Swarm Collectors Map

Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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Yes. One is a list and one is a map.

You still have to enter a post code, but my meaning was why is it OK to put a link to the BBKA site but not to the new one?

I note on the BBKA site that it says something along the lines of collectors might not be very good or responsible or trained or something similar to cover their own ****
Given that this new site clearly not aimed at beekeepers, what would be the actual value of a link here?

Where do you suggest? Model Train.com
Where do you suggest? Model Train.com

Maybe so. Surely the site is likely to be more useful to their readers, which are in the intended target group. ;)
Thank you for all the messages of support(or not) ,yes I do sometimes get it wrong and sometimes bigtime,you must remember its you the members who make the forum,I can press a few buttons my end but would look a little silly talking to myself without you the members!!!.

I am more than happy to change any of the rules if the majority are wanting any changes.

I was going run a poll and allow members to decide if we should link but that would not be fair on others who have had links removed in the past.

Like has been said above,if another member had posted a link to the forum this never would of happened.

I think I have to stick to the rules here and say no personal links,others have built sites before only for me to remove links as soon as they happen.

I am sure if the site is a good one then members will soon start adding the link on the forum.


I don’t think you have called this wrong Mark quite the opposite it did look like spam at first.

If the sites are linked by a member then we can decide but for me and I think important is that Steve will then have to take a back seat and not refer to it or talk about his product as happens with others on the forum who respect the forum and its rules.

Steve is a beekeeper and with 15 colonies reasonably experienced but forums may not be his bag and I for one would like to see him stick around and contribute so as not to look as though it was an advertising campaign and as a result the right call of spam.

The site will live or die under its own merits in time.
I note on the BBKA site that it says something along the lines of collectors might not be very good or responsible or trained or something similar to cover their own ****

But are prepared to insure them third party for a very low rate. That's why they removed the non-members from the collectors' list. Unduly pessimistic I'd say.
Given that this new site clearly not aimed at beekeepers, what would be the actual value of a link here?

Well it certainly could be. Two reasons that occur - 1) you may be a beekeeper who hears of a swarm you are unable or unwilling to go to - and if you dont know the postcode then a map would be a lot easier than the BBKA site 2) You may wish to add yourself or modify your details if already on it

For what its worth, I would have no objection to there being an area where active members could post thier offerings, commercial or otherwise. I dont see it as being any different from selling nucs - but totally respect Mark's decision on this.
Conclusion of well-conducted market research :rolleyes:?

No, just a general observation of what's going on in the world.
Not many people buying A-Zs anymore. Lots of people buying sat-navs though.

Dishmop - Apologies, I misunderstood your post.
A few comments.

Given that this new site clearly not aimed at beekeepers, what would be the actual value of a link here?

I'll give you a very good example. Up until yesterday, if my postcode was typed into Steve's map, the proprietor of Fragile Plant Ltd popped up as the nearest swarm collector.
Now, I do.
Maybe so. Surely the site is likely to be more useful to their readers, which are in the intended target group. ;)
Now that the subject has been discussed here, anybody googling "bee swarm" will be given a link to this forum............. but there is no link to a swarm collectors list........

Perhaps admin might consider a seperate section for Swarm Collectors....

at a small charge.........
I think I have to stick to the rules here and say no personal links,others have built sites before only for me to remove links as soon as they happen.

I am sure if the site is a good one then members will soon start adding the link on the forum.


Hi Mark,

Sorry but can I clarify what you are saying here please? Is it that it's not OK for members to post their own links, but that it would be quite acceptable for another member to post the link instead?

I'll give you a very good example. Up until yesterday, if my postcode was typed into Steve's map, the proprietor of Fragile Plant Ltd popped up as the nearest swarm collector.
Now, I do.

Perhaps admin might consider a seperate section for Swarm Collectors....

at a small charge.........

Healthy competition already, I see... :)
I missed the link before it was taken down - been googling so that I can decide if it's worth directing people to - is it the one that starts batchgeo.com ??
I missed the link before it was taken down - been googling so that I can decide if it's worth directing people to - is it the one that starts batchgeo.com ??
Hi Bruce,

I think if I told you what the link was, or even said that what you said was right, or not, I would be breaking the rule that says that people mustn't break the rules by getting round them. Even though under the rules posting links is allowed, so I will PM you.
My only motivation is that I don't want him turning up to collect my bees if they swarm.

At the risk of going off on a tangent;

Having read recent threads, I completely understand and agree with the reasons why, but would those reasons matter to Joe and Jane Public just wanting to get rid of a swarm?
Also, what if you don't make it to the phone fast enough - is he still no. 2 on the list? Where is he on the council lists etc? Will those lists disappear or be altered to follow the order of the list on new site?
At the risk of going off on a tangent;

Having read recent threads, I completely understand and agree with the reasons why, but would those reasons matter to Joe and Jane Public just wanting to get rid of a swarm?
Also, what if you don't make it to the phone fast enough - is he still no. 2 on the list? Where is he on the council lists etc? Will those lists disappear or be altered to follow the order of the list on new site?

IMO opinion it's just another tool available to the general public. We all assume that people will phone the council first - well, after spending about 15 mins trying to get through Powys County Council's automated answering system I reckon I would give up.
Pretty much everyone I know would get on much better with this kind of map-based application.
It also gives you more options that the BBKA list. I get three options on the BBKA list but unlimited options on Steve's.
As I said before, the main issue will be ensuring that the info is correct and current.
Last year I had 59 swarm calls (so I took myself off the list this year). Almost all came direct via the internet. Only five came via the local council (and it appears that I was the only person on their list). It tended to be older people (post 60) or people in council houses who used the council. I suspect most people these days use the web for information gathering and that includes what to do when they have a bee swarm. So an attractive and easily used on-line swarm collector list is a big positive and I suspect will quickly become the first port of call for people with swarms. The council route, around here at least, will bear little fruit.
Hi Mark,

Sorry but can I clarify what you are saying here please? Is it that it's not OK for members to post their own links, but that it would be quite acceptable for another member to post the link instead?


Yes thats right.
So for instance If I said that a new member had setup a swarm map then that would be ok to link to,as long as it was not a member asking other members to post the links.
