I can imagine that the sale was probably with vacant possession - bee keeper disenfranchised by previous owner, albeit unwittingly.
The time to bring it to the attention of the forum might actually have been when notice was served, but it's surely a business matter. Contrary to popular opinion businesses are not normally run by general public opinion. I suppose that the OP has a Co-op share number and so some small claim to representation?
How many have been in the military and at the end of your service been served notice of eviction from a married quarter? It seems harsh and impersonal, but the truth is that it is merely impersonal, as it has to be if the greater business interest has to be properly served. Some might call lit due dilligence.
Being a fruit farm, then I can only conclude that a sufficiency of bees are important to the operation. Not being stupid, I can only assume that the Co-op had/has a plan to ensure the continued success of their top fruit operation, but I don't suppose that there was any discussion in this regard? From my own limited experience top fruit farmers are aware of the difference in cropping when there are bees available and when there are not and most don't actually look to cut off their own noses.
Given that the OP is now bored with the subject, which is largely historical given his timely report, I have to wonder what we haven't heard that might put a slightly different complexion on matters.
If I told a new owner/manager that I had a right to be there, I might not expect to receive quite as warm a reception as I might expect. In fact I might have expected, if my relationship was good with the previous owner that I might have been introduced to the representative of the new owners and discussion opened.
Can you really believe that knowing that there was to be a new owner, that the OP did exactly nothing to represent a case for his staying, that being the pollination of the top fruit. Maybe he wasn't willing to put in a sufficiency of colonies to secure a tenancy, but the list goes on.
Why should anyone take more interest than the OP who has stated that he is now bored
with discussing the issue. Could that be part of the original problem.