Given the very mild winter ... what about early spring treatment?

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May 28, 2020
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Wantage, Oxfordshire
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What are the reasons for or against doing a late winter or early spring treatment of oxalic acid?
(3 treatment 5 days apart)

I was just thinking its been a reasonably mild winter (albeit soggy) and what are the chances that our queens haven't entirely stopped laying?
Although I guess late Dec early Jan were pretty cold for a few weeks.
There's no harm in vaping at any time if you are concerned about the mite load but, if you treated them properly in the autumn they should not need it. However, if you are not sure (and it's too early to be messing about testing them with a sugar roll) you could do one vape and check the accelerated drop of mites on the board ... more than a few mites then continue with a full treatment ... not many ... don't.
What are the reasons for or against doing a late winter or early spring treatment of oxalic acid?
(3 treatment 5 days apart)

I was just thinking its been a reasonably mild winter (albeit soggy) and what are the chances that our queens haven't entirely stopped laying?
Although I guess late Dec early Jan were pretty cold for a few weeks.
Some will use strips in the early spring or vape colony’s for queen rearing I know I do.
An exelerated mite count from a single vape is what I like to do it’s a lot quicker than a sugar roll.

As to queens laying minimal laying since December but now they will and are laying really well. ( observations wintering mini nucs)
Some will use strips in the early spring or vape colony’s for queen rearing I know I do.
An exelerated mite count from a single vape is what I like to do it’s a lot quicker than a sugar roll.

As to queens laying minimal laying since December but now they will and are laying really well. ( observations wintering mini nucs)
But with a sugar roll you get an immediate result and it only takes a couple of minutes and a cupful of bees - rather than having to recheck the board in 1, 2 or 3 days with an accellerated drop. If you get a result from a sugar roll that says there's a mite load then you can start treatment immediately ... depends how many hives you have and how much you value your time ?
24 hours. No point in doing it later. If you have a high drop you’ll see within a couple of hours.
Precisely ... compared to a sugar roll when you know within minutes. An accelerated drop is fine if you have hives that are close by but if they are out apiaries and travel is required then you are faced with a return journey .. like I said, depends on how much you value your time.

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