Swarm Collectors Map

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I have had discussions with them, but they do not want to talk to me at the moment.....

That's about right.

About as useful as a t*t in a trance and unable to organise 'big eats' for Woody Woodpecker and his friends in Sherwood Forest.
BBKA ... I have had discussions with them, but they do not want to talk to me at the moment.
... probably because they already have one!

R2 (smelling the coffee)
The BBKA website already does this for members - I wouldn't waste your time reinventing the wheel...

not a wast of time at all, on the map he has pointers showing where in the country and which country the swarm co ordinator is located making it easy. my name was on the bbka list of swarm coordinators with Gwynedd, North Wales writen as my location, i had a phone call from someone in cornwall! geography not some peoples best subject at school i think!
I agree that Councils and Police are normally the first call.
Surely most local Councils and police already have lists of tried and tested swarm collectors?
Both the police and the 3 councils around this area have dynamic lists where names are demoted by lack of response/poor public feedback, or if a beek informs them that they have reached capacity in a particular year. Also I remember being informally grilled about experience and availability for call-outs before my name was added to the Council lists.

Councils here also offer pest control services of their own, (at a price!)

So it ain't broke around here, and doesn't seem to need a website to fix it.

What about your area?
I just tried the BBKA web site and it doesnt connect me....
You can add me to the list, my GPS is 000.00 Lat 000.00 Long. By the way, I had a cr@p honey production last year!!!!!

Wouldn't that be on the equator, directly south of Grenwich, or am I mistaken?
I'm really sorry that I am not allowed under the new forum rules to tell you where the map is so that you can see it and make a judgement. I expect you will be able to find it by Googling. I hope when I have been on the list for longer the special rules about new people not using free domains for websites will be relaxed for me and I will be able to post links like other members can.
but they do not want to talk to me at the moment

Maybe that was a polite way to say go to the Post Office (PO)?

Looks like the same message here. :hurray::laughing-smiley-004:seeya:

Got the hint yet?

Don't mess with Admin - he is very patient but the end of the thread may be nigh....
I'm really sorry that I am not allowed under the new forum rules to tell you where the map is so that you can see it and make a judgement. I expect you will be able to find it by Googling. I hope when I have been on the list for longer the special rules about new people not using free domains for websites will be relaxed for me and I will be able to post links like other members can.

If you stick around Steve and contribute to the forum and in time people will get to know all about your site and will if it works and of help will get recommended by people.
To be fair the BBKA has just launched a new swarm system and is working on getting it up to speed, and that's probably not the best time to consider a change, even if that change might represent an improvement. However I don't think that is a reason to not discuss a matter of interest to many beekeepers.
If you stick around Steve and contribute to the forum and in time people will get to know all about your site and will if it works and of help will get recommended by people.

:iagree: Give it a couple of weeks of being around and I will mellow and allow your links.

BBKA works fine for me. Three swarms so far this week.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm all for an independent database - the BBKA tries to dominate UK beekeeping, despite being a minority organisation, having control over swarms is yet another way in which they can try to force people into membership*......
All the time they continue their close association with the pesticide companies (which despite all the recent trumpeting to the contrary they still do), a great many people are "voting with their feet" and staying "outside" until policies (and the people responsible) are swept away, and it can return to being an association for ALL beekeepers..........

*I have it on good authority that a local association is putting a great deal of (much resented) pressure on local swarm collectors to only "rehome" bees for cash payments through them, and only to BBKA members..........
swarm map

I have accessed Steve's map today. This seems like a most eminently sensible idea. I noticed my area has a dearth of swarm collectors. This is not entirely true as Mid Bucks BKA has a swarm officer and he has contacted me 3 times this year. Sadly I was only able to attend once. I also get contacted by members of the public through word of mouth and my address etc. on my honey jars. The neighbouring region of Oxfordshire always seems short of willing personnel.
I know the BBKA is not necessarily everyone’s favourite organisation on this site but many members of the forum are connected to BBKA for insurance reasons.
If all forum members who collect swarms. and are insured, support Steve's map I think that there is a very good chance that the different ideas and thinking may be picked up and used by the BBKA.
Let us make it a success for the good of beekeeping and the general public.