found out the beekeeper in the family was her son and he had been taught by a mentor.
I said that since the bees had died out they should sterilise the hive prior to installing bees. This completely flummoxed her as she said she would pay me if I would come and sort it.
Fast forward to last evening, I arrived at a local mansion to be greeted by an obnoxious 9/10yo boy who proceeded to tell me all about keeping bees.
His father accompanied us to the depths of their sprawling gardens to find a white WBC still with the frames in situ. It was obvious from the “heads in cells” that the demise was starvation so I told them they could use the best 5 frames and I would supply a 6 frame nuc for “a very modest” 😁 price.
I said I would give the insides a quick scorch for them as they didn’t possess a blow torch so we dismantled the hive and headed back to my van to give it a blast.
So, you may ask what do I have to confess?
Well, when we first approached the hive at about 8.30pm I noticed a few bees buzzing around the outside, as we removed the roof there were several more on the frames so I would have put money on the arrival of a swarm within the next few days if I hadn’t insisted they break up the hive and scorch it.
Do I feel guilty? Nah 🤣
No guarantee the swarm would arrive or stay.
Indeed, but I didn’t want to take that chance 😁.
I was surprised by the amount of activity when it was almost dark. I normally find scouting slows down after late afternoon.
I assume it's the warm weather.
Last night I saw the odd bee going out to forage at 21:30.
Yes, I picked up a swarm in one of my bait hives last night at about 9.15. Went back today to rehang the bait hive and there must have been 200 bees hanging from a nearby branch that quickly disappeared inside so there must have been plenty out foraging after dark!