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Hi Monsieur,
but I do think resisting imports as per both this post and Somerford's thread makes a lot of sense on grounds of disease control.
Its all very well putting down on paper what sounds very knowledgeable but I do not see how stopping the imports of queens is going to control disease.
Please explain your thoughts Monsieur. Thank you.
One of the things the UK seems to be incredibly bad at is biosecurity. Every import of every piece of fruit, livestock or meat is an opportunity for disease to enter the country. To allow imports of these, particularly of livestock, from anywhere in the world, including the EU, negates the advantage of being an island.
Hi Mo

Certainly not claiming any great knowledge - simply that we know that given no barriers, diseases can spread easily and that we have a nice body of water which surrounding us which can act as such a barrier.

I don't think for example, anyone knows how varroa arrived here, but it *may* have come from an imported bee, queen or otherwise. Seems an unecessary risk to take.
Hi Mo

that we have a nice body of water which surrounding us which can act as such a barrier.

Luckyly you have world 3. biggest airport Heathrow. Otherwise you would starve behind your water barrier. But even Vikings learned to come there.

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Hi Monsieur,

Its all very well putting down on paper what sounds very knowledgeable but I do not see how stopping the imports of queens is going to control disease.
Please explain your thoughts Monsieur. Thank you.

It's quite simple and requires no further explanation other than:

Anything living can harbour other living organisms. Moved to an alien environment these organisms may thrive where previously they lived in a natural balance with everything else. If they thrive they may have no natural predators here and therefore unbalance the UK eco system. Think Japanese knotweed, avian flu etc.
A strange debate. You have brought all plants outboard which survive in Uk or in its small greenhouses. You have almost all bee diseases too.
Brittannia lives from export and import. You surely can close your gates. - and why - that small hive beetle can not land on your isle.
I wouldn't put the union flag on anything of mine and nor will I wear it.

Can you explain why?

I live in England and i'm proud. England is part of Britain and the UK,

If we are going to have logo that suports british breed bees, to stop imports etc, you have to have some reference to the UK or Britain i.e a flag or the red white and blue of the union jack ~ OUR FLAG, Or what point is there.

Let s not forget the logo hast to be simple and easily recognisable as a british bread bee. this logo will be designed for a consumer..
I still dont quite know what your getting at ? I have lost my brain because i asked a question about the union jack flag? I show to much passion?

just say what you mean ! dont beat about the bush i wont be offended :cheers2:
European Union flag on beehive roof?

I thought Psafloyd was talking about the Union Flag, As in the Union Jack Not The EU Flag.

If he was on about the EU Flag i agree with him..

If he was on about the Union Jack Flag I disagree ;)
Sometimes Finman can be a bit cryptic at times its not personal

It’s a bit like “when seagulls follow the trawler……”
Monsieur A
I do take your point about being surrounded by water and being an island. But however we may try to stop the unwanted pests SHB & Troilaelaps coming into this country it will find a way either by a n unscrupulous beekeeper or by flora imports. Its just a matter of time in my opinion, but we can be hopeful that it does not make an appearance.
Also in this thread it mentions our Scandinavian neighbor's came and finally left oh no Finnman is still with us tellinf us how to keep bees. How nice of the chap.
