Treatment-free label

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Term is comb honey.

Such term as Raw Honey is not accepted in EU, in combs or not. Believe or not.

Okay, thanks. A quick google suggests there are an awful lot of people in breach, including some fairly big producers.
It's like trying to talk sense to a child...................

I had given you the benefit of the doubt until now, but really you seem to be incapable of (or uninterested in) rational debate. When confronted with something you disagreed with, you first waded in with a heavy hand (a slur! trading standards! etc) and when that didn't work, resorted to name-calling to undermine. The only one whose credibility suffers is your own.
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USDA says, that raw honey (not heated) must be produced like organic honey. And that is more complex system than just to put label onto jar.

EU has regulations, how honey must be labeled on EU markets.
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One potential area for interpretation, which a good lawyer might argue could justify my little label (lights blue touch paper, retreats to a safe distance :smilielol5:):

(b) except in the case of filtered honey and baker's honey, the product names may be supplemented by information referring to:

- floral or vegetable origin, if the product comes wholly or mainly from the indicated source and possesses the organoleptic, physico-chemical and microscopic characteristics of the source,

- regional, territorial or topographical origin, if the product comes entirely from the indicated source,

- specific quality criteria
There are a joke about the Finnish food industry.

A big company started to make meatless meatballs.
Then they thought, how they can sell the product as meatless, when the product has twice the word meat.

They took meat away and the name became Balls.

i had a finnish girl friend for a while she was great with balls
I didn’t know that, thanks. I’ll check it out. Surely comb section honey cannot be described otherwise than raw? With the extracted honey I’m really pertaining to it not being blended, fine-filtered, or otherwise adulterated. Again, I am not saying any beeks worth their salt do this, but there are such honeys out there.

Like it or not, people want to know more nowadays. They are interested in provenance behind a product.... so I want to tell them something... Double price would be nice but it is not so.

This (no sugar) is an experiment for me, and I am not concluded yet whether it will continue. Circumstances may force my hand. My view may change. Certainly interesting to see how it ruffles feathers! However I am satisfied I am not doing anything wrong, unethical or underhand.

just going back to this, raw is normaly used to describe honey thats not heat treated/ be culture raw honey you should find an article or 2.....personlay i have not used the term but many have and are doing so, unless there has been a case of prosecution there must some ambiguity in the law
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I had given you the benefit of the doubt until now, but really you seem to be incapable of (or uninterested in) rational debate. When confronted with something you disagreed with, you first waded in with a heavy hand (a slur! trading standards! etc) and when that didn't work, resorted to name-calling to undermine. The only one whose credibility suffers is your own.

There is an ignore button !

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There are a joke about the Finnish food industry.

A big company started to make meatless meatballs.

Then they thought, how they can sell the product as meatless, when the product has twice the word meat.

They took meat away and the name became Balls.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
just going back to this, raw is normaly used to describe honey thats not heat treated/ be culture raw honey you should find an article or 2.....personlay i have not used the term but many have and are doing so, unless there has been a case of prosecution there must some ambiguity in the law

Flash heating to kill yeasts is normal in USA.
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I had given you the benefit of the doubt until now, but really you seem to be incapable of (or uninterested in) rational debate. .


Do you advertise your honey as Welsh? That's not fair, I can't do that! its just not fair!!

Sorry, got to go. There's Trading Standards at the door. :willy_nilly:

Playground points scoring and silly comments are not what I call reasoned debate, or just name calling when you have no real answer to the points mentioned you have refused to listen to any reasoned point from anyone in this thread.
I'll say it again - your puerile little label implies that other beekeepers, by feeding sugar are doing wrong - another implication is that other beekeepers' honey contains sugar not just honey.
It's a slur on your fellow beekeepers.
I wish you every happiness with your holier than thou honey.
Just hope your 'treatment free' colonies manage to survive the predations of varroa without assistance - or is that a little make believe too? Not treating for one calendar year does not legally entitle you claim treatment free honey.

Just anothetr wannabee snakeoil salesman.

Playground points scoring and silly comments are not what I call reasoned debate, or just name calling when you have no real answer to the points mentioned you have refused to listen to any reasoned point from anyone in this thread.

I'll say it again - your puerile little label implies that other beekeepers, by feeding sugar are doing wrong - another implication is that other beekeepers' honey contains sugar not just honey.

It's a slur on your fellow beekeepers.

I wish you every happiness with your holier than thou honey.

Just hope your 'treatment free' colonies manage to survive the predations of varroa without assistance - or is that a little make believe too? Not treating for one calendar year does not legally entitle you claim treatment free honey.

Just anothetr wannabee snakeoil salesman.

I am NOT the treatment free guy. Perhaps you might actually read the thread?

And of course I’ve listened, to those people who have actually made valuable points. I’ve openly admitted learning something from this, and that I may reconsider my approach. But your contribution to this was zilch!
Winter just gone, no fondant. And it was a long old winter. But I may come a cropper yet...

Your label says " never," since you've fed in the past and likely will in the future, "never" is untrue.
Splitting hairs really. Sentence reads fine like this: Our bees [meaning those which are currently alive and produced this honey] are never fed sugar... but it’s not so snappy for a little label is it?

I’ve already said if I do feed I’ll stop using the labels (obviously).
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Where are you planning to sell your raw/untreated/not fed sugar bees honey?
Markets? Deli? Corner shop? Garden Gate?

As Jenkins rightly points out you saying that YOUR bees are not fed sugar immediately implies that other beekeepers ARE feeding sugar to produce the Chinese.

But given the small amount of honey you have to sell I doubt it will affect others sales.
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