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    • SWEET
      SWEET reacted to ericbeaumont's post in the thread Labels with Love Love.
      Very nice work, Mr Sweet.
    • SWEET
      SWEET reacted to Into the lions den's post in the thread Cheaper fondant with Like Like.
      Don't rush to buy unless you need it...word from my contacts in the trade are that it will likely be significantly cheaper still come...
    • SWEET
      SWEET replied to the thread Labels.
      Had it created from my design by a stained glass artist Well spotted, had no issues yet and the box is mainly used for order collections
    • SWEET
      SWEET reacted to Erichalfbee's post in the thread Labels with Love Love.
      Wow. That little shop is gorgeous. Round here somebody would nick the whole lot. 😢
    • SWEET
      SWEET replied to the thread Labels.
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    • SWEET
      SWEET reacted to jenkinsbrynmair's post in the thread When is it getting serious? with Like Like.
      who decided that? As you sell honey on a 'commercial' basis I would contact your local EH soonest to arrange a food/food preparation...
    • SWEET
      SWEET reacted to ericbeaumont's post in the thread When is it getting serious? with Like Like.
      Very good advice, Sweet. The BFA suggest similar, to increase numbers in line with experience. Experience is the main factor that will...
    • SWEET
      SWEET replied to the thread When is it getting serious?.
      My 2p - I'd concentrate on level of skill not hives, I've always thought 5 years min to become semi-decent and that is after 1000's...
    • SWEET
      SWEET reacted to pargyle's post in the thread Honey extraction services with Like Like.
      100 supers a day .. without mechanised uncapping and extraction is an exceptional achievement. I have a 15 frame motorised extractor...
    • SWEET
      SWEET reacted to Wilco's post in the thread Honey extraction services with Like Like.
      Would love to see more info on your setup with not much kit ideas?
    • SWEET
      SWEET replied to the thread Honey extraction services.
      Ha certainly graft but nothing special. I use the best heated knife there is, an uncapping tank plus custom rack that holds 50+ frames...
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    • SWEET
      SWEET replied to the thread Honey extraction services.
      100 standard super boxes (SN4) can be processed in a day with not much kit, the expense is the food grade facility to house the kit and...
    • SWEET
      SWEET replied to the thread Fondant v syrup.
      You have two farmers with many hives in totally different climates both quoting the same stuff. I'm very sure the bees would not waste...
    • SWEET
      SWEET replied to the thread Fondant v syrup.
      Simple test you can try; starve a colony then stick rock solid fondant on the bars late Dec/Jan, watch what happens (or place a frame of...
    • SWEET
      SWEET reacted to jenkinsbrynmair's post in the thread Fondant v syrup with Like Like.
      another myth - the bees will get enough water from what's in the hive already, they've coped with it for millions of years - if it was a...
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