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There are apparently 4250 registered on this site, presumably despite differences, with similar objectives: to further promote and propogate the honey bee.

Now, they're not all in England, but the majority probably are. There are 650 Westminster MPs, meaning we have approximately 6.5 members for each MP.

If only half were based in England, we'd still have an average of three members to each MP.

I guarantee if every MP received three letters on the same subject, especially if asking for an answer from government/a government agency, things would start to happen.

You don't need to be a militant to make this work. But most people on here feel fairly militant about bees. Spending five minutes to send an email REALLY IS time well spent.
As I suggested before, the best way of influencing the BBKA is from the inside. Influence your local BKA to influence the national body.

And don't take no for an answer.
I guarantee if every MP received three letters on the same subject, especially if asking for an answer from government/a government agency, things would start to happen.

I agree....after having a meeting down the pub, they would most likely decide to allow packages from the USA as well.
I do not live in the UK but i'm half English. here, there has been a ban in importing bees from anywhere in the world for Thirty years. i have always guess it's good.

If i could help let me know. i'm one to keep the natural harmony of everything.
if anyone can manage to set up a HFW style website that the public can sign up to then all the better but us beekeepers should all ponder upon suitable text to send to our MPs (and the minister in charge).

the only downside i foresee of this sort of action is that a compulsory hive registration scheme is introduced.

in fact it isn't too arduous - just list apiary sites, number of hives and keep documents for all movements in and out just like other livestock.
I think you will find that most beekeepers prefer not to let the authorities know... because of tax. Ho hum....

This forum is a wonderful resource. I am starting my second year and although I have had personal mentorship I don't think I would have managed without all your help, everybody. My retirement is enhanced beautifully by a hobby I have wanted to pursue for so long. I have three colonies,one bought locally which turned into two and one from my BKA. I hope to overwinter this year with two spare nucs to give back to my BKA as a thanks. It's the least I can do.
Thanks PolyHive for the post.

PS and I will write to my MP
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As a beekeeper as opposed to a beefarmer......................

consider utilising "38 Degrees" write to them and request a campaign to stop bee imports

the 38 degrees campaign to halt the sell of of forest areas in the UK to the private sector, and keeping the forests open for the people worked... if you agree with it or not!
I think you will find that most beekeepers prefer not to let the authorities know... because of tax. Ho hum....


Most beekeepers will not be in the position to declare any profits and in any case, it is a hobby.
In my experience, petitions DO work (witness the "forest" success) - having "big names" on your side also helps - having been firing off polite but searching emails to my own MP on various subjects for some considerable time, I am at the point of giving up as it is completely ineffective - all I get are civil-servant penned weasellese replies that essentially tell me "not to worry your pretty head, we know best....." - and has NEVER evinced a positive response - at one point I received a "stock" reply to the wrong question (I was a touch brusque in response, and suggested it was indicative of his complete unworthiness for power, and the general depravity of his party......)

I reckon that the credibility afforded by 38 degrees or similar organisations would be of benefit to any campaign
In my experience, petitions DO work (witness the "forest" success) - having "big names" on your side also helps - having been firing off polite but searching emails to my own MP on various subjects for some considerable time, I am at the point of giving up as it is completely ineffective - all I get are civil-servant penned weasellese replies that essentially tell me "not to worry your pretty head, we know best....." - and has NEVER evinced a positive response - at one point I received a "stock" reply to the wrong question (I was a touch brusque in response, and suggested it was indicative of his complete unworthiness for power, and the general depravity of his party......)

That may say more about your MP than the approach, Brosville.
i think we need to educate people that are getting in to beekeeping so that they might get a swarm or nuc from england rather than buying italian or Nz bees

i think we need to educate people that are getting in to beekeeping so that they might get a swarm or nuc from england rather than buying italian or Nz bees


I don't think this is the problem- most newbies will buy a nuc from their association or similar, these are commercial purchasers.

They are either commercial buys, or the odd individual who wants to try the "very quiet non swarmy bee" Uh born every minute as they say.

Friar Tucks point :::

As a forum we could all write individual letters Agree, but with a petition you can attract signatures from non beekeepers who still support your cause and would like to protect the British bee. Look at what Hugh fearnley whittingstall has achieved with various Facebook and national press campaigns. Hughs facebook ~ Hugh's Fish Fight has 209,623 people like this.. cant see all of them writing a letter but are happy to sign a petition .. 209,623 people must have more clout than a few letters...

I couldn't agree more. Doe anyone here have a contact within Hugh's organisation ? I think a figurehead like him, with an excellent piece of filming, could be a really good way of raising the issues and drum up much needed support for this, along with some investigative journalism to expose the issues at stake....that numerous Beekeeping authorities in the UK endorse overseas queens and package bee imports !

I am so utterley bloody frustrated and upset oif the truth be told about the whole situation....that NO ONE SEEMS TO BE LISTENING TO OUR VOICES, that our opinions don't seem to BLOODY COUNT, that our MP of all parties seem to be uninterested in food security and the health of OUR BEES, that 40,000 UK BEEKEEPERS can't get together and RISE UP against this.....WE are our own worst enemies, we BUY the nucs, the queens and don't even QUESTION the source, the REAL SOURCE, that surely the seller should BY LAW have to declare......


I also wonder if Mark (Admin) might consider a new header on the forum above everything to raise the issues raised in this thread and the other one I I wonder how many new beeks and others of the 4000+ registered here are actively looking at these threads ???

I really think we need to think of the forum as a means to changing the rules that currently abound ref bee imports.

I hear what you are saying Somerford but the truth is politics drives many new members away from the forum.

They join up and login to learn/talk about general beekeeping topics.

It could be a head in the sand attitude but its the way the majority of society is today.

If it does not seem to be directly affecting someone they are just not interested.

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