this might sound silly part 2

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keeping a colony in a polytunnel of weed plants and strategically harvesting propolis at the right time on the other hand....

More or less how cannabis resin was 'harvested' (might still be) is that the workfoce would dress in ankle length waterproof ponchos (maybe ex military 'groundsheet' capes and walk up and down the fields brushing against the plants, much the same as nettles the plants would exude the resin which would stich to the capes - at the end of the 'shift' the cape was just taken off and the resin scraped off and processed.

Not too off topic I hope?
Well ... before you all get carried away with the prospect of Wacky Honey (desirable though it may be for some). I would just remind you that cultivation of cannabis within the UK is illegal ... although sentencing for low level, personal use, has been fairly lenient in recent times.

Might want to check out the following if you are considering industrial quantities ...
More or less how cannabis resin was 'harvested' (might still be) is that the workfoce would dress in ankle length waterproof ponchos (maybe ex military 'groundsheet' capes and walk up and down the fields brushing against the plants, much the same as nettles the plants would exude the resin which would stich to the capes - at the end of the 'shift' the cape was just taken off and the resin scraped off and processed.

Not too off topic I hope?

There's a more efficient way to extract it than the method mentioned above. I've seen it done with a bucket of ice and a few filter bags. This was about a decade ago and was a home grower doing it up north and in noway it had anything to do with commercial selling on any level!

I think there's videos on YouTube showing extracting it with ice if you want to see how its done. As for the stuff in its pure form, it would blow the head of cheech and chong and that's saying something. I had a few draws to try it and freaked me out how strong the stuff actually was.
There's a more efficient way to extract it than the method mentioned above. I've seen it done with a bucket of ice and a few filter bags. This was about a decade ago and was a home grower doing it up north and in noway it had anything to do with commercial selling on any level!

I think there's videos on YouTube showing extracting it with ice if you want to see how its done. As for the stuff in its pure form, it would blow the head of cheech and chong and that's saying something. I had a few draws to try it and freaked me out how strong the stuff actually was.

I'm not talking about some jumble brained blow head growing a few dozen plants in his backyard - talking about vast acres of cannabis plantations dotted around in places like Morocco, Colombia and the like, where labour's cheap and life is even cheaper (or is that the UK under the selfservatives?)
In my job anything under three tons of resin is nothing to get exited about.
Well ... before you all get carried away with the prospect of Wacky Honey (desirable though it may be for some). I would just remind you that cultivation of cannabis within the UK is illegal ... although sentencing for low level, personal use, has been fairly lenient in recent times.

Might want to check out the following if you are considering industrial quantities ...

And rightly so! The laws surrounding this plant are so out of touch with reality its even comical to say the least. Like I've said before on here, I don't smoke the stuff but know many people who do and have nothing against anyone who chooses to smoke it. Me personally, it doesn't agree with me, when I tried it I just become a lazy fcuker and didn't want to do anything. To me, I don't like feeling like this! Im a hard worker and likes to keep active, but if someone wants to be stoned all day or even use it for medical purposes, who am I to judge them. Sure I'm just a thick fecker from the north and have no right to judge anyone else who likes a bit of relaxation or to self medicate.

What I dislike about these drug laws around this plant is it creates drug dealers who make massive profits and in turn, creates scumbags with no concern for the law and end up terrorizing towns and cities! If one was aloud to grow their own, it would take huge chunks of profit away from them.
I'm not talking about some jumble brained blow head growing a few dozen plants in his backyard - talking about vast acres of cannabis plantations dotted around in places like Morocco, Colombia and the like, where labour's cheap and life is even cheaper (or is that the UK under the selfservatives?)
In my job anything under three tons of resin is nothing to get exited about.

Yes I understand but its also getting used in large scale production as well now. The method you mention is outdated.
I do agree, Irishguy, prohibition is not the answer. It didn't work with the demon drink and it won't with weed, all it does is use up a lot of money that could be better spent elsewhere. At least one benefit from legalisation would be removing the middle man, those being exploited and those doing the exploiting. I imagine the exploiters have their dirty mits in other enterprises but this would still hurt.
Why is the idea so crazy? Bees forage plants. Cannabis is a plant. Seems like a pretty obvious idea. If you don't get that, well...
I was honestly surprised something like this wasn't publicized years ago, especially considering how big the cannabis edibles market is in the US.
Fair play to the guy for having a go at it.
Male Cannabis flowers are tiny around 3mm and they produce very little pollen and probably no nectar, the female plant is the producer of the main drug and if the female plant gets fertilized it is no good to anybody as it produces thousands of seeds, so personally i think its a no win situation trying to let a bee pollinate a female flower that it will probably get stuck too as the female plants are covered in resin that is like super glue.
I don't smoke or grow it buy the way but a friend did many moons ago for his own use.
I do agree, Irishguy, prohibition is not the answer. It didn't work with the demon drink and it won't with weed, all it does is use up a lot of money that could be better spent elsewhere. At least one benefit from legalisation would be removing the middle man, those being exploited and those doing the exploiting. I imagine the exploiters have their dirty mits in other enterprises but this would still hurt.

It's a really difficult problem to solve ... I fully accept that it is a pancea for some really nasty diseases like MS and I think there should be a legal way for people to obtain good quality product if medically necessary. However, I've seen a lot of young people start with weed as a recreational drug and it's been the start of a slippery slope to serious drug addiction. Indeed, for every person that smokes weed without any serious side effects (apart from the danger of becoming incapable - in so many ways) there are others that suffer serious (and permanent) pscychotic side effects which have caused deblilitating depression and in some even suicide. It's not a nice drug ... it's as addictive as alcohol or tobacco if the person is susceptible to addiction and with equally health damaging potential.

I can well see why there are so few places that have legalised it for recreational purposes ...
It's a really difficult problem to solve ... I fully accept that it is a pancea for some really nasty diseases like MS and I think there should be a legal way for people to obtain good quality product if medically necessary. However, I've seen a lot of young people start with weed as a recreational drug and it's been the start of a slippery slope to serious drug addiction. Indeed, for every person that smokes weed without any serious side effects (apart from the danger of becoming incapable - in so many ways) there are others that suffer serious (and permanent) pscychotic side effects which have caused deblilitating depression and in some even suicide. It's not a nice drug ... it's as addictive as alcohol or tobacco if the person is susceptible to addiction and with equally health damaging potential.

I can well see why there are so few places that have legalised it for recreational purposes ...

Paranoia is also common with weed smokers .
It's not a nice drug ... it's as addictive as alcohol or tobacco if the person is susceptible to addiction and with equally health damaging potential.

Alcohol should be a class A banned substance, as it is far more harmful going by the statistics of harm and deaths caused.
Alcohol should be a class A banned substance, as it is far more harmful going by the statistics of harm and deaths caused.

Yes ... because it's legal to go out and get absolutely plastered, then get into a fight over nothing with a complete stranger who looks at you a little cockeyed and you end up in hospital having your wounds stitched up or you think you can drive safely and you wrap the car round a lamp post - or another car or a pedestrian and end up in hospital dead or alive .. and if you survive years of binge drinking then your liver gets pickled and/or your arteries harden and the NHS spends 10's of thousands of pounds giving you a second chance with a liver transplant it you are important enough ... or you become so incapacitated that you end up unable to work and become yet another burden on the overstretched state budget claiming benefit and claiming it was not your fault that it was the result of a broken home, broken marriage, broken business, broken anything except broken will power ...

It's another slippery slope but are the state going to limit the amount of alcohol we consume ? Probably not ... should they ? Well, in those cases that are brought to court that are the result of alcohol abuse - perhaps they should - one strike you are warned, two strikes you are banned from buying/consuming alchohol for 6 months, three times ... banned for life.

I'm sick of seeing people of all ages p...ssed out of their minds wandering about the centres of our cities every weekend ... and on other nights when the bars want to increase trade with happy hours ...
I used to be quite a fan of booze and drugs and although my appetite isnt there for the drugs anymore and very much lessened for the booze, I wouldnt want to deprive the kids of their fun. All in moderation of course ;)
I used to be quite a fan of booze and drugs and although my appetite isnt there for the drugs anymore and very much lessened for the booze, I wouldnt want to deprive the kids of their fun. All in moderation of course ;)

I'll drink to that (although I seldom do nowadays)
I'm assuming somebody somewhere learned a thing or two about the 1920s American prohibition.

Obviously nothing at all, as they are trying to do the same with cannabis, and it is failing, just the same as prohibition of alcohol did.
The problem with cannabis is the stuff people smoked 20 years ago bears no resemble to the stuff that's available today. I have seen some people cope in all aspects of life with an occasional smoke but equally to many clever people waste far to many years dreaming up big plans that never get beyond dreams. My big problem with the stuff is it encourages people to smoke and that's the big killer and my pet hate.
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It's a really difficult problem to solve ... I fully accept that it is a pancea for some really nasty diseases like MS and I think there should be a legal way for people to obtain good quality product if medically necessary. However, I've seen a lot of young people start with weed as a recreational drug and it's been the start of a slippery slope to serious drug addiction. Indeed, for every person that smokes weed without any serious side effects (apart from the danger of becoming incapable - in so many ways) there are others that suffer serious (and permanent) pscychotic side effects which have caused deblilitating depression and in some even suicide. It's not a nice drug ... it's as addictive as alcohol or tobacco if the person is susceptible to addiction and with equally health damaging potential.

I can well see why there are so few places that have legalised it for recreational purposes ...


It is not often that I find myself in agreement with Pargyle. I used to work with a young lad who used a lot of cannabis. At the time I allowed him to sneak off for his joint as we were working long hours under pressure. It became difficult after a while to ensure that I had an excuse to drive as I was never sure how high he was. I left the job and contacting another guy on the team a couple of month later he told me that my former colleague was in a hospital being treated for severe mental health issues.
Similarly my brother's step son has also had severe mental health issues after starting with a little weed and moving on to other drugs. He is clean now.
I do enjoy the occasional drink but I regret some of the alcohol laden idiotic things I did when young. I know alcohol is a real problem for some people and therefore I cannot be a hypocrite. If the govt. were to licence cannabis then they could tax it. I am afraid that there is no simple answer to these issues, probably no answer at all.