Queen Bee
I wouldn't put the union flag on anything of mine and nor will I wear it.
Your Confederate then,otherwise known as a good ole Johnny reb.
I wouldn't put the union flag on anything of mine and nor will I wear it.
let's not start a political flag thing.....What I am suggesting is a label that is commonly and voluntarily used by the members of this forum to inform and educate the honey buying public about the bees and methods used to make the wonderful product, and provide some evidence of traceability if you like.
A bit like the little red tractor emblem for British meat/milk.
Of COURSE it wouldn't apply to any countries outside the UK !
It probably would need some icon, or header saying something like 'British Bees' or even a local moniker 'Essex Bees' or maybe 'Kernow Bees' (Cornwall)...
And a little info and a link to a website that explains more about bees, and our efforts to protect the gene pool of our bees and why the customer should only buy our honey if they are to be certain of it's provenance.
And to remind them that unlike animals that can be raised in an EU country and slaughtered here and then called British, we do not do this with our honey !!
On the other hand you can stick the union jack where the sun doesnt shine. ( tongue in cheek, possibly, but a phrase which neatly encapsulates why we havent got anywhere as a collective beekeeping nation yet )
Hi mbc, while I applaud your commitment in trying to maintain a good breeding stock, what about the old lady down the road who just keeps bees for allowing them "a Natural way of life" and never checks for disease and only takes off the honey and her way of beekeeping is to Leave well alone? I know of two such women. Until every individual beekeeper does the same as everyone else then we have two hopes Bob Hope and NO hope. Sorry this Ill conceived idea will never work. Much is the pity.
When do we make a start?
No time like the present...get out and buy hundreds or thousands of mating nuc's, and the support equipment and stock and just get on with it......action speaks louder than words.
There will always be these types and although we should be concerned about diseased colonies in such apiaries, by flooding the area with our own selected drones we stand more chance of manipulating their gene pool.