Swarm Collectors Map

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Originally Posted by merylvingien Either you link to all members sites said:
He has a point....
Strangely I'm not sure this is right. Many members sites are commercial, or just interesting, but perhaps not "part" of a forum. The reason I want to link to a particular site is because it is not possible to demonstrate the map itself without linking to it because it performs a function that cannot be performed in the forum.
There is no way that forum members can see the map without knowing where it is. The wider issue as to whether every link should be allowed is a different discussion.
As a newbee myself, I don't sometimes think that I have the right to voice my opinion as much as those that have been here a long time, however this time I will.

This is Admin's site. We all use the site because it is the best site for info , questions, learning and networking. (I bought my 1st hive from someone on here - not from ebay or elsewhere) Admin can choose what is allowed and what isn't. Admin will follow his own guidelines and alter his approach dependant on the information he has at the time. Admin reserves the right to change his mind with or without notice.

Why are some of us now questioning how Admin runs the site when he has bought it to where it is now? I for one would like to raise a glass to Admin for the hard work, and effort that he has placed in to make this site what it is today, especially as I don't believe I could have done a better job.

Well done Admin and all those that have contributed to the forum to make it so popular. Can any in-fighting now stop?

Just my opinion, I do not wish to offend anyone with it, but have voiced it and now want to fade back into the background. Thanks for reading. Happy beekeeping to everyone.

I don’t think a link is going to hurt in this situation or even a link to both of the swarm maps or what ever they are. They do seem to be non commercial and perhaps only a help to the beekeeper?

I remember somewhere on this website a map with most of the beekeeping suppliers positioned on it and that pops up from time to time.

I say link them and as long as they don’t get splashed all over the forum like a graffiti tag then it should be ok.

ps and people like me will be able to see what all the fuss is about as I have no idea, it sounds like a secret society like the masons.
well, I don't think there is a need for a link to other sites, after all, this site is for beekeepers, (which most of us on here are ) not for the General Public.
how would putting a swarm collectors list on here help the public?

perhaps if Steve was to try and send his list to ALL of the councils in the UK, that might help.

( just My 2p worth)
People post links on this website on a good many times, its often a member that finds an interesting site on the internet and wants to share it with the forum as it may be of interest.

Steves problem was that it was his first post and his website, and that came across as spam.

I bet that if the site was linked by an existing member who had stumbled on the site and wanted to pass it on to the forum then it will perhaps still be on the forum now and this thread would have stopped.
well, I don't think there is a need for a link to other sites, after all, this site is for beekeepers, (which most of us on here are ) not for the General Public.
how would putting a swarm collectors list on here help the public?

perhaps if Steve was to try and send his list to ALL of the councils in the UK, that might help.

( just My 2p worth)
Hi Tony,
I absolutely agree with you, this map would be great for local Council pest control officers and the police and its a service for the public ultimately. The reason I want beekeepers to see it is that if they are on it they may want to be removed, or change their details, and if they are not on it they may want to be put on it. About six people from this forum have found it so far and asked to be added.
Perhaps Steve and Admin/Mark should have a chat 'offline' and then they might perhaps reach an accord?
Just read through the whole thread and it is very inconsistent. I have to agree with the point Paul (Merylvingien) made in this instance:

If I had spent a lot of hours putting a helpful capability together and was prevented from sharing this with others via the forum only to have someone else put together a similar function and kick up a fuss (however politely) and get their's linked ...I would think it was inconsistent, potentially counter productive, and unfair. Just because I may have a more thoughtful and accepting approach to the desire if admin I shouldn't be penalised.

In this specific instance it is very easy for members of the public, and forum members to Google these sources of information if they so desire. I think that, in this specific instance, that seems the fairest approach which would be consistent and maintain integrity in the original decision.

Both sources (and there may be others out there too) are helpful and I would let Google do the sorting rather than endorse by linking one over another on the forum. Why create that situation when I don't need to?

All the best,
Slight exaggeration...type town or postcode, hit "return"!

And finding a pin to zap on the map especially where they are crowded together is not the easiest thing.

Ahhh, but the BBKA page only gives me three options for my postcode (none of which are the MBKA swarm co-ordinator by the way). What if none of them answer? Steve's map gives a lot more options.

And finding a pin is easy - all you need to do is use the zoom function, then they are not so crowded.
I thought there was an accord.

According to admin the link is not on - at least at the present time.

If anyone wants to, by now they will be hunting for the URL for more of their personal details to be posted on the net.

Yeah, right. I am all for posting details so the scum of this earth can manipulate your private life. Report a swarm and while you are gone make a visit. THEY can find your name, addy, or whatever and need no encouragement. It happens now on the world-wide chat (twits and face pages) that the crims can predict when the poor unsuspecting souls are on holiday etc.

I admit it doesn't happen often and most will say 'never happened to me', but it does.

That said, the rest would not be interested. I would not, as I can get by perfectly well with splits for increase and the odd swarm (good for the gene pool, maybe). Why would I want a link on the forum? Can't think of one. I won't be using it.

My name, by now, is likely well down the police list, but I would turn out if required. They know my number and that is enough.

If your name is on 'this list, map or whatever' you should know about it already - data protection, and all the implications that may hold.
Let's give admin a break here - it's a very difficult task to assess the content of every website that's linked and to try to work out the motives of the one who is linking. He has to make a judgement call, he's not infallible.
If your name is on 'this list, map or whatever' you should know about it already - data protection, and all the implications that may hold.

I think Steve said that all the data he used for the map was gathered from sources already in the public domain.
The issue will be making sure that details can easily be ammended, deleted, kept up to date etc.
Thank you for all the messages of support(or not) ,yes I do sometimes get it wrong and sometimes bigtime,you must remember its you the members who make the forum,I can press a few buttons my end but would look a little silly talking to myself without you the members!!!.

I am more than happy to change any of the rules if the majority are wanting any changes.

I was going run a poll and allow members to decide if we should link but that would not be fair on others who have had links removed in the past.

Like has been said above,if another member had posted a link to the forum this never would of happened.

I think I have to stick to the rules here and say no personal links,others have built sites before only for me to remove links as soon as they happen.

I am sure if the site is a good one then members will soon start adding the link on the forum.

One point....

is there any difference in people being directed toward the site in question and telling people to look at the BBKA web site for a list?

Seems that a lot of people do use google to find out about a bee problem.. hence many recent "what is this bee?" and "I have some bees in my shed/toilet/roof"... etc. They have been finding this forum......not BBKA

If you google "bee swarm" the most common answers are a description of what a swarm is..... not who to call.........
Thank you for all the messages of support(or not) ,yes I do sometimes get it wrong and sometimes bigtime,you must remember its you the members who make the forum,I can press a few buttons my end but would look a little silly talking to myself without you the members!!!.

I am more than happy to change any of the rules if the majority are wanting any changes.

I was going run a poll and allow members to decide if we should link but that would not be fair on others who have had links removed in the past.

Like has been said above,if another member had posted a link to the forum this never would of happened.

I think I have to stick to the rules here and say no personal links,others have built sites before only for me to remove links as soon as they happen.

I am sure if the site is a good one then members will soon start adding the link on the forum.


I'll go take a look and see if it's any good, what's the url....... lol
One point....

is there any difference in people being directed toward the site in question and telling people to look at the BBKA web site for a list?

Yes. One is a list and one is a map.
Many people prefer this kind of map function these days.
A few comments.

Given that this new site clearly not aimed at beekeepers, what would be the actual value of a link here?

Is the purpose of the site flawed? Is the site a labour of love, or?

Police or council are still the first to be called by many folks. How will the new site aim to replace this?

I repeat that in my (ok, limited) experience most council environmental health sections & police already have lists of swarm collectors at hand, usually tried and tested ones, and don't need to consult an oracle before responding to enquiries.

Type bees and an area into BT business phonebook online and see what you get. Look in any yellow or local pages, and you will normally find swarm collection under both bees and pest control. There are usually plenty of AA1's and not many zzz's. Plenty of choice for joe public.

Recent threads here have shown that some collect swarms free, some charge, some also offer wasp destruction and pest control services. Some amateur, some in business. Will this lead to competition to be included 1st in a particular area of the map? How will that be managed?

Will the site be updated/collectors be listed to reflect customer satisfaction or otherwise?
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